

Wednesday Schtufffff

Sometimes I sit down at my computer in the mornings and I'm not sure where a blog post is going to take me. So I write a "placeholder" title like the one you see above, telling myself I'll change it after the blog post takes more of a recognizable shape. And half the time that title ends up so wacky that I just leave it.

So, here you go ... Wednesday schtufffff.

First things first, Valentines Day. We had a good day. It's different now -- and that's okay. Let me reminisce for a moment, maybe back to 2012 or something. We were DINKs, dual income no kids. Ian was never really a "send roses to her work" kinda guy. I'd come home from work to flowers and we would have a lazy night of making a Valentines dinner and maybe watch a movie or something.

OKAY this is funny but I just looked up our 2012 Valentines recap and I pretty much nailed it right on the head. Tulips at home, dinner at dining room table, movie. You can read it here.

So now it mainly revolves around our daughters which is a blessing in itself. It's just different! Ian got home around 4, came to see us up in the playroom, he mysteriously disappeared downstairs for a minute, and the front doorbell rang and the Valentines Man had run away too quickly for us to see him! He left some heart-shaped pink marshmallows for Camille, a single rose for each girl, and a dozen red roses and bottle of red wine for the mama.

After getting the girlies to bed, we cooked dinner, drank wine, had a little champagne with our chocolate cake, and watched more of the Amanda Knox documentary on Netflix until our internet started seizing up and Ian was all "efffffffffffff this I'm outta here!" and he went to bed early to prep for a busy day today. We'll give it another try, no idea what was happening last night with the streaming or whatever you call it.

BUT, I do consider V-day to be a success for these reasons: 1) the steak we cooked last night was DOPE and I never say that word but it just felt really appropriate there ... recipe here. And 2) The wine that I got for a gift was truly a great red wine, and it's called 3 Girls. It's a cabernet and I just love that Ian picked that one for the name. :)

the teeniest chocolate cake - perfect size for us!

And finally, did some online shopping this morning before the girls were up and just had to share a few Old Navy faves. They are pretty much constantly running a sale, but a lot of what they have is up to 50% off now and then make sure to use code ENJOY on top of that for an additional 30% off. Some of my favorites below are now under ten bucks using that code.

old navy faves


  1. Cracking up at you saying/writing 'DOPE' ... definitely gotta try that recipe!

  2. Awww it sounds like a great Valentine's Day! And I love your Valentine's Man tradition!

  3. I love your blog but something about your 'voice' in this post was just what I needed today!

  4. Sounds just like our V-day minus the 2 precious girls. Well, one in my belly hence no champagne for me :( Steak, cake, Netflix, Braxton Hicks and praying I would go into labor haha!

  5. That sounds like a great evening! We were laughing last night about how our leisurely VDay nights of the past sure have changed! And those Old Navy swing dresses and the heavy shift dresses are my favorite everyday work dresses- LOVE that they keep offering new prints and colors!

  6. I seriously can't get over that first picture. Absolute perfection! What a sweet little Valentine. And, that sounds a lot like our evening (although without the streaming issue...thankfully). I love a good, home cooked evening together. Great finds at Old Navy. I'll have to head that way sometime soon!

  7. Laughed out loud at your use of the word dope. It fits perfectly. :)
    I'm glad you had a relaxing day! Ours was fun and relaxing also!

  8. Curious if you think she is innocent? I've been watching the documentary as well!

  9. April, I just love your style of writing. Of all of the blogs I read every day I have to say yours is always one of the first I type in...your quirky space on the internet is always uplifting. Charlotte looks so kissable, and I was laughing when you were recapping trying to watch the Amanda Knox documentary and your hubs checked out after the Internet stopped working. You are honest in life's little moments and that makes your blog delightful and intimate.

    XOXO Rachael

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