I'm happy to be linking up again with Jess from The Newly! Here we goooooo.....
1 // Gestational diabetes. It's going well. But I do have a confession. Sometimes I eat more sweets than I know I should. Nighttime is a prime example. I'll eat dinner, wait an hour, and then test my blood sugar. My next time to test is not until the next morning. But sometimes if my last reading was totally normal, I will eat something really sugary after testing -- like a bowl of ice cream. I hate not following the meal plan to a tee, but it's also been really difficult to not give in to my pregnancy cravings. SEE ALSO: EASTER JELLYBEANS
2 // I absolutely detest getting medical bills in the mail. Of course it's painful to pay them, but so many times they are just plain wrong. Yesterday I spent two hours on the phone back and forth between the medical provider and last year's insurance carrier trying to get some outstanding bills clarified. When I see bills come in the mail, I just want to curl up in a ball. (For example, I'm currently being billed $217 by one doctor's office for a preventive check-up for Camille. My insurance company verified today that I should be billed $0 for that visit. Huge discrepancy. What is happening, people?!)
3 // I'm the queen of starting projects and then ditching them if something gets hard. The bow holder I blogged about Monday is currently in that state. I can't get the vinyl monogram to stick on my painted canvas. And I'm just feeling so over it.
4 // Last one and a biggie. Well, to me at least. I found out last week that the baby is currently breech (head up, bottom down). I've been pretty sad about that because I am a type-A planner and that's just not the way I wanted it to go. There is still time for the baby to turn, and I'm doing everything that I can to help that -- exercises, inversions, chiropractor visits. But it weighs heavily on my mind the majority of the day and I won't find out until next Wednesday if anything has changed. If not, then I may need to go to the hospital to have the midwives try to turn the baby, and that carries its own risks... including an emergency c-section right then and there. That really concerns me, and I'm scared.
Okay, these are sort of wahhhhh-wahhhhhhh Debbie Downer -- but they're my confessions of what's going on right now! Hit me up with your confessions or at least some encouragement that I'm not alone in mine. :)
1 // Gestational diabetes. It's going well. But I do have a confession. Sometimes I eat more sweets than I know I should. Nighttime is a prime example. I'll eat dinner, wait an hour, and then test my blood sugar. My next time to test is not until the next morning. But sometimes if my last reading was totally normal, I will eat something really sugary after testing -- like a bowl of ice cream. I hate not following the meal plan to a tee, but it's also been really difficult to not give in to my pregnancy cravings. SEE ALSO: EASTER JELLYBEANS
2 // I absolutely detest getting medical bills in the mail. Of course it's painful to pay them, but so many times they are just plain wrong. Yesterday I spent two hours on the phone back and forth between the medical provider and last year's insurance carrier trying to get some outstanding bills clarified. When I see bills come in the mail, I just want to curl up in a ball. (For example, I'm currently being billed $217 by one doctor's office for a preventive check-up for Camille. My insurance company verified today that I should be billed $0 for that visit. Huge discrepancy. What is happening, people?!)
3 // I'm the queen of starting projects and then ditching them if something gets hard. The bow holder I blogged about Monday is currently in that state. I can't get the vinyl monogram to stick on my painted canvas. And I'm just feeling so over it.
4 // Last one and a biggie. Well, to me at least. I found out last week that the baby is currently breech (head up, bottom down). I've been pretty sad about that because I am a type-A planner and that's just not the way I wanted it to go. There is still time for the baby to turn, and I'm doing everything that I can to help that -- exercises, inversions, chiropractor visits. But it weighs heavily on my mind the majority of the day and I won't find out until next Wednesday if anything has changed. If not, then I may need to go to the hospital to have the midwives try to turn the baby, and that carries its own risks... including an emergency c-section right then and there. That really concerns me, and I'm scared.
