

Five On Friday: Powder Room Re-Do (While Hubby's Away)

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join along!

Remember, all you have to do is post about five things on your mind, add our logo (found at the bottom of this post), and join the party using the linky tools below. Easy, and a great way to find new blogs and be found. :)

My Instagram Instastories yesterday allowed me to spill a little secret ... while the cat is away, the mice will play. Husband is out of town and I have taken it upon myself to give the powder room a much-needed makeover!

When we moved in less than two years ago, we just did the basics to get the room looking an eensie-bit updated. We had it painted a medium gray, we swapped out the old chipping brass faucet for an oil-rubbed bronze one, and we swapped out the old chipping brass toilet flusher also for an oil-rubbed bronze one. I threw in a few decor pieces from Homegoods and frames I already owned and called it a day.

WELL. The flat gray paint is just about the worst finish ever for a bathroom sink area, and the water splashes dried all over the walls absolutely drive me insane. The towel bar is too big for what we need. The towel bar itself and the (ugly, outdated) light fixture were spray painted bronze by the previous homeowner. So I'm redoing it all with the help of a painter and handyman (and direction from my AMAZING designer) and making it all happen this weekend while Ian's skiing.

view as you enter the powder room. 
the discoloration on the wall is from water splashes. 

mirror's got to go, as do the towel bar and light fixture

So, let's get on with the plans!

First things first, paint color. We are going with Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore, eggshell finish to be easily cleaned from water splashes.

With accents of gold to pull out the gold flecks in the oil-rubbed bronze faucet, I think this will look stunning and sharp and moody. 

Speaking of gold, our designer sent me the link for the MOST fantastic light fixture. At $110, nothing that will completely break the bank, either. AVAILABLE HERE for everyone asking!

We are still scouting out the perfect mirror to go under that stunner of a light. I did not luck out yesterday at Homegoods, BUT I did wind up seeing these candle sconces ... hammered gold and just lovely. Not completely sure where they will best go yet, but I know we will find a spot!

To complete the look with all of the little details, we are also looking at THIS small area rug from Ballard Designs ... 

Celano Dip Dyed Tufted Rug
... as well as updating the switchplates with THIS and THIS ...

... and replacing that wide, spray-painted towel bar with a simple towel ring. This one for less than $5. 

I will continue to post updates on Instastories this weekend, probably steering clear of actual Instagram photos because my husband does see those (I just don't think he knows how to watch the disappearing stories). 

Wish me luck and I'll take any and all advice you have! 


That's it for today! Hope you have a lovely weekend -- thanks for linking up with us below!


20 Week Pregnancy Update

lots of phone case questions!
tortoise case HERE
monogrammed popsockets HERE

How Far Along? 20 Weeks ... HALFWAY there!

Size of Baby: Approximately 10 inches, crown to heel (that's big). Size of a mango per my phone app, which is wayyyy smaller than 10 inches. Am I right?! Maybe that's considering his size curled up and snuggling in.

Image result for 20 week baby

Gender: Baby BOY

