

Feeding The Baby: Our Favorites

When Camille turned six months old, we introduced solid foods. She's eight months today (!) and is chowing down like it's her job. Green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, peaches, apples, and more ... she hasn't yet met a food she didn't like. Well, at least after trying it a few times.

I had to giggle recently when a daycare mama friend saw my little plastic jars of food and said "Oh my gosh, are you seriously making your own baby food?!" But here's the thing, guys. It's easier for me than buying pre-made. It truly is. Cheaper, too. I don't trust myself to be johnny-on-the-spot with always having a pantry stocked full of baby food jars, but I do know that I can easily make big batches of food, freezing the purees into 1-oz. cubes for ease. So I assured her that I wasn't trying to be Martha -- I was just taking the simple and frugal route. 

Let's talk this through. I promise it's easy.

Exhibit A: 
Sweet potato.

Exhibit B:
Peeler and knife.

Exhibit C:
Peeled sweet potato.

Exhibit D:
Cubed sweet potato gets ready to go into the Baby Brezza.

Okay, let me stop right here and wax poetic on the Baby Brezza

When I was pregnant, I trolled Pinterest for all sorts of pregnancy-related articles, especially related to baby gear -- what was necessary, what was a waste of space. Baby food makers often fall in the latter category; people say you don't need them if you have a standard blender or food processor already.

Well, I beg to differ.

We have a small house, so we have to be really careful with how much "stuff" we own. The reason why I love this so much is because it's small, it's easy, and it's way efficient. It goes beyond the traditional blender or food processor in the fact that you have a Steam + Blend feature which allows you to set the timer, walk away, and come back to perfectly pureed baby food. It steams the fruit/veggie/meat and then goes directly into a blend mode without you having to press any additional buttons.

Above you can see the Steam + Blend timer set for 30 minutes, and below? Voila ... baby food!

All I do is dispense it out into little containers and it's ready for Camille.

Same thing goes for apples -- just steam some organic apple chunks up and blend, and you have applesauce that is literally good enough that I served it in bowls to Ian and myself one night as a side to our dinner. I did mix in a little cinnamon and sugar for us, but the baby just gets plain apples. 

So, the best thing about making this food for Camille is that I can make large batches and then freeze in 1oz. portions. She's currently eating 4oz. at a time, so I can just toss in 4 apple cubes or mix and match -- for example, last night's dinner was 3 zucchini cubes and 1 carrot cube thawed and then mixed together.

I love the freezing trays that I have by Mumi & Bubi. Two come in a pack. They are BPA free and the shape of the wells (like a crescent moon) make getting the cubes out so easy ... you just push on one end and the frozen cube slips right out. 

Here are the apples and sweet potatoes, completely frozen in the tray

I just pop them out, slip them in a freezer bag, and toss it in the freezer.

When ready to serve the baby, I just let them thaw on their own or use the microwave in 15-30 second intervals. 

So there you have it ... see what I mean? Not tough or elaborate at all!

As Camille gets older, we can experiment with more foods, which will be a lot of fun. We do want to keep her on organic produce and organic meats for the time being.

And with that said, I'm definitely a fan of the occasional jar or pouch of pre-made food. They come in really fun flavors (things that would be harder for me to make or find organic at the store), and I like having the 4oz glass jars that I can reuse for homemade baby food. We have used Earth's Best and Gerber Organics baby food so far. Love them!

If you have any recipes to share, questions, or experiences of your own with making baby food, I'd love to hear from you!

Our favorites:

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  1. Great post. I made my babies food too and was amazed at how often I felt the need to "defend" why I was doing it. I just thought it was cheaper and it wasnt hard;) Something you might like as you move into slightly larger portions is the silicone ice cube trays you can get at any TJ Maxx type store. The big ones-like 2oz portions which are supposed to be perfect for big ice cubes in cocktails. I used those because I thought after I am done with the baby food thing I might actually use them for cool ice cubes. Food comes out easily and they take up less room.

  2. Great post!!! Particularly since I find kitchen time and food prep so soothing, I can really see myself getting into this (someday!!)