Okay, these are sort of wahhhhh-wahhhhhhh Debbie Downer -- but they're my confessions of what's going on right now! Hit me up with your confessions or at least some encouragement that I'm not alone in mine. :)
I feel like I keep commenting about the similarities of our pregnancies (gest diabetes, symptoms, etc) - but here's another: my daughter was breech also. So I hear you about all of the what ifs, the questions, the concerns. I absolutely know the decision is different for everyone and in the end I opted out of the hospital inversion and ended up with a planned C section. If you ever have any questions or just need to chat about it, let me know. :) I'm hoping this new little girl stays head down but ya never know. Oh - and give me all of the jellybeans! Happy Thursday!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that your baby is breech, and I hope that things work out this Wednesday. Also, so crazy about the medical bills! What in the world are the insurance companies doing?
ReplyDeleteMy second was breech up until the point I went into labor (at 37 weeks). They had to check him by Us in the hospital and lo and behold he had turned!! Don't lose faith. You've got time and I bet babe will turn!
ReplyDeleteThinking about you, sweet friend! Vivian was breech and ended up flipping on her own, so I will be hoping the same thing for you. My midwives suggested using peppermint essential oil on my tummy, because for some reason, that makes babies flip, so that may be an additional thing to look into if you haven't already! And girl - medical bills. Yuck. Most of the time, I really just want to ignore them or throw them in the trash. I've had to call and deal with mistakes often as well, and it's so frustrating and such a time sucker. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteDon't get discouraged. My second was flipping until like 37-38 weeks. Lots of more room the second time around I think. Haha. I did the "exercise" where you put your knees on the sofa and elbows on the floor and stay like that for like 30 seconds. It's kinda tricky so you may need help from the hubby. But my girl flipped and stayed that way for her birth. So don't get worried. Everything, no matter what, will be just fine when you are holding that baby in your arms looking at its beautiful face. Just focus on that. PS...I so think it's another girl. :)
ReplyDeletePrayers for you
ReplyDeleteSo so sorry about breech baby. Will be praying that he/she flips on their own. Totally feel you on the medical bills... nothing like a $20,000 bill for IVF to make you want to eat Ramen for the rest of your life!!!! Bills NEVER END it's awful!
ReplyDeleteMedical bills are the WORST! We have 100% prenatal coverage, yet with my last pregnancy we received a bill every. single. visit. resulting in a solid hour of my time spent arguing on the phone. Can you imagine how many people just pay the bills and the amount of money insurance companies are making by overcharging people who don't pay attention to those details!?
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry the little one is all topsy turvy! Leighton was breech and we tried everything but a version (it wasn't a safe option due to the diagnosed VCI...and then undiagnosed VP). I have a heart shaped uterus so she just got totally stuck! The good news is if your ute isn't wonky, your baby still has a great chance of turning -- you've got plenty of time! Have you looked into acupuncture and moxibustion? I'm sure you've already found Spinning Babies but those exercises have a lot of success as well! I so hope s/he turns for you!! I know how frustrating and scary a change in delivery plans can be!
ReplyDeletePrayers for you!
ReplyDeleteUse Mod Podge for the vinyl sticker problem.
Don't even get me started on medical bills. We took our son to the pediatric gastro Dr over the summer. We got the bill in January. They didn't even process the bill till after Jan 1, and we have a COMPLETELY different insurance policy than we did at the time of service. I'm so mad. I'm refusing to pay it all. He was also breech near the end, too. I went to the Dr and after checking on his heart rate, we were sent over to the hopsital for a 'scheduled' c section. Scheduled in the sence that they said, be there at 11, haha. It wasn't my plan, but it was the best thing for him at that time, and he came out perfectly healthy. Sideways, but healthy, haha. Best of luck to you and hopefully that little bundle will roll around!
ReplyDeleteHey April! I'm so sorry to hear the baby is breech. I had a natural birth with my first (just as I wanted/planned) and the potential idea of having to have a section with this pregnancy scares me/upsets me a lot. I am sure you are going through all the range of emotions. Prayers the baby turns for you!
