

Oh, hi!

Good Friday morning! Yet another week of almost zero blogging and no traditional Five on Friday link up. I am so sorry and I miss checking in here!

What I thought was a battery issue with my computer is actually a MOTHERBOARD issue, so that's awesome. My 1.5 year old laptop will be completely replaced today and luckily they think there should be no problem getting all of my important information off of my old laptop.

It has just thrown me for a loop because it makes blogging really hard, it makes tracking my LipSense sales a little more difficult, and frankly it is just expensive. 

Insult to injury, we also found out yesterday that we have extensive water damage in our home that needs professional remediation. Loud, rumbling machines in our home for the next three days, and then only after that can we begin the process of cutting out drywall, replacing it, repainting it. The one great thing is that we seemingly have no damage to our beautiful hardwood floors!

So, between all of that and the bathroom remodel that will not quit, and super expensive ceiling damages to a rental property we have in Charleston, and an unrelated ceiling leak in our kitchen that was apparently dripping toilet water on our countertop… anyone got a mimosa for me?!

I am staying positive and trying to appreciate the small things, because they are THERE!

While blogging has taken a backseat, please look out for updates on my Instagram page! I will also be posting Instastories. 




  1. Oh boy! When it rains it pours! (Almost literally in your case.) Glad you are trying to see the positive in everything - hope everything goes back to normal soon! <3

  2. Oh my goodness. That is so much! I sure hope they can get everything transferred over for you and that everything starts to get put back together for you. That is all stressful! xoxo ERIN

  3. oh man that is rough! So sorry you're dealing with this. We had a slab leak when my daughter was 4 weeks old and had to have the whole plumbing replaced. grrr...I can't imagine added all that other stuff. Good luck and yay for a new laptop!

  4. GRACIOUS that's quite a combo of misfortune! Hope it gets better!

  5. Ugh, sorry to hear about all of the troubles! Hope it turns around quickly for you. I've missed hearing your blog voice! :)

  6. Ugh. That's rough all right. Hope everything is fixed quickly and as inexpensively as possible. You are so right to try to stay focused on the good things! :)

  7. Sorry it sounds like you're having a rough week. I hope things improve soon

  8. So sorry to hear about all those things happening at once! I pray that peaceful life will be restored soon. Jennifer

  9. When it rains, it pours - that is so true! So sorry for all the boo but so glad for the little things. Like the cutest baby ever! Love the pic!

  10. Oh my, when it rains it pours, huh? Eeek! Hope things start looking up real quicklike for you.

  11. Catching up on my blog reading... so sorry to hear this! Stresssss. That makes me think it's high time for some wine! I hope everything has worked (dried?!) itself out!!


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