

39 Weeks! Pregnancy Update

Bam. Thirty-nine weeks. 
Um, how did that happen?!

Remember when I used to do those fun weekly posts when pregnant with Camille? With the "fancy camera" photos Ian would take of me before work, always in jewelry and rarely in yoga pants. Well, haha, things certainly change, and I'm lucky now to snap a quick mirror photo at the doctor's office before Camille finds someone else's Cheerio on the ground and decides to eat it. 

At my appointment yesterday, all was looking and measuring great. Baby's head is still down (jazz hands) and I had made just a smidge of progress, so that's promising -- but no guarantee of a delivery date soon! I have rotated around to all of the midwives in the practice and feel really, really good about using them for this labor and delivery. (More on that decision here)

So here are some fast stats:

How Far Along? 39 weeks

Size of Baby: A small pumpkin (WOW.)

Gender: We don't know! Crazy excited to find out, though. I've had boy feelings (as I did with Camille) but the similar pregnancy makes me think maybe it's a girl. I can say in complete honesty that I will be happy with a son or daughter. A son would be a totally new experience for our little family, and I love our boy name, but another daughter would certainly be amazing and I'd love to break out Camille's old clothes and use all of them again!

Weight Gain: Not entirely sure, but I think I'm up about 22/23 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Every day ... and starting to love my maternity jeans less. They are a pain to put on, and the panel doesn't cover my whole tummy any longer. Favorites are still my Target leggings (which will probably be part of my coming-home outfit) and my Old Navy maternity yoga pants, which I'm wearing in the photo above.

Nursery: Pretty much DONE! Now, to be totally frank, I put about 15% of the effort in this room that I put in Camille's nursery. First of all, not knowing the gender really limits us on decor. Lots of green and yellow. Also, we may list our home at some point, so I didn't want us investing a ton of money in this room by painting the walls, getting custom drapes, et cetera. I happened upon some beautiful drapes that I purchased secondhand for $40, bought a new area rug for $99, and pretty much everything else came from Camille's nursery or other spots in our home. Super, super low-key but I'm actually happy with how it looks! (And I'll share photos soon) :)

Movement: Oh yeah. This baby loves running his/her arm or leg across the front of my belly and also giving me some head-butts that really zing. Hiccups happen from time to time but not nearly as much as they did with Camille!

Symptoms: Large stomach. Braxton Hicks contractions. Lower right back pain, occasionally.

Sleep: Sleeping okay but not great ... still using my Snoogle pregnancy pillow nightly, but the issue is that I normally wake around 3am to use the restroom and then have a hard time falling back asleep. Not taking any sort of sleep aids just in case I were to go into labor in the middle of the night.

Cravings: Not much, I mean I love sweets and crave sweet tea, but the gestational diabetes diagnosis has (somewhat) kept that intake in check.

What I Miss: I do really miss breakfast cereal and instant oatmeal! I have some outfits that I'm looking forward to wearing this spring when my belly is less jiggly. And I miss good sleep, although I know it may be a good six or twelve months before I get that again. Or longer.  :)

Best Moment This Week: A positive 39 week appointment! Baby's heartbeat was in 130s/140s this week. Last week it was much higher!

Looking Forward To: BIRTH. If I can just send this wish out there to the universe, I would love love love to go into labor naturally at home this time. With Camille I was induced at 41 weeks and 2 days, and that wasn't the easiest process. I'm curious what it would feel like to maybe go into labor naturally or even have my water break at home. But good gracious, please don't let it happen at THE WALMART (you have to say that with a really country accent).


  1. Wow! 39 weeks already?? Hope everything continues to go smoothly for you and that sweet babe arrives sooner than later! :)

  2. How exciting!!! I was 6 days over with my first and my second came at 37 weeks with a spontaneous Water break. You never know what will happen! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl

  3. My water broke middle of the night, luckily I woke up coughing and jumped out of bed so it hit the floor haha. I always tell people I ate a pizza lunchable for lunch and cheese pizza for dinner (real healthy!) so maybe that's the magic meal??? :)

  4. SO CLOSE!! You look amazing! Dying to find out if it's a baby boy or girl :)

  5. I induced with my first at 41 weeks and hated that all day labor process. I went into labor with my 2nd the day before I was set to induce. Arrived at the hospital at 11 am and baby was born at 12:15. No time for epidural. I wish you the best of luck!

    1. Oh and my water didn't break on its own, they broke it as I was delivering! Guess things don't always happen in certain order!

  6. I just died laughing at your Cheerio comment, that is the dang truth! I shutter at the thought of what Lottie has eaten off the floor in public that I didn't catch. Building immunity I guess :) Good luck with the delivery and I'll be praying for an easy, natural one. I was induced too the first time and I'm worried I'll be standing in the middle of the store with Lottie in a big puddle when #2 comes. Maybe I'll stick to Tarjay so I don't have to say Wal-Mart in #2's birth story. ;)

  7. OH GOODNESS...that baby is going to arrive any day now! Can't wait to see if its a boy or a girl, and some nursery pics!

  8. Thinking of the ladies in Africa! Cannot WAIT to meet him or her!!!

  9. I always wished my water would break that weird? Why I would want to have to clean up the mess I don't know but it never did.Had it broken manually all 3 times. Hope it happens soon for you.

  10. You look amazing!! I have to have scheduled c-sections due to a wonky uterus- I would love to have my water break and go into labor naturally. Just that excitement! But so many of my friend love an induction for planing reasons, ha!

  11. Ah!! Your new baby will be here so so soon! So exciting. :-)

    xoxo A

  12. I'll be crossing my fingers that you go into labor naturally! I know how it feels.. I didn't have my baby until 42 weeks and that anxiety was the worst.

  13. Sending good labor vibes your way, mama!!! Did you know my water broke at MOE'S!???? Seriously, better than THE WALMART, but equally hilarious!!!

  14. So excited for you!!! Any moment now :)!

  15. I was induced for my baby, so I hear you about wanting the more natural experience! Any day now!

  16. Eek! So close now! You stil look fantastic. I hope he or she decides to make a debut any day now. My water broke at home (and not in front of a room full of curious third graders, thank God!) and it was the best experience. I thought I'd have to be induced so I painted my nails, did a load of laundry, took a shower, cleaned the kitchen (and installed the car seat) before heading to the hospital and had my very first contraction all on my own as we were pulling into the parking lot. I hope things go as smoothly for you!

  17. My water broke at 2am while I was bending (weeble-wobbling) over to pick the up the nutrigrain bar I had dropped on the kitchen floor. Thank goodness for tile! I tell everyone that was my "trick." :) Best of Luck to you. So excited to hear about the new little one!!

  18. So close!! Fingers crossed you go into labor on your own! Most of my friends that went overdue and had to be induced with their first went into labor on their own with their second babies. Sending labor vibes your way- can't wait to hear the good news.

  19. Where did you get that cute top??

  20. Okay, first of all you look amazing at 39 weeks! I was unrecognizable. I'm hoping I don't morph into someone I don't recognize again. And I am sending you all the good baby vibes! I can't wait to see what you have. :) Hope you have a relaxing weekend, my dear!

  21. The size of a small pumpkin?! Wow!

    You are getting SO close! Eeek! It's gonna be so exciting especially because you don't know the gender. :)

  22. Good Luck! I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl. Sending you happy thoughts for a healthy little one and a smooth delivery. Be careful what you wish for... My water might have broken at the WALMART. :)

  23. Aperfectly planning for a baby is that which helps to get pregnant even if there is some complications. Now a days most of the women are using this method and they are successfully having a child in their womb.


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