

Saturday Night Brews

This past Saturday night, we met up with friends for something a little out of the ordinary.

We checked out two local Charlotte breweries!

I wore my new neon pink tank and chevron maxi skirt, both from Old Navy during their 40% off sale last Wednesday.  (Shhhh: The skirt is a maternity skirt, and no, I am not with bebe!  It just has a wider waistband which expands for belly growth due to pregancy ... or beer-imbibing)

The first stop for our evening was NoDa Brewing Company, which boasted quite a fun selection.

One of the featured beers of the evening was this NoDajito, which was a lighter beer with hints of mint and citrus.  Of course I gave it a run!  It was quite tasty.

After a while, the boys ventured out to the Auto Burger & Fry Guys food truck right there at the brewery to bring us all dinner.

Ian ordered the most amazing turkey burger for me that was topped with gooey cheese and sauteed spinach.

After dinner, we walked next door to Birdsong Brewing Company.

Their selection was quite good also, and we all ordered the same beer -- their Jalapeno Pale Ale.  It had the exact taste of fresh jalapenos minus the crazy spiciness.

Not too long afterwards, a crazy storm rolled in, and we were so thankful for the covered deck.  They even have a huge oversized game of Jenga that some folks started playing.

It was a great way to spend the weekend trying something new.


  1. Sounds like a pretty perfect summer evening! And that limey minty beer sounds AWESOME!

    xoxo, Emily

  2. Look at you with the maternity clothes:) haha I might have to go grab that asap

  3. One of the first people I met upon moving to Charlotte is one of the owners of NoDa Brewery! They have some fantastic beer! Visiting their brewery is probably the number one thing I've missed while pregnant. I love that they also do a weekly specialty brew on Tuesdays. Think it'll be wrong if I bring the baby once she's here?? :)

  4. Beer does make you sooo full! Looks like fun!

  5. I ventured to NoDa Brewing Company for the first time the weekend before last and the NoDajito was my fav! I'll have to check out the food truck next time.

    Love the maternity skirt - just this weekend I was at Target with some girlfriends, discussing how cute their maternity clothes are!

  6. Love small breweries. This makes me want to move to Charlotte!

  7. Oh boy. I want an oversized Jenga. That would def have me make friends with my neighbors-of-four-years-who-act-like-we-don't-exist. ha!

    BTW I love CLT. Can we meet up the next time I am there? Maybe you won't be on vacay... pshhhht.

    I noticed in your lovey kiss photo with the hubs your silver cuff bracelet. I have one that has peonies, my birth month flower on it, from a MD-based company called Salisbury pewter. Is your bracelet from them too?

  8. That looks like fun!! And super cute outfit, I bought maternity workout pants one time and kept them because the expandable waist. Shameful, I know.

  9. Wow that jalapeno beer looks AMAZING. Any idea if they sell it outside of Charlotte?

  10. What a fun idea! I'm going to start researching breweries around Baltimore right now!

  11. Oh my gosh!! I almost went Saturday...literally we turned into the lot and changed our minds! I would have seen you!! :(

  12. What a fun evening. I can't believe how long I've been in Charlotte and haven't been to these places.

  13. best Saturday ever!! I think one day you'll be so happy that skirt is maternity!

    Also - I am drooling over that turkey burger. omg.

  14. haha I love that you bought a maternity skirt! You looked adorable (as usual!)

  15. Sounds like such a great summer time! Very cute outfit! Erica

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  17. Okay... so did you see my post on this?? Hilarious!

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