

Spill About Your L-O-V-E: Miss Dixie

I think you'll agree with me that Katie from Miss Dixie is such a complete sweetheart (as is their new baby boy, Weeks!).  She and her husband have such a cute home and I always get excited when I see a home update.  Boy, does she have an eye for design!  Meet Katie:

{1} Describe your dating life prior to finding your husband. 
Boyfriend history goes a little like this...a few long term boyfriends between high school and college- both didn't treat me well, we didn't match up with long term dreams and they didn't mesh well with the fam- which is so important to me. Then after the serious relationships were over, casual dating life was still bad until I found my husband. How is that for being blunt? Bad in the way that I liked all the wrong kinds of guys- the ones you don't want to end up with! I went on no more than a few dates with each guy and things always fizzled. A lot of times me, sometimes the guy. In my case, I firmly believe because of all the dud experiences, I was ready and thankful for Stephen once he came around. I appreciated how he treated me and knew I had found something special in him. We also started our dating relationship based on a solid friendship, which was different than any other guy I had ever dated.

{2} You had a really silly fight.  Embarrassing silly.  What was it about?
This is funny because this is the one question I really wanted to answer but I cannot come up with one exact scenario. Blame it on baby brain, I guess you can say our slate is wiped pretty clean. We aren't the fighting type of couple, so when we do argue it is almost definitely over something silly. I did get huffy about him bringing me the wrong kind of food/sweets when I was pregnant several times. He learned to be very specific and careful. Oh- one time I got crazily annoyed that he brought home powdered sugar donut holes when I asked for donut holes from Dunkin Donuts. {Who likes powdered sugar donut holes, give me the real sugar!} But that was after I was pregnant. Whoops :)

{3} Tell us something about your husband we wouldn't know from reading your blog.
He has the biggest heart for his Grandma. I remember going to eat dinner at her house for the first time when we had just begun dating. Prior to that, I had heard multiple stories from his buddies about their group visits to see her and have some of that amazing home country cooking. He adored his Grand Daddy too, and he tells stories all the time that make his face light up. It's the sweetest! One thing I also might have mentioned a few times, but he really has stepped up to the plate to be an amazing Dad for Weeks. He has been so supportive, patient, helpful and such a rock for me as we conquered having a newborn!

{4} What's one thing you never thought you'd do in front of your husband, but you did?
Hmm, thats a good one! Up until this sweet baby of ours was born, I never thought I would use a breast pump quite so frequently in front of him with no regard. I had never contemplated exactly where the pumping would take place. There's something funny about being hooked up to a machine like a cow and sitting there going on about your day, carrying on a conversation with your husband. It was quite amusing to me! 


  1. I'm loving this series! You've introduced me to some great new blogs to read and the stories everyone has shared have been great!

  2. Love Katie and her answers! I love the reaction over the wrong donuts- I can totally relate!

  3. Love Katie and this series! Great idea friend!!

  4. Thank you so much for letting me particpate in your series April! I've loved reading everyone elses responses as well :) And again, Happy Anniversary friend!

  5. Awww, loved reading more about you and your hubs!!! And good one on the "embarrassing thing" question --- I couldn't think of anything for my post, but that's totally it!! Isn't that awkward at first? Like, "oh.... hey there...don't mind me, I'm just milking myself!" So sexy. Ha! But it becomes so normal! Babies change everything, right?! Haha!!

  6. Haha, I also thought I'd never pump in front of my husband, but I sure did!


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