

Five On Friday ::: Baby Charlotte is ONE!

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join along!

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Today is Sweet Baby Charlotte's FIRST BIRTHDAY, so in honor of that, I thought I'd share five things about her precious self!

Charlotte Smithwick was born at 10:45am on 4/14, exactly twenty three months apart from her proud big sister. Her entry into this world is much like her disposition today: easy, smooth, gentle. It was a great birth and she was a snugglebug from the start. She cuddled right into me, calmed immediately, and I knew from that moment what sort of relationship we would have. She is my sweetheart. 

(You can read her birth story here, if interested.) 

We were so excited to bring her home to our house and start life as a family of four! Initially I didn't share this photo, I let my vanity get in the way with that ol' floppy tummy. But whatever, I'm so over that now. Look at that proud daddy smile, too!

Charlotte has kept her blue eyes, just like her dad! Her hair is looking to be a light brown so far and I'm curious if it will lighten up in the summertime sun. 

She still seems so much like a baby to us, but she's grown so much! At 12 months old now, she's taking milk only three times a day (I'm still nursing but plan to switch her to cows milk soon). She's loving finger foods and we are relying on pouches much less often. She says "mama", "dada", "uh-oh", and she can repeat a lot of words to us if we prompt her like "up" and "dog-dog." She loves playing peek-a-boo and knows most of the time where her nose is. She is a HUGE dancer, loves swaying back and forth to music!

Lastly, I just want to say that she is the perfect addition to our family. She is a ray of sunshine, a sparkly-eyed bundle of happiness. Charlotte is so precious to us and we are so excited to celebrate her today as a one year old!

Happy birthday, dear Charlotte.

TGIF y'all, and hope you will join in on Five on Friday this week! Cheers to the weekend!

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  1. Awww! What a sweet baby girl! Happy Birthday, Charlotte!


  2. What a precious girl! Happy birthday to Charlotte! :)

  3. happy birthday Charlotte! I can't believe she is already one! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. Happy Birthday little Charlotte!!!!

  5. Happy Birthday precious baby! Beautiful family!

  6. So precious! She's a doll. Happy 1st Birhday, Charlotte (and mama)!

  7. Happy 1st birthday! You made it! And I totally agree about the way they enter the world is the way their overall dispostion is! My son was slow and easy, and he is super laid back and my daughter was fast and furious and 2 weeks early, she wanted out and she wanted out now (2 hours start to finish) and she is a little spit fire and wants what she wants, haha! Have a great weekend!

  8. Happy Birthday to sweet baby Charlotte! Time goes way to quickly💕

  9. So so so precious!! Happy birthday, Charlotte!!

  10. happy birthday to your beautiful little sweetie!!!

  11. Happy birthday sweet baby Charlotte! These second babies have grown SO fast, yet still feel like little babes. It's killing me!! hah She is so beautiful and I've so enjoyed following her first year through you. While I feel like I've probably "missed" more with #2 from being busy (with #1 hah), I also feel like I've savored more and soaked up the baby-ness because it is oh so precious.

  12. Oh, my goodness, I can't believe it has been a year since Charlotte arrived. Seems like yesterday, you (and all of us reading your blog) were waiting for Camille. I've been following and enjoying your blog longer than I thought I have been.. both of the girls are growing so quickly...What precious daughters you have. Happy Birthday beautiful Charlotte!

  13. Happy 1st birthday dear Charlotte!! What a special angel girl you are - well done mama x

  14. Happy late birthday sweet, precious girl!


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