

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve! 

I'm here at our family's house -- all is right with the world.  Home just smells like "home," all the pets are hanging around me, and we'll have a fire crackling in the fireplace in just a little bit. Tonight we'll dine on our traditional Christmas Eve dinner of crab legs, spicy baked shrimp, and crusty bread to soak in the shrimp broth.  We will most definitely be having a few glasses of wine.

This will be the last Christmas that Ian and I spend apart.  We both had today off so we slept in (all the way til 7:30!) and ate breakfast together.  Then we put on Christmas music and I wrapped presents while he worked on putting my Christmas present together ... more on that later.  We went out to lunch before saying goodbye for the next four days.  Next year we'll be splitting up the holidays between our families somehow, and that won't be the easiest -- but it will be nice celebrating the day together.

Merry Christmas Eve to you and your family, and remember -- you have to be fast asleep before Santa will come!

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