Camille's at school and Charlotte and I are about to head out to her weekly My Gym class. I do think it's been positive for her walking, but we also think (hope!!!!) that her upcoming eye surgery will really be the ticket for progress in that area. We can't imagine what it's like to try to figure out the whole walking thing when your two eyes are sending mixed signals about balance, distance, depth to your brain!
A few Thursday happies!
1) My LOFT floral top that was supposed to be delivered Friday actually arrived yesterday! How's that for underpromise and overdeliver! YAY. I'll try it on later today on Instastories. It's soooo pretty!
2) I am gearing up for a trip with LipSense to Tulsa, Oklahoma! I know a few of you mentioned the other day that you're from/in the area ... would love any recommendations you have! So much of our time will be spent in trainings and parties so I'm not sure how much free time I'll have, but it's my first trip there and I want to do it right! I found out yesterday that I will get some recognition there that I'm really jazzed about for meeting certain goals -- SO exciting!

3) The Usborne books party that I'm a cohostess for (BATTLE of three hostesses to win up to $100 in free books!) has been extended through tomorrow night because it's been C-L-O-S-E! Outside of purchases, I can earn hostess points by having you join the event and comment under my photo that you're there to support me! Any interaction you can give would mean SO much! HERE is the link!

Okay, it's off to class we go!
Chat soon!
Ah! I'm from OKC and I think one of my sorority sisters helps with trainings in the area. Tulsa is beautiful! Enjoy!