


Know how sometimes you just sweat the small stuff?

And then you have a night that totally puts it all into perspective?

That was last night for me. A dinner devoted to helping war veterans realize that there are groups out there completely dedicated to them. Dedicated to their welfare, their wellbeing, their growth, their independence, their right to a happy and healthy life. Dedicated to helping them navigate the murky waters of pain management, PTSD, and medical issues. Helping them to not be part of the scary statistic that each day, twenty-two veterans' lives are lost to suicide.

This isn't a political post and this isn't a sponsored post. I am just so, so proud of my friend Sarah and all she is doing for this valiant group of men and women. Brava.


  1. Kudos to Sara! My family works closely with the Bob Woodruff Foundation doing similar support work and it's so important to take care of these heroes and their families.

  2. How awesome! I think this is such an important issue, so glad to hear about what your friend is doing!

  3. Something worth supporting, for sure. Brava, indeed!

  4. Amen! I really hope to meet Sarah someday. We have so much in common and she sounds absolutely amazing.

  5. Such a great mission and cause!

  6. What a wonderful and important cause. Thank you.


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