

Warp Speed

Wait ... wasn't it just Halloween?

I didn't even get a chance to share my Halloween-decorated house, which wasn't anything extraordinary or anything, but it was cute. Skeletons, spiderwebs, and a Frankenstein mask on my fancy female bust figurine that sits on the entryway table.

I guess we are in that warp-speed zone where fall festivals, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years get all smooshed together, and we just do the best that we can! I'm trying to find that "perfect" balance between cramming in ALL of the special holiday experiences and also just taking the time to SIT with my husband and children, and enjoy.

I've been burning the wick at both ends, and I've got even more going on than this little slice of life that you may see here. Char still is not walking independently (19mo), my closet is an embarrassing disaster zone, we are all in a state of coughing/stuffiness/sore throat, ugh ... tis the season!

So, I'm literally sitting here thinking -- where do we go from here with this post? Do I swing it into a positive way and showcase my favorite oil diffuser, comfy robe, and tell you how much I'm enjoying the book I'm reading now? Talk about slowing down for the holidays, taking time for yourself?

Or do I just give you a virtual fist-bump, let you know that if you're feeling a little sick, a little tired, a little overwhelmed, that you're not in it alone? But that I do think there's so much JOY to be found in this season, and we shouldn't just plod on through it with our warrior boots on? We should actually just let ourselves slow down, lessen our expectations a little bit, and not invite uninvited stress through our front door.

Girrrrrl, you ain't the only one feeling overwhelmed!

Sending hugs.


  1. Your beautiful, positive & honest writing today is yet another reason why this is my favorite blog. And what a dear photo- life as it is this week! Thank you!

  2. Virtual fist bump girl! Hang on, and try to enjoy the ride, right?

  3. Hugs to you and what a sweet photo with your beautiful girls. I rear-ended my car into a guardrail this am while taking a conference call, drinking coffee and thinking about too much nonsense. The car has a little scratch but it was more upsetting how overwhelmed it made me realize I am. You are doing a great job--share the good and the bad and also please tell me about this fluffy robe!!! :-)

  4. You are an amazing mother and I agree with you that this time of the year is complete chaos, regardless of how much planning and preparation you put into it. You're doing a great job. Thank you for your complete and utter honesty.

  5. Hang in there - thanks for always keepin' it real on your blog. :)

  6. Hang in there, momma! My son walked a day before he was 18 months and even then he couldn’t squat down and get back up or run forever. When he was 4, he was flagged for gross (and fine) motor delays and we ended up doing 6 months of OT/PT. He’s still not quite where he needs to be at 5 years but it’s a continuum and we do everything we can to support him in those areas. He also absolutely loved going to OT/PT and as a former special education teacher I think those services are the most fun for kids. Anyway, hang in there! Xoxox

  7. So with you! Hang in there, friend!

  8. You’ve got this mama! The holidays can be so overwhelming for sure. Soak up moments with your precious babies because at the end of the day, they won’t remember the perfectly decorated house, they will remember the moments with you! Xo

  9. Read my mind! I'm so glad you said this. Fist bump!

  10. I love your honest, real life talk, April!! Thank you for staying down to earth in the "blogging world!" It is so appreciated! You rock!!! :)

  11. virtual hugs and fistbumps to you!!! so much to be thankful for, yet so much to be overwhelmed with. i feel ya!!!

  12. virtual fistbump to you! I feel exactly the same about the last few months.

  13. Life definitely is a lil overwhelming lately but we'll all make it through. :)


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