  3. pinning this for the future!! i really want to make my own baby food but the process always kinda scared me. we have a food processor (which i NEVER use) it so heavy and bulky...i might just get the baby brezza instead. thanks! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. What a great post and great timing for me! My doctor gave me the green light to go ahead and start Luke on baby food and I really want to make my own baby food. I am just at odds if I really want to start the baby food now at 4 months or wait...He's done great with rice cereal so far. I'm tempted on that Baby Brezza now that I see it! :)

  5. I love this! I had no clue that there were so many things available to help make baby food. I'm planning to do this someday, but it's nice to know that it can be fairly easy.

    Have a great week!

  6. Great tips April! I made baby food for all the girls- I need to start doing it for James! These are my favorite bibs- they can go in the wash and then just hang to dry! They are also great for when the kids are painting or a messy craft!

  7. Thank you for sharing! Honestly, this probably the most straight forward post I've seen about baby food. And this mind sound silly, but thanks for sharing all the pics showing the freezer cubes and stuff. I'm definitely a visual person and it helped! :)

  8. wow, you made the baby brezza sound pretty good! Maybe I'll have to consider one for this baby. And I love the little mason jars you use- such a great idea!

  9. Ahh!! Thank you! Thank you for this post!! I am wanting to make Jack's solid foods for him (once he's here & reaches 6 months of age) & this is so helpful!! Def pinning this & using it in the future!! Great post!!

  10. I'm with you, in that I don't mind a little kitchen time and prep. That baby brezza looks awesome!! We love nuk spoons and sippys too. Yay for good eaters- Lawtie is easy so far too! We started giving her full fat plain yogurt this month and she loves that!

  11. I have to say, I was totally be like the daycare mom at first, but after reading this post, I'm confident that I'll be able to make baby food when the time comes! Thanks so much!

  12. Thanks for the great tips! I added some of your goodies to my BabyList - so helpful!

  13. What an awesome machine. I made all our baby food last time but I'm not sure I'll do it this time. I have so far but my little one is not a fan. I think I mentioned the diet buddy app before but it is awesome for helping with what to buy organic (not GMO though). For example sweet potatoes don't have a natural enemy so they don't use pesticides on them. My last five in friday link up included an example of the app. I can't believe how much hair Camille has! She is getting so big!

  14. Have you tried avocado yet? Farrah loved when I made that!
    California To Carolina
    The Gym Bunny

  15. I absolutely LOVE making Walker's food! We have done the math and it's so much cheaper than the stuff in the jar, and I really enjoy knowing exactly what is going in his food. When Brandon is traveling or we have a later night than normal due to work schedules, I always mash up a banana or an avocado since they're so easy and I don't have to microwave. Ha! And, I, too, keep a few pouches on hand to have in a pinch! We love the Buddy Fruits ( and the Happy Baby Organic Pouches (

  16. about to start solids and this was super helpful! just amazon-primed those freezer trays! Thanks! xo

  17. about to start solids and this was super helpful! just amazon-primed those freezer trays! Thanks! xo

  18. This is a very easy way to prepare baby food indeed. I am not gonna lie, I love preparing those baby portions and I don't mind doing it every single week. It isn't that difficult as you said and especially with the baby brezza and the freezing trays (btw, thank you for sharing, I had no idea they are that good) it is a pleasure to start solids. I usually use normal ice cube trays for this purpose but these ones seem to be better and you can easily measure the food you have prepared. Also, if there are other moms like me who sometimes need inspiration, here you can find some great suggestions on starting solids.

    Love, Sisi

  19. Looking for best cooking performance than try Pit Boss grills. Pit Boss are built for durability and versatility. They are designed to handle a wide range of foods and cooking styles. With the ability to grill up to 10 burgers simultaneously, the Pit Boss PB1150G wood pellet grill is ideal for large family gatherings. The Pit Boss PB1150G includes a warming rack for holding food, a safety light to alert you when the grill is turned on, a removable grease filter to protect your stove, and a thermometer to help you monitor the temperature inside.


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