I can't believe we are so close to having our second baby and finding out whether we will have another daughter or a son!
Today I thought it would be fun to take a look at what the old wives' tales say just for a little speculation. I know they should just be pooh-poohed, but maybe just maybe there's something to be said about them?

The Ring Test
Two people have done this test to me (my ring suspended over my wrist) and both times, it said I would have a girl first and then a boy.
Chinese Gender Chart
Let's see what the Chinese gender chart says about this one...
Mayan Calendar
And the Mayans are in agreement...
How Am I Carrying?
People have told me this pregnancy that since I'm carrying all of the weight in front, that they are predicting blue. But then again, I carried the same way with Camille!
My baby's heartbeat has typically been over 140 throughout the pregnancy, which should indicate more bows and princess heels.
Beauty Clues
Little girls steal your beauty, apparently, and make you break out. Boys can give you dry hands. I've had clear skin this pregnancy and extremely dry hands (which happened to coincide with snowy days).
Sweet or salty? I've been craving more sweets than salty foods (not so compatible with my gestational diabetes) so that seems to flag us for pink. Then again, I've always been a sweets lover.
Sympathy Weight
Apparently, if the husband packs on a few pounds during the pregnancy, it's a girl (and this was somewhat true with Camille). My hunky husband has actually been super health-conscious this time around which is probably just coincidental, but all signs point to blue.
Morning Sickness
So, morning sickness signals a girl, huh? Well, I didn't have it at all with Camille, and I got lucky this time around, too.
Your Votes
I added a "pink or blue" vote in my blog sidebar, and so far, you guys are split 55% blue and 44% pink. So you are definitely feeling a brother for Miss Camille!
Two people have done this test to me (my ring suspended over my wrist) and both times, it said I would have a girl first and then a boy.
Chinese Gender Chart
Let's see what the Chinese gender chart says about this one...
Mayan Calendar
And the Mayans are in agreement...
How Am I Carrying?
People have told me this pregnancy that since I'm carrying all of the weight in front, that they are predicting blue. But then again, I carried the same way with Camille!
My baby's heartbeat has typically been over 140 throughout the pregnancy, which should indicate more bows and princess heels.
Beauty Clues
Little girls steal your beauty, apparently, and make you break out. Boys can give you dry hands. I've had clear skin this pregnancy and extremely dry hands (which happened to coincide with snowy days).
Sweet or salty? I've been craving more sweets than salty foods (not so compatible with my gestational diabetes) so that seems to flag us for pink. Then again, I've always been a sweets lover.
Sympathy Weight
Apparently, if the husband packs on a few pounds during the pregnancy, it's a girl (and this was somewhat true with Camille). My hunky husband has actually been super health-conscious this time around which is probably just coincidental, but all signs point to blue.
Morning Sickness
So, morning sickness signals a girl, huh? Well, I didn't have it at all with Camille, and I got lucky this time around, too.
Your Votes
I added a "pink or blue" vote in my blog sidebar, and so far, you guys are split 55% blue and 44% pink. So you are definitely feeling a brother for Miss Camille!
If you have been pregnant, do these old wives tales work with your child/childrens' genders?
Almost ALL the old wives tales said I'd have a girl, but we got a beautiful baby boy! Wishing you a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteWith my little girl I had so many to be true- super sick, crazy dry skin and hair (I'm normally the oilest girl around lol), broke out a lot in the beginning, husband gained weight, super high heart beat for her, and my leg hair grew so much slower. That last one is a random one, but I read online it to be true for lots of girl moms!
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ReplyDeleteWell you know how ours was. EVERYONE thought blue and then lil Molly Anne was here! The beauty is you really won't know until that special day! So fun!!!
ReplyDeleteHmm...my guess is pink, if only because it seems your "symptoms" and mine are very similar and I'm expecting our second baby girl!
ReplyDeleteahhh! i still think it's a boy! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteEeek!!! I am thinking boy for you. I am 20 weeks pregnant and we are doing our gender reveal this weekend. The old wives tales indicate BOY for us, but we will find out Saturday. So exciting
ReplyDeleteI always go with the Chinese calendar and the cravings (worked for me!) - so I'm guessing GIRL!
ReplyDeleteEveryone I know (including us) who is having their second within 3 years and has found out is having same gender as their first right now. That's 5 out of 5 for people I know who are pregnant - its wild!
ReplyDeleteAll signs pointed to me having a boy, but I have a beautiful little girly girl today! I also had no sickness, craved sweets and had gorgeous hair (not anymore:()
ReplyDeleteI'll guess you're having another girl...but whichever one it is I know he/she will be LOVED!
All signs pointed to me having a boy, but I have a beautiful little girly girl today! I also had no sickness, craved sweets and had gorgeous hair (not anymore:()
ReplyDeleteI'll guess you're having another girl...but whichever one it is I know he/she will be LOVED!
I am leaning towards a boy and have voted blue! Cannot wait to see if I am right.
ReplyDeleteWe're having a boy the beginning of July and the old wives tales have been pretty split for us. The only ones that have been really spot on are me carrying him low and out front, morning sickness, and my husband's lack of sympathy weight.
ReplyDeleteSo fun to be surprised!! It's one of the only surprises left in life :) Hope you feel well these last few weeks! Happy hump day
The Chinese Gender Chart was on point for both of my babies and also for several of my friends! Seems like there really might be something to it!
ReplyDeleteLindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World
I loved doing these when I was pregnant! They were pretty spot on for Miller but for Matthew they all pointed to girl and he was a boy. I had a feeling early on both times that it was a boy and had dreams about it so I always think it's mother's intuition.
ReplyDeleteMy mom swore up and down about the Chinese birth chart - which for me indicated boy. When it turned out that I was having a little girl we were all elated. My parents have 5 grandsons, my grandfather has 7 great grandsons. Little P is the only girl...for now!
ReplyDeleteI feel like deep down mama knows! Also most were true for me except my sons heartbeat was always around 156-160
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I used to be a great predictor of genders...lately though, I've been a little off my game but I think that the last two I guessed I wanted them to be the opposite gender & that got the best of me. Ha!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to see how your predictions turn out! :)
Ahhh...can't wait to see what you have! I don't know how you're being so patient and waiting for the surprise!
ReplyDeleteI was expecting baby gender calculator to be fake. But after using this I was really amazed to see the results and it was a positive result.