

Big Appointments This Week

I wrote this post yesterday morning and then we ran out of the door before I had time to proofread and publish. So, it's a day old, and Charlotte is going to need the surgery. -A.


Good morning! Checking in today with some real life updates. We have two big appointments this week that I have been really anticipating.

The first one is this morning to follow up on the eyepatching we have been doing for Charlotte’s weaker eye. We started noticing a slight crossing in mid-December and were able to get in with a great pediatric ophthalmologist at the first part of January. Since then, we have been religiously patching one of her eyes for two hours daily the last two months. To be quite honest, I have not seen a huge shift in the alignment — and if anything, it just looks a little worse. This morning is our follow up where we will find out the next course of action which may actually be surgery. That terrifies me. I would appreciate any thoughts or prayers!

Secondly, those of you who have been reading here for a while may remember that I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy two years ago. This week I am 26 weeks along, and my glucose test is Thursday! I am pretty much expecting to receive a diagnosis again and will not be surprised if that is the case. Gestational diabetes is a pain — but not impossible to manage, and I just tell myself I can do anything for 14 weeks. Anything! But I would love any warm thoughts you could send my way!


  1. Saying prayers for your gestational diabetes test💕... you got this!!!! And sorry to hear about Miss Charlotte's eye appointment! But speaking from experience I say to take care of it while she's still young and won't have memories of the surgery! I am 36 and when I was a teenager technology wasn't where it is today and now at 36 I'm TERRIFIED as I have an astigmatism and really bad strabismus! I went to a specialist a year and a half ago and he said he could operate, but now I just keep putting it off😩! My youngest daughter has my eyes... one near sighted, one far sighted; a strabismus; and her right eye stopped developing. The right lens of her glasses is double the prescription of her left, and we've been going every 3 months to get it checked for development! Thank goodness so far it has improved👏🏻! But I had finally came to peace knowing that it was caught early and with technology and God's hand in it all we would make it through❤️! Praying for Charlotte {and you}!

  2. Sending thoughts and prayers your way from MA.

  3. Thinking of you and praying for your sweet family! Glad Charlotte has a great team of doctors. Praying it's a straight forward fix for her with great results. I'm rooting for you on glucose test day. Thanks for sharing so we can pray for you.

  4. Oh, goodness -- I completely understand your anxiety about Charlotte, but I can tell you from experience that the surgery is worthwhile and the right thing to do. My youngest had it when he was two; we never attempted the patch because his ophthalmologist (at Children's Hospital in Boston) told us that it most likely wouldn't work due to the way in which his eye wandered (out, not in) and that his condition was more nerve-related than muscle. The surgery was incredibly quick and seamless; we decided to stay at a hotel associated with the hospital because of the post-op check up the next morning, and Andrew asked for McDonald's french fries that night! Andrew wears corrective lenses all the time, and while there are moments when his eye shifts a bit, the glasses make all the difference (he's 32 now). And my great-niece just had the same surgery, wears glasses, and is an absolute spitfire. All of this is a long-winded way of totally acknowledging how you feel as a mom and also to let you know that the surgery works and is well worth it. Thinking of you!

  5. My son had strabismus surgery twice (age 2 and age 3– sane eye, different muscles) and it went so smoothly. His vision is perfect, and he does not have any traumatic memories from the process. The pediatric hospitals are wonderful with the kids (and put the parents at ease, too). One thing we did that helped calm everyone’s nerves was an orientation of the surgery center a week before the procedure. That way, we knew better what to expect and did not have as much anxiety the day of surgery! Best of luck! :-)

  6. Hi - I've been posting on your blog for a while now but must apologise I didn't realise about Charlotte's eye or the gestational diabetes. I can imagine you are nervous about both - my prayers and best wishes are with you! A colleague of mine at work just gave birth to a lovely healthy baby boy and had GD but there has not been any impact for her or her baby - she has adjusted her diet but other than that everything is fine - I think it is relatively common? Eye surgery is AMAZING these days - I am sure your Doctor's will sort Charlotte and of course she won't remember anything when she is older. Bon Courage - you will be fine! Keep us all posted - sending hugs - Joanne (Europafox Blog) x

  7. I'm so sorry about having to do the surgery. Glad to see all those who have experiences with it sharing their experiences with you here.

  8. I'm so sorry that you'll have to go through surgery. It is so tough with a little one. I'm thinking of you and sending positive wishes your way.

  9. Sending good wishes for a successful and smooth surgery. I forget if you are IRL friends with Carolina Charm, but didn't her little boy have strabismus surgery last year?

  10. Char is going to ROCK that surgery! XO

  11. Sending prayers - sorry to hear about the surgery. I hope all goes smoothly with Charlotte, and also the gestational diabetes testing!

  12. Sending warm thoughts your way as I'm sure the news of surgery for your little one is terrifying! I'm sure, in the long run, it will be the very best thing for her but it can't be easy in the moment. Also, I had GD with my first pregnancy and 2.5 years later did NOT have it with my second pregnancy -- so there is hope! Best of luck at the appointment. <3

  13. Saying prayers for you guys with this surgery for Charlotte. You're a wonderful mama and I know she's in great hands with your pediatric ophthalmologist! And, also prayers for the G.D. test tomorrow. Lots of hard, difficult stuff right now and just know that there will be a light at the end of this tunnel. As my mother-in-law always reminds my anxious self, "You can do anything for a short while." Lots of love and prayers.

  14. Sending all our prayers your way - for your sweet baby girl and for you.

  15. Oh mama I am so sorry she needs surgery. Just a bump in the road that I know you both can handle! Will be praying for her and for you!!

  16. Hey April, I'm sorry to hear sweet Char has to have surgery but I have no doubt she will do awesome!! As will you all looking after her.. I will be praying for her.
    and good luck on your GD test. Hoping you pass but as you said you can do anything for 14 weeks. xoxo

  17. Praying for your sweet girl and you! It is so hard to be a Mama! So many decisions that are constantly pecking at us. Charlotte will be so thankful this was done while she was a toddler befire she is truly aware of surgery. You've got this Mama!!!

  18. You, and the love you have in you for your girls, for your family, are stronger than anything you face each day, including these things. Shoulders back, lips bright, you got this.

  19. We have chatted a little before on Instagram, but our esotropia surgery at 2 yrs old was a great success. It was quick (as in 15mins) and Andrew was back to himself later that night. Like any surgery I always seek a second opinion, that would be my only recommendation!
    Will pray for great updates with both appointment.

  20. I enjoy your blog as a grandma. Please know that I am thinking only positive thoughts for your family and holding you close to my heart.

  21. Sending prayers and good wishes to both of you. I'm a longtime reader but rare commenter. I hope for the best possible outcome for both of you.

  22. Oh mama! I am so sorry she is going to have to have the surgery. Many prayers that that goes well for both of you. And prayers for the glucose test, too. I know you’ve managed it before and will do just fine if you have to again but it sure would be nice if you didn’t need to worry about it in an already busy time!

  23. ughh I remember the GD days all too well but like you said, you got this Mama!!! (besides, it might not show up this time!?)


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