

Halloween 2017!

Halloween is such a loved holiday around these parts, and with the girls getting a wee bit older, it was even more enjoyable. Camille flip-flops between loving alllllll things spooky ("Hey Mom, why do zombies have blood on them?") and being positively terrified of the very fake-looking ghost that we had hanging outside our front walkway. 

Charlotte's just along for the ride. :)

So after nap on Halloween, we did a little pumpkin carving! Ian was still at work but my mom was in town which was really nice. 

Our kitty-cat pumpkin gets a B- but we were a little under the gun and pressed for time! Camille still thought it was magical and was so interested when I put the lit candle inside. 

Then it was time to get costumes on and make our way over to a neighbor's house for some fun together before the sun went down.

The girls looked adorable -- Charlotte wore the same unicorn costume that Camille wore two years ago (you can see here HERE) and was just so content taking everything in. Camille wanted to be a mermaid and I'm proud to say I made her costume! It cost me no more than a dollar or two. I bought some felt, used grosgrain that I already had, and accented it with sparkly paint! We already owned the princess crown so I just added the seashell on top with hot glue. 


Trick or treating at our own home!

Charlotte didn't collect any candy, but our favorite babysitter did give her a chocolate-covered pretzel stick, and I let her gnaw on it in the wagon. Only when we got home in the light did I see what a chocolatey mess I had on my hands! 

We did find that one magical home that was giving away full-sized Skittle packs. You know, there's always that ONE house! Am I right?!

Now if only I knew where that pack disappeared to..... (wink wink)


  1. We carved our pumpkins on Halloween too!! So fun to have your mom there! You are SO incredibly talented to make Camille's costume and CANNOT handle baby Charlotte as a precious unicorn. Looks like such a fun evening spent in your magical neighborhood!!! :)

  2. It's been a crazy last few weeks and therefore, we never got around to carving our pumpkins. MOM OF THE YEAR!!! ;)

  3. Oh my gosh, your girls are absolute dolls in their costumes! I totally give your cat jack-o-lantern an A. That's awesome! And, seriously, you are the most fun mom! :)

  4. Both girls are absolutely darling, but Charlotte just seems particularly so precious taking it all in. Also, I love your kitty cat jack-o-lantern! What a fun and darling halloween!

  5. Oh my gahhhh that unicorn costume killllls me!! Adorable!!!


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