

Five On Friday! YAY!

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join along!

Remember, all you have to do is post about five things on your mind, add our logo (found at the bottom of this post), and join the party using the linky tools below. Easy, and a great way to find new blogs and be found. :)

All I have to say is it feels GOOD to be here, y'all. I have had a lazy blogging summer, half out of necessity (broken laptop) and half out of just being busy as hay-ell.

But blogging is my jam, such a wonderful connector of women, and it's my happy place! So thanks for staying patient while I had a little downtime this summer.

Char - 16 months

How sweet was the eclipse on Monday!?

Ian was home from work so we got to experience it together while the kiddos slept. At first I felt guilty with Camille missing it, but she can't even really be trusted yet with safety scissors let alone staring at a major eclipse.

She'll catch one in 2024, that I do know!

I am going to get a tissue box cover from my friend Elizabeth (she's the same one who did my den pillows ... her Etsy shop is HERE). She has so many fonts available ... which should I choose?

I'm thinking tan linen like below with all white embroidery for our powder room.

Music update -- it's been a few years since I was on a M.I.A. kick but I'm baaaaaack.

I seriously dig her. I'm listening to this album now as I write this! 


Yesterday I was sooooo overwhelmed, Camille's personality is SO big and powerful and she's really exercising her sassy muscle these days. I was trying to clean the master bath and she was just getting into so much mischief, just really pushing the envelope all day long, and at one point Ian called me to check in and I yelled at her using my Scary Mommy Voice with him on the line... and then just felt horrible. But the not listening over and over and over again and going against every single one of my orders just had me on edge all day. So when Ian arrived home and went straight to the fridge and then Camille came running back to the bedroom yelling "MAMA DADDY BOUGHT YOU SOME CAKE!" I knew that he got me and he knew exaaaactly what I needed when the kids went to bed. 

Ian ... you're cool. Thumbs up emoji. Heart eyes emoji. Fist bump emoji.
Blueberry lemon cheesecake from Reid's for the win. 


That's it for today! Hope you have a lovely weekend -- thanks for linking up with us below!


  1. What a sweet hubby to bring you a treat after a hard day with the kiddos! I love when mine does that!

  2. Oh my gosh, I feel you on the behavior thing. Walker is now 3.5 and I swear, from a few months before he turned 3 until right at 3.5 were a nightmare: deliberate disobedience, not listening, not obeying and just pushing the envelope. There were many days I would bawl (and bawl thinking I'm going to have to go through it with Knox 😭). I read "Parenting with Love and Logic" and "The New Strong-Willed Child" and they helped so much. Solidarity, girl. And sending lots of wine and chocolate. You're a great mom!!!

  3. I totally get the downtime needed occasionally! And your summer has looked like it's been totally worth it. And he is seriously the sweetest! I know the days all too well and that mean scary mommy voice brings so much guilt! Have a good weekend!

  4. Aww good job Ian! Cake is definitely the way to my heart after a bad day, too! So glad you're back to blogging more, love catching up with you and those sweet girls! XO

  5. Ian is the man!!!! That's so awesome. And sometimes you just have to pull out the scary mommy voice so they know you mean business. Even with my daughter being almost 20 and more of a friend, I had to pull it out a time or two this summer. Go girl!

  6. Ok, that was adorable of Ian. Such a small gesture, but it's really important to feel like people get how hard it can be at times and that you do deserve a reward for getting through it!

  7. what a thoughtful husband. I'll bet he has a talk with lil miss sassy pants! lol. Have a great weekend.

  8. Hubs sure are wonderful, aren't they!? You enjoy that cake, mama...and know that all mamas use their mean mama, scary voice when they are about to lose it...The kids will be fine and so will you! Hang in there and have a wonderful weekend!

    Chels @ West + Rose

  9. Aw... what a good hubby! Good thinking, dada. ;) I just wrote a post yesterday about the ins and outs of motherhood called "How Motherhood Goes." There is no role more challenging, maddening, satisfying, and just...precious. You're doing a great job!

  10. Great husband points--and that cheesecake looks legitttttt.

    We all lose it with our kids sometimes. The mommy guilt is real. I wish I didn't yell but it's probably going to happen sometimes. Ugh. Happy Friday!

  11. Oh man mom voice. I've definitely been there. It sucks but sometimes has to be done. Someone once told me that you have to go full out crazy at least once in front of your kids - just so they know you have it in you lol. <3

  12. That is a good hubby right there!! I can't count the times I have sent an "SOS" text to my husband and he knows exactly what that means... hurry up, come home and bring a bottle of wine with you haha

  13. I thought of you are your computer woes this week as my computer is out of commission and blogging is at a halt! I agree I love blogging for all the reasons you said!

  14. UGHHHHH!!!! My 2.5 yo has been a holy terror lately, too! Hang in there, mama, and know that others are in the same boat as you!

  15. Very Thoughts provoking article it really help me to set my strategies regarding Embroidery Fonts


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