

Quick Trip to Greenville, SC

Saturday morning, my brother-in-law and I swapped homes ... he came to Charlotte to hang with Ian and watch a little basketball, and I took the girls to Greenville SC to visit my sister and nephew!

Greenville is a super quick trip -- about an hour and 45 minutes away. We met straight at the Greenville Zoo which is the perfect-sized zoo. Not too overwhelming, but still lots of great animals like monkeys, lions, giraffes!

Afterwards we hopped to nearby Willy Taco for a delicious lunch. The kids, waiting patiently for a table ... haha! They were actually great and took down their cheese quesadillas like champs!

Laura and I spied someone with this delicious drink, and decided to try the non-tequila versions of them. Equally as delicious! Coconut Lime Margaritas ... find a copycat version HERE

For the tacos I went with the pulled BBQ pork and the fried avocado. Delicious!

We were home in time for afternoon naps, and later that day we just played outside and enjoyed the sunshine. After the kids were in bed we made flatbreads on garlic naan and experimented more with the copycat coconut lime margaritas. :) 

A quick but awesome trip!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful trip! Those faux-margaritas look (and sound) delicious!

  2. I love Willy Taco - that drink looks amazing, always appreciate a good non alcoholic drink myself since I’m pregnant lol

  3. Sister time and the zoo... so much fun!!


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