

3, 2, 1 ... Contacts! Tried It And Liked It

I've been wearing glasses since the 3rd grade. I was allowed to get contacts in the 6th or 7th grade -- probably something I should remember but it was definitely in that early middle school phase.

I wear contacts every. single. day. and yes I know that Lasik has been around forever, but by the time I could afford it and was ready to pull the trigger, I was either pregnant or nursing! Eyes can change during that time, so maybe I'll get it when I'm, you know, forty seven or something. ;)

As much as I get a kick out of watching my finances, I'm admittedly lazy when it comes to being smart about purchasing my contacts. I buy them straight from my eye doctor every 3 months and I spend a small fortune. A smallllll fortune.

After seeing a commercial recently for Hubble, I decided to give the 15-pair free trial a go! You pay $3 for shipping and they arrive at your doorstep. Um, that's easy. 

I should mention this is a completely non-sponsored, unpaid, just gal-to-gal opinion post. They don't know who I am. :) 

A little googling after I paid my $3 shipping and I saw some kinda unpleasant reviews online, mostly about comfort and quality. And some said that stopping the delivery had to be done via phone only and was difficult. 

BUT - I turned to Instagram and had several people say that they were so happy with Hubble! And I'm on day 3 now of wearing the daily contacts and they've been super easy to adapt to! My prescription is pretty strong ... -7.0 and -7.5.

I did have one commenter who's an optometrist ... she said that they don't call your eye doctor to verify your prescription. I found that pretty interesting, not sure what to think of it. 

So I'd say give them a shot. It's $30/month after your trial box, which is way less than what I've been paying for my Acuvues. 

So far -- so good! Have you used these contacts? 


  1. OMG we have the same prescription! To be honest, I've never met anyone with eyes this bad before so I got a little too excited when I read that! I never thought these would work with a prescription this bad. I would totally try them except I'm getting LASIK next month! If you decide to do it, I'm seeing Dr. Mozayeni here in Charlotte and cannot wait. He impressed me immediately in the consult and made me feel so comfortable! I did find out at my consult, that I'm really more like -8 but I wear a -7.5 right now.

  2. Oh man - this would be a dream...but I'm a -10.50, basically blind! I have a lot of trouble finding places that carry my blind person prescription!

  3. Good to know about this option, I'll have to look into it myself. If you end up going the ordering via your eye-doctor route again, order a year's worth at one time - you will save a ton!

  4. If you don't like Hubble, try Wal Mart contacts online. Price is reasonable and it is really easy to order.

  5. Oh, I'm glad you reviewed this because I just spent a small fortune stocking up on my glasses/contacts. I've been curious about these online sites, so I'm interested to see how you like. I too, plan on doing Lasik in the next few years.

  6. That was my prescription before lasik. Now, I am at -2.25. Not nearly as bad but still need contacts! I might give this a try. Thanks April!

  7. Thanks for sharing! I’ve never used them but will have to give them a whirl!

  8. Girl that’s my prescription too... blind as a bat! I am dying for Lasix but my eyes change basically every 6 months so I have to wait until they have plateaued. I’m definitely interested in trying these!

  9. I have a strong prescription too (in the -6 range) and always order from 1-800 Contacts. There's often a $50 rebate, making my supply of contacts for the year (I use monthlies) around $230. Slightly cheaper than Hubble and they do verify your prescription with your eye doc!

    Plus, if Ian has an FSA or HSA, be sure you're using that to purchase contacts... whatever your top tax bracket is, that's your effective discount!

  10. I wouldn't worry about them not calling to confirm your script- in Europe you don't even need a script to buy contacts! And we fly to Poland and buy them- they're so much cheaper! And we get a weekend out of it!

  11. Optometrist posting here: I would never prescribe Hubble contacts for my patients, friends or family. The lens material is extremely outdated for the price they charge. To put this in perspective, it would be like using the very first iPhone.

    Here is a great article that sums it up well:


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