

Easter Sunday and Charlotte's Eye Surgery

Hey, friends!
So, this Easter looked a little different than I expected it to, but still worth documenting because it was a sweet Easter indeed.

On Saturday morning, Charlotte woke up with a 101-degree fever. A dose of Motrin and she was right as rain, but I'm a pretty hard and fast follower of the 24 hour rule. Because of that, we decided it best for Charlotte (chipper at this point) to sit out on a neighbor's backyard egg hunt. Ian stayed home with her while I took Camille.

The next morning, the girls awoke to filled baskets from the ol' EB himself!

Pretty simple and straightforward this year -- the Pottery Barn hooded towels I blogged about HERE (still can't believe they went down to $8/ea), some personalized Contigo water bottles from a local mom, Reeses Pieces carrots, pink Peeps, Annie's gummy bunnies, a puzzle for Camille and yogurt melts for Charlotte, and window suncatchers to paint.

And don't you know that Charlotte's fever was back on Easter morning.

We had a family brunch planned that included an egg hunt, a train ride, and sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap, but alas, we decided to divide and conquer yet again. I tried to convince Ian to go but he knew that I live for this kind of thing so he volunteered to stay at home again.

He took Char on a wagon ride and later they had a picnic lunch outdoors. Again, the Motrin had her feeling better at this point but we just didn't want to take any chances with exhausting her too much (especially with her eye surgery looming) and infecting other children. 

Once we got home, we got a quick photo together with our overflowing trashcan in the background. Ya win some, ya lose some. 

Remind me next year to take the extra 3 seconds to whip out my Nikon, k?

While the girls were napping, I stuffed 30 eggs with coins and let the girls go on a "money hunt" together so that poor Charrie got some sort of an egg hunt under her belt this year. We opened cards that my mom sent and put their money hunt earnings in their piggybanks.

So, moving on to Charlotte's strabismus surgery. It's tomorrow. I'm not as anxious about it as I once was -- we are just ready to get this done and behind us. I know children have this procedure done every single day, and I trust our doctor. I'm just curious about what's next. How will she handle the anesthesia? How will she handle the eye drops for the next week? Will her eyes heal quickly and as they should? Will only one surgery be necessary? Will this help her to walk confidently ... and run in the backyard with her sister?

Thanks for all of the support and well-wishes you have given and continue to give! 


  1. Prayers for little Charlotte and her surgery today, and you for an Ian while you wait for her. I remember being very nervous when Luke had ear tube surgery last year. The anesthesia was rough for him. He struggled with the out of control, groggy feeling, but once he woke up more he was fine.

  2. Thinking happy thoughts for little Charlotte!

  3. Sending y'all lots of prayers as you go into surgery with sweet Charlotte tomorrow. Coming out of anesthesia is always the toughest part for my son. They don't know what's going on and my son always hates having all of those IV/heart monitor, etc.. wires still on him. I wasn't prepared for that after the first surgery he had. Kids are so tough though. I know Charlotte will do just great!! And so will Mom and Dad (and sister!).

  4. Happy thoughts, prayers for sweet Charlotte!

  5. Praying for your sweet girl and the doctors. I had strabismus surgery as an adult (after a car accident) and there were quite a few kids in the surgical center with me for the same procedure. I can't tell how she'll come out of surgery, the eye drops weren't as bad I thought but just be prepared for really red eyes for a long time. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! And I still have to wear glasses with a tiny bit of prism in them, so be prepared for that possibility as well.

  6. Camille looks like she grew two feet taller over night! I just l.o.v.e Charlotte to pieces and will be thinking of you all tomorrow.

  7. prayers for a successful and low-key surgery tomorrow!

  8. Sending you lots of positive thoughts for Charlotte's surgery!

  9. Sending all the prayers for little Charrie! Keep us posted! Also, loving your earrings friend! xo

  10. You are a wonderful mom, April! First, I know how hard it is to keep the sick baby at home, but I'm so thankful you *did* do that for sweet Charlotte AND for the other moms. I'm praying for her and you during her surgery tomorrow. I know you're nervous but she's going to do awesome. What a sweet little Easter and I can't wait to see next year's pictures with that sweet baby boy added to the mix! :)

  11. Awww. :( I'm so sorry the little nugget wasn't feeling well for Easter. I hate these lingering winter germs! It sounds like you all still made it a nice time together, though, and the girls looked adorable!

  12. Praying for you all tomorrow. My now 5 year old has a small non-cancerous tumor removed out of his arm two years ago and I was so nervous about the anesthesia. He came out of it very well and was asking for one of every food they offered him right away :) Hoping it's the same for you guys!

  13. Hoping the surgery goes well and praying for you all!

  14. Thinking about you and your sweet girl. I pray that the Lord bring you lots of peace during this time and that he protect Charlotte through the whole process.

  15. Good luck, Charlotte! Happy thoughts for a speedy recovery!

  16. Praying for Charlotte and you all!!

  17. Prayers for Charlotte during her surgery, and for Mom & Dad as well. Hoping that everything will go okay and her healing will go well.

  18. Praying for you today, friend! I hope everything goes perfectly with the absolute best outcome!

  19. I hope the surgery went well & it's too bad that she had to stay back on the celebrations but I think that you made a good call in doing so. Plus, a backyard picnic with Dad, that sounds pretty great. :)

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