

My Top 3 Daily Mom Goals

Every day, I am learning that success in parenting is about setting small goals.

is way more difficult to teach on a daily basis than

Recently I had two cups of strong coffee and a naptime long enough to consider what three daily goals I wanted to set for myself to be a good, hands-on mom.

So, normally I'd start with the easiest, but they are all a combination of easy AND hard. Easy in concept, and maybe a little hard to remember in the moment. 

Here we go:

// ONE //
Get down on the floor.

These kiddos are little. Imagine a life where everyone was towering over you, telling you what to do and when to do it and how to do it. Every day, I try to make a point to get down on the floor and do things with the girls. Sit "criss cross applesauce" and talk to them, read to them. Roll around with them. Crawl after them like I'm a baby. Discipline my toddler at eye-level, holding her in my lap. Play doctor, laying down on the rug! Just at least once daily.

// TWO //
Right when you feel "no" coming out of your mouth, say "yes". 

Can we read the book again before nap? "n------YES."
Can I have one more hug before bed? (fave stalling technique) "n------YES."
Can we play doctor again? "n------YES."
Can you play dolls with me? "n------YES."
Can I play with playdoh? "n------YES."

In the grand scheme of things, saying yes won't mean that much to me but it will mean the world to my daughters. 

// THREE // favorite...

Like literally, just be goofy. Serve their dinner in a fancy British waitress accent. Pretend like they are the mommy/daddy and you are the crying baby. Play hide and seek around the house, and actually cram your body underneath the computer desk and make silly sounds to get their attention. Make up bathroom word songs with them, and sing them in the bathroom ... "tinkle, tinkle, little potty" and the likes. Be a goofy monster who's afraid of the dark. Try to fit their tiny shoes on your feet. Turn their bath water blue with bath fizzies and spike their hair up into shark fins. Dye their scrambled eggs pink. The possibilities are endless, but they all will be SO fun.

That's it. I keep it to three because that's easy for me to remember on a daily basis. This isn't a list I concocted for the blog. This is an ACTUAL mental checklist I go through daily. If I have a day I do all three, then I consider it a good day. Sometimes that's easier than others :)

I would love to hear from you ... what are your daily mom goals?
Are you tempted to put any of these in action?


Sidenote; you may have seen on my Instastories that I'm now a Lipsense distributor. I am in LOVE LOVE LOVE with this new lipstick ... to be able to kiss all over my babies all day long and not have to worry about getting color stains on their cheeks and clothes, well it's the best. I may do a blog post soon about it but will keep most of my information on Instagram -- follow me at @smoochbyapril. I'll be showing off the colors I have in stock for any of you that may be interested! It truly is a wonderful product and one I can fully stand behind. 


  1. I love all 3 of these!! Playing on the floor is something I'm awful at. But I am trying to do it more! Saying Yes.. I really do try to do this, but need to be better!!! Being silly is my favorite. I love putting some music on and dancing around our kitchen island! All great tips that we can all implement to make our days better with littles!

  2. Love these ideas. I've made it a point to not be on my cell phone (Facebook, Instagram, etc) while my girl is awake. The older she gets the more aware she is and I want to be present.

  3. Thank you for this. I so need to hear it! I really need to be better at saying yes. Usually I'm such an on-schedule, by-the-book person that saying "yes" has always been difficult for me, but even more so since becoming a mom. I also need to be better about putting my phone down. It's a constant battle, this mom thing, and isn't for the faint of heart, that's for dang sure. Thank you again!

  4. These are great goals and so practical! Also, I'd love if you did a LipSense post! I keep seeing it all around insta and would love to know all the deets! :)

  5. These goals are PERFECT! They're all things I try to do with my two kids. I have to really work on the be silly one. Their laughs are extra motivating. They love when I sit on the floor with them so I'm trying to make the most of these little years when I'm home with them. I'm going to say yes to something fun today :) I also loved your post on your recent detour. I live by my to do list and our routine so the reminder to stray from the routine was appreciated. Thank you!!

  6. I love these goals... I see myself saying no a lot and catch myself getting sad so I have started to say yes and put other things on the side.. Thank you for this :) needed this little reminder!!!

  7. These are three amazing goals, and also something I love to keep trying! It's not easy though...

  8. this is the sweetest post! how lucky your girls are- making these my goals for today too!

    xo, brittany
    my five favorite trends for summer on my blog today!

  9. Really love these and especially love that you put time and thought into considering them. :) I'm kind of a silly person in general so that aspect of my personality meshes well with parenting, haha! Something I've been striving for lately is "looking the other way" -- when there's a mess made that drives me nuts or something doesn't go according to plan (major planner and slight control freak here), I strive to smile, remember it's a small thing, and look the other way...toward my girls. :) Have a great week!

  10. I absolutely love this list! Especially the silly one. I always make it a priority to be present in their play. I made a rule when C was a newborn no cell phones in the bedroom. Makes me really focus on bedtime routine.

  11. Give choices!! Would you like PB on your waffle or syrup? Would you like to tell me the story or would you like me to read the story, before nap? Should we go to Michaels first, or Target!? Choices make everyone happy!!

  12. These are beyond perfect! My husband recently said something about the saying yes thing. His mention made me reconsider some of my no's as well...sometimes these kiddos just need a yes! Also I love the get silly one! It's good for the soul!

  13. This is such a fun post! I love that these goals are really practical things that you can do every single day!

  14. These are all such great tips! You are such a good mommy. I will keep these all in mind when my Vivi gets a little older :)


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