

What I'm All About.

This blogging space of mine has been such a joy to write. I started blogging at the end of 2010 -- got married in 2011, had a daughter in 2014, lost a beloved pet in 2015, decided to put my career on hold in 2015, and welcomed another daughter in 2016. Whew! Lots of life happening in the last several years. No wonder I can barely remember to renew my car's annual registration. Gotta get on that.

So, some of you have followed from the beginning, some of you came here from the Fresh Apple Cake recipe that somehow blew up on Pinterest a few years ago, and some of you found me through the Five On Friday linkup that I cohost with my girlfriends Christina and Natasha. Regardless, I'm so happy to "meet" you and thought I'd do a short reintroduction and open myself to some Q+A down below!

ME: My name is April, I'm 35 years old, and I live in Charlotte, NC. Thirty five suddenly sounds pretty old to me but I feel young. I love sale shopping, mall Chinese food, white wine, girls nights, feather pillows, yard/estate sales, drugstore makeup, crafty things. I love my family. 

Originally from: Columbia, SC

Parents/siblings: Parents are still married and are now lake-living happy retirees. I'm the oldest sister; middle sister is an artist in NYC and youngest sister is a jewelry maker and mom in Greenville, SC.

Who lives in my house: My awesome husband Ian (he's 38). My magnetic and wonderfully spirited toddler Camille (3 this May). My snugglebunny sweetheart sparkly-eyed daughter (1 next month). No animals yet, but we waffle back and forth. Maybe once the kids are a tad older? 


I previously worked in corporate health and wellness. I traveled a LOT and that was very cool when I was single with just a few dying houseplants. Our daughter Camille was born May 2014; I went back to work in August 2014 and worked through August 2015. I gave a long notice to my employer and started transitioning out of my job. A few days before my last day of work, we found out we were pregnant with Charlotte! 

Now, in addition to being a stay-at-home mom, I also own an Etsy shop with my mom! You can find The Tipsy Bunny here. We do the majority of our sales locally, however. I make all of the hairbows and Mom makes the bonnets! Occasionally we also offer other items like felt foods made by my aunt and nursery watercolors made by my middle sister. 

My goal for this blog is for it to be a happy, cheery place where we can all share some fun stories, interesting ideas, life hacks, back pats. 

Have a question for me? Leave it below!

Also -- any readers local to Charlotte, PLEASE come out and visit me on Tuesday! I'd love to see you at Swoozies in South Park!


  1. Love these little "get to know me" posts, even though I've been reading your blog for several years now! Now that I have my own sweet Charlotte (11 weeks tomorrow!), I find myself referencing your older blog posts - first it was for pregnancy info, now it's new baby/transitioning back to work posts (tears!). I also just realized we have a brand new Aldi 15 minutes from our house, and after your post earlier this week, I'm going to make a stop in there this weekend! I have to say that I also love that you "keep it real" as a mom - while you share fashion finds for both yourself and the girls (which are always reasonable, not crazy expensive!), you also share recipes and budget tips. So, from one mama to another, thanks! Have a wonderful day!

  2. I love these posts so much! Love your blog and following along as you raise your two beautiful girls! Xo

  3. Love getting to know you a little better today! I've been linking up for a little under a year now and your blog is so full of light, I enjoy following along! Your girls are so adorable too :-)
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  4. Love your blog! Starting reading a few years ago? Can't remember. I have a desk job and start most mornings reading coffee and catching up on my favorite blogs. Now I'm married and expecting our first. I'll stay home after he's born in August, so I find myself going through your old pregnancy posts for ideas/advice! I'm worried about staying home when I've worked 8-5 for 7 years. I do some volunteer work, but should I get more hobbies? Any advice? (I can't sew.)-Anne Elise @anneemc22 (instagram)

  5. One of my favorite blogs reads since the beginning! What a precious family! I'd love to see a post on Whats in your fridge or your purse! Ha! ;)

  6. Such a fun little introduction! I found your blog through the Five on Friday link up, and I always love hearing about your latest going ons and especially the pictures of your sweet kiddos. They are the cutest and Camille has the BEST expressions.

  7. Love learning a little more about you and your sweet family! Also, it's neat to hear about your sisters and your business with your Mom.

  8. April,

    I started stalking your blog when you were expecting Camille. I'm in Matthews, NC and also like yard sales/estate sales too. Have you even been to The Depot at Gibson Mill?


  9. So fun! I started following along with the Five for Friday posts back in 2013, and now I need to go make that apple cake! :)

  10. I love this post! I always love reading your blog, though! :)

  11. Thank you for writing your blog. It is always a happy place to visit.


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