

The Best Pizza, Like EVER.

When I went to college, I fell in love with a restaurant.  Moreso, with a certain dish at this restaurant.

At Trio on Main Street, they have a pizza that will blow your mind.  I can't always make it to Trio, but I love recreating this pizza at home, which is just what we did on Friday night!

Smoked Salmon Pizza

Pizza crust (I used store-bought; you can create your own if desired)
Red onion, diced
Granny Smith apple, sliced thinly
Brie cheese
Smoked salmon pieces

Start off by brushing your pizza crust with olive oil.  Layer on as many red onions and apple slices as you'd like.  Add smoked salmon pieces and top with sliced brie cheese.  Sprinkle with capers.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 10-12 minutes.  Let sit a few minutes before slicing.

We dug into this pizza and watched The King's Speech.  Great movie, great Friday night!


  1. April, this pizza sounds so good! I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Hope you have a great week!


  2. Sounds like my kind of pizza

  3. trio is one of our favorite places to eat downtown! love that your pizza is inspired from there!

  4. That pizza sounds really yummy! I love the King's Speech too.

  5. I made one similar recently, but without apples. I'll have to try it that way. Sounds delicious!

  6. i've been wanting to go to trio since forever. can you believe i've lived in gville 4 years and never been.'s happening this week.

  7. whatttt?! i would never think to put all of that together. but it sounds FANTASTIC!! will have to try!

  8. This sounds absolutely unbelievable! I would have never thought to put all this together but it makes sense that all these delicious ingredients would make for one delicious pizza

  9. DROOLING...ON MY DESK. Well almost drooling. This looks delicious! Maybe I need to whip up some homemade pizza this weekend...

  10. Now you're making me reconsider my dinner plans, hehe, that pizza looks SO good--if only they delivered all the way here in VA!


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