

A Big Baby Blue THANK YOU

Oh my dear gracious, thank all of you SO much for your excitement over our growing family! It truly is such fun news, I mean ... overwhelming! Three kiddos 4 and under! But really darn wonderful and a true blessing in every sense of the word.

Camille is telling her age here, but I feel like it's an accurate representation of how I want to walk around as well!

SO, I'm due mid-June, feeling really great. So far it's been just like my other pregnancies -- feeling great minus a little bit of exhaustion, and I get out of breath pretty easily (like climbing the stairs, which is crazy). My tummy is already pretty large as you've maybe seen on Instagram, but I sort of love dressing a pregnant belly. Maybe it's just not having to suck in for 9 months that has such an appeal to me. 

I lost weight at the beginning like I did with Camille and Charlotte, but am pretty much back to my normal weight now, 14 weeks in. I'm probably eating more than I typically would, BUT since I had gestational diabetes with Charlotte (and likely will this time around, too) I am definitely trying to keep my diet in check and balance carbs with proteins. I am tempted to eat like a college kid for breakfast and lunch, but typically by dinnertime I'm "EHHH" and don't feel like cooking or eating anything. But ... I do ... or else I will feel sick and maybe even get sick. That's the only main difference this time around -- I never vomited with the girls but have done so a few times this pregnancy. 

We are going to eventually transition the girls into the same room and put baby boy in his own bedroom. Charlotte's current room. It's a lovely shade of light coral-pink now so it will need a new coat of paint and some boy touches here and there. Nothing crazy, just sweet and innocent boy style is sort of what I'm hoping for. 

We don't have a name. Not even close! Ian thinks all of the names I love are cheesy frat-boy names (eye roll). The names he likes are ... SO random. 

I know several of you that read here have children that are in middle school, high school, college, or maybe even be parents themselves now, and many of you have reached out saying that you love reading our family anecdotes (the good, the bad, and the ugly department store tantrums) because it takes you back. And I love hearing that. So I will keep sharing little tid-bits of our daily lives ... even the not-so-pretty but very realistic parts ... because we all enjoy a trip down memory lane from time to time. And just as you are thinking "Man, now that the kids are grown, I'd do anything to have them back at home!" then you can read a story about me being up six times in the middle of the night and not showering for two full days and think ... "mmm -- I'm good." 

Funny how that happens, right?!

Thank you again for your sweet words -- I still owe two of you a personal email reply back, but didn't want to rush through it -- and for the big virtual hug I felt from every single one of you! 


  1. Same age and same stage of life over here (with 3 little ones under 4 right now)....and I do LOVE hearing all of your family's so nice to feel a sense of community and know that I am not alone in this crazy but beautiful season. Congratulations, again!!!! Can't wait to continue following along with you!

  2. Such exciting news! I am due in February with my first child, a girl, and I love following the adventures of your family. I also love reading pregnancy updates! Keep them coming!

  3. Congratulations!!!!!! Woohoooooo!!!!!

  4. Congratulations! 3 under 4 is quite the undertaking! I have 2 boys and then a girl as my youngest (smae age as Camille). I had the same problem with boy names with my husband, he thought mine were "preppy" or "yuppie"...yet he never had anything to bring to the table - whatever! We ended up with Tanner for the 1st and Breckin for the 2nd. Hope this pregnancy is easy breezy!

  5. Congratulations!! Having three children is such a joy! Our three were 2 1/2 years apart. People thought we were crazy to have children so close, but our son and daughters have always been so close, no matter how many miles come between them. When very young they were each other's playmates, and as they got older always the best of friends. Our kids are in their forties now, which time just whizzes by so fast, and when together they still act like the kids they were. And now we get to see them again in all our Grandchildren! How exciting your life will continue to be...three blessings!

  6. Love that photo of your sweet family! So excited for you!

  7. So, so exciting! I had GD with my first but not my second, so you never know -- you may very well not get it with little boy. :) But I think you're on the right track being cognizant of it! Looking forward to following along on this newest adventure. My best to you!

  8. So excited for y'all. I'm a mom of two boys, so obviously I'm a little partial to little boys, but they're just so precious and really, REALLY love their mamas. (Walker told me unprompted the other day, "Mama, you're my best girl.") He and Knox are nearly 2.5 years apart (I got pregnant with Knox when Walker was right at 18 months old) and they really are the best of friends. When Walker's at school, Knox will wander around the house saying, "Bubba? [Brother?]"

    Thank you for always keeping it real, even when it's less than Pinterest perfect. :)

  9. you know how excited i am for y'all! Boys are the best and I can't wait for you to experience it!

  10. How exciting! I am still just so thrilled for you guys! Life will definitely be crazy, but so blessed and full of love! <3

  11. BEST NEWS EVER!!! SO so excited for you and your sweet family - he is already the most lived little man x

  12. April-I am so happy for you sweet friend! This post warmed my heart. Thank you for being so real and genuine. This new mom stuff is HARD and it's nice to know that there is someone else going through this crazy season. I enjoy the sense of community that I get from reading your blog. Thank you for making me smile! xoxo!

  13. congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you and your family!


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