ReplyDeleteMy confession--I prefer (at least for now) being a working mom but my work stress has gotten to such a point I'm daydreaming about "walking" (bouncing with no real notice). We are planning to move, have another one on the way, etc. and for these reasons and more this probably isn't a responsible plan, but it's enticing!!!
I confess I agree with all these!
ReplyDeleteFirst, I hate crafts! I tried making a wreath to go on our two story mantle and I gave up after an hour. It's just not my thing.
Second, my first was breech and never turned. I opted for a csection. I have confidence that everything will turn out okay, whatever option you choose! Third, I also hate medical bills. With my second, all prenatal visits were supposed to be covered 100 pct and I always had a patient balance. Come to find out all the labs and ultra sounds are not covered 100 pct. I work in insurance and you do need to be careful. If the doctor doesn't code it as preventative then your insurance company won't know and will assume it's a sick visit. I always kindly remind the staff when I'm in there. Also sometimes annoying doctors charge you for sick consultation even if the visit was supposed to be preventative if you ask them to do anything outside the normal well checkup. It's very annoying. I always free bad for my grandma. She's always on the phone with insurance trying to figure out bills that Medicare pays for vs. her supplemental plan.
Best of luck April in your last few weeks of pregnancy!
Neither of my boys were breech, but I did end up with an emergency C-section with my first son because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. The emergency C-section after laboring for 8+ hours was very hard recovery wise, in my opinion. And I'm pretty tough! :) Maybe it was just because it was my 1st c section, but I found the planned C-section for my 2nd son to be much, much easier! I don't know if that's because there was no labor before or if it's because it was my 2nd one so my body knew what to expect. I still get sad thinking about my 1st delivery because I was so doped up and in so much pain that I could barely enjoy my sweet boy. So, if it were me, I'd opt for a planned c-section if the baby doesn't turn.
ReplyDeleteAnd medical bills....don't get me started! It's maddening.
Good luck over these next few weeks. Everything will work out as it should!
Leo was breech (they found during the C that I have a heart shaped uterus and all of my babes will likely be breech). I thought about the inversion and ultimately decided not to do it and instead went for the scheduled C. I don't know the difference but I had an amazing experience and easy recovery, if you have to go that route, it will be ok, I promise!
ReplyDeleteI too had gestational diabetes and I usually had a bowl of ice cream with some sort of protein before bed. You need enough to hold over until the morning. ;) Alos, don't feel bad for caving once and a while. No one is perfect and it's not worth going crazy not having a few sweets. I'm sure baby will be just fine when born and not have sugar crashes. Just make sure to do a lot of skin to skin, the best part right? ;) I hope that stubborn baby turns for you! Prayers. Thanks for being raw and honest.
ReplyDeleteMedical bills drive me nuts too, but I've found a trick that helps. My insurance has an online portal where you can download and print your EOBs (explanation of benefits). They detail what your healthcare provider billed, what the insurance paid and at the bottom there's a line that says something like "Your provider may bill you $X". Whenever I get a bill from a provider that I think is wrong, I'll go online, print off that EOB and mail it back in the return envelope with the bill. 9 times out of 10, the provider will correct the bill and send me a new one -- and I NEVER spend a minute on the phone with anyone. I've saved myself hours of back and forth and hundreds of dollars. Worth a try to see if your insurance is the same!
ReplyDeleteAmen to the medical bills. Last November I made a doctors appointment for breast sonography as I was concerned about a lump, they said I was fine and to come back at 40. Well, every week since then I have received bill, after bill for separate charges of the procedure. One for the physician, one for the labs, etc. I grew up in England with the NHS, and got all my medical, and dental taken care of. It was a blessing.
Medical bills kill me. I know something is covered otherwise I wouldn't do it, and then I get a bill for it. I have to call and fight it with the biller and it usually is because it was coded wrong. So lame. I always gave into my pregnancy cravings. I say do it here and there. Plus you are so close to having your baby, and what baby wants, baby gets. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteOh April, that stinks that the baby is breech. I was in the same boat with my first baby and my doctor and midwife performed an External Cephalic Version (ECV) that was totally successful. If you have any questions or need any advice (if you even get to that point, hopefully you won't have to), I would be happy to talk to you. Feel free to email me!
Lindsay's Sweet World
Oh man I am an A type planner too, at least if he is breach then you'll schedule a c-section and that's a planned thing...silver linining? And I can't imagine having GD, so hard with those pregnancy cravings, and I full support you "cheating" a little.
ReplyDeleteOh girl- I HEAR you on the medical bills!! I just got done fighting a 2 1/2 month battle over some totally crazy, WRONG charges. So frustrating and such a draining way to spend your time!! And I will be saying prayers baby decides to flip for you!!! Please keep us posted! And if my opinion counts at all- you keep right on treating yourself at night with something yummy and sweet!!! :)
ReplyDeleteHey girl,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to reach out with a little support on the breech baby- I had the same issue with my second at 36 weeks and it threw me for a loop! Also quite a planner and I couldn't imagine the idea that I might have to have a c-section. I went in to the hospital (on Christmas Eve 2014) for the procedure to try and flip her and one final ultrasound before the procedure began showed that she had flipped on her own- such a Christmas miracle! Anyway, I'll be praying that your little one does the same and you can also avoid the procedure and a C-section! xoxox
Oh I hope the baby turns before the end of your pregnancy! My firstborn was breech until 35 weeks and she flipped all on her own at that point. There is definitely hope, but I know it can be stressful and disheartening!!
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how stressful pregnancy and motherhood is. There are so many things you can worry about. As hard as it is, just have faith that things will work out as they're meant to!
ReplyDeleteHate the gestational diabetes for you . . . and we are all so tempted by sweets! Agreed on the medical bills. I had 2 children within days of each other need x-rays from mishaps in PE. Got the very reasonable first bill and then the 2nd was so much more. I called and turns out they coded it wrong. Had I not had a comparison, I wouldn't have know any better. I hope the baby turns for you, but if he/she doesn't, you have to think that there's a reason we don't understand and just go with it. Not much else you can do anyway, right?!?
ReplyDeleteHi! My babes were not breech however in a birthing class I attended one of the couples baby was. The teacher recommended using a hot wet compress or washcloth and holding it onto the lower/under part of your belly and she said the baby typically will flip on its on doing that. She said the baby likes the warmth. It sounded a little crazy to me but the couple came back the following week and said it had worked!!! Doesn't hurt to try :) good luck!
ReplyDeleteI totally hear ya about the medical bills. Hubby just spent 7 weeks in the hospital and my least favorite part of every day is checking the mail. Everything is just so unnecessarily cryptic! Seeing the explanation "medical treatment" makes me want to scream. I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way for a safe, easy delivery. xoxo
ReplyDeleteMy oldest daughter, almost 16 now, was breech and I chose to have the hospital inversion. I was trying to avoid a C-section. I can still vividly remember the exact moment that she turned. I was a cashier at Dillons, glamerous I know, and I was checking out some groceries and it felt like she did a summer salt in my tummy. Weirdest feeling ever!! I am sending prayers to you that baby will summer salt in your tummy! Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteMy baby flipped himself breech at 36 weeks and I felt every painful movement. He had been head down and I just KNEW what had happened and my OB confirmed it at my appointment the morning after it happened. I spent the next week doing everything I could and it will sound crazy but I swear the combination of the chiropractor and moxibustion at an acupuncturist and continuing that at home are what made him flip back. I wound up with an emergency c-section anyway because his heart rate was dropping but at least I did everything I could! Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteYou would be flabbergasted by how many projects I have started but not finished! Don't you worry, Mama--there will be plenty of time to finish them!