

Protection and Adoration



One of the questions I get asked most is about the transition from one to two babies. 

I am no pro, and thousands upon thousands of women transition from one baby to two So our family's experiences, while beautiful and ever-so-important, are not groundbreaking. I hope I'm not bursting your bubble. I think having a second baby sort of pierced my own MAMA BUBBLE in a very gentle and endearing way. A crucial way. 

"Will I love my second as much as I love my first?"

I struggled with this, and I was scared to have a second baby that I would constantly compare to Camille. I even wrote Camille an email right before Char was born so that I could express how much I loved her without it coming across as favoritism. It was the last time that I could say things like "You are my world." 

Of course you will love them both. They are your babies. And you will love them in different ways. 

With my first baby, it's more pride and awe. 
With my second baby, it's protection and adoration.

I think Charlotte is just the sweetest, most perfect little thing, and I want to keep her safe and sheltered. I find us hesitating on anything that makes it feel like she's growing up too fast. We want her to stay our eternal newborn. :)

I've just come off of a very wonderful family weekend where I saw glimpses of my two daughters that showed me how they will be at 5, at 15, at 25, at 50. I love these sneak previews. They are so wonderfully different from each other. We often say that Camille will be the daughter who wants to be dropped off with her girlfriends at the movie theater on a Friday night, and Charlotte will say "I just figured I'd go out to sushi with you, Mom and Dad."

I wonder what it's like for those of you who have added a second, third, fourth, fifth baby to your families. What words would you use to describe the love you have for your kids -- and how does it differ from child to child? 


  1. This made me cry because it's EXACTLY how I feel about my boys. When I was pregnant with Knox, I would just bawl because I was so worried about how I'd love two boys the same. And, just like "they" say, you magically do. I'm the same way, though, with him on the side of protection. We always say that Walker felt so big to us at 9 months, but now I look at Knox at the same age and he's still such a baby to me! I'm in no rush for him to meet any milestones because I just see how fast it all goes!

  2. I felt the SAME way! I was so worried that I wouldn't love my second as much as my first but that is LAUGHABLE now. I am over the moon for both of my boys. Now I want to add a 3rd because I think the more love we have to share around, the better. My worried about the grocery bill if we end up with three teenage boys down the road.

  3. I might just tear up and I only have one baby! I say that quote about "will I love the second as much..." all the time when I start to think about expanding our family. My sister tells me that I will love them just as much and in different ways (she has 3!) so you are totally right! Great read! Happy Monday Friend! xo

  4. Such a sweet post, and I love the pictures of just the two of you together!

  5. So sweet! We only have one right now, but I think about these things so much when I think about the possibility of adding another. I know it will be wonderful, but man it's hard to think about without being there yet!

  6. I love this! And it's something I definitely reflected on when we welcomed our second little girl. Like most moms, I was completely baffled about how I could possibly love another human like I love Carrington. And then Hadley came along. And you're right, it's this protection and adoration and cuddly love. I don't know what words I'd use for each love, but it's something fun to ruminate on. :) And then there's the sister love! Ah.

  7. Such sweet pictures! My oldest is definitely our social butterfly who wants to be around friends 24/7. My youngest is more of a Momma's boy. He loves to cuddle and he wants Mommy to do everything (which is a blessing and a curse all in one). :) But, I love their different personalities and hope that as they get older, each can learn from the other.

  8. Gosh making a new momma tear up! My 10 day old baby girl has stolen our hearts and rocked our worlds completely and I cannot imagine life without her. I hear this love only grows and holy cow I think my heart might burst <3


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