

30 Before 30 In 30 List Update

I am happy to cross another item off my 30 Before 30 In 30 list ....

#2 - Donate 5 things to Goodwill  CHECK!

Four old sweaters, a tote bag I used in college, glassware we didn't need anymore, and a cordless telephone -- all gone!  So I actually exceeded my goal of just 5 items.  

I've got some other items in the works, too.

And for one of them -- item 15: Host a really fun blog giveaway -- I'm giving you a chance to play!  If you have anything you make or sell (ahem - calling all Etsy sellers!) and you'd like to be a part of the blog giveaway to celebrate my blog's birthday, just let me know.  I'll hook you up with details.  :)


  1. Good for you! I feel such satisfaction when I'm able to get a little more space and give my things a better home. :)

  2. I have been so inspired by your 30 by 30 list! I keep thinking of what I'd put on my own list if I had one.. buy a HOT pair of high heels (and learn to walk in them!), take a class at the new pilates studio down the street, make a pie, take a day off and do nothing but take pictures w/my DSLR camera... Hmm maybe I should formalize this list and actually do it! :)

  3. I just read your list and absolutely love it!! I might have to come up with something similar for myself!

  4. Also you're more than welcome to guest post for me--I'd love to have some of your spunk on my blog!

  5. love your list - such a good idea!!! im going to have to try this! when is your bday?


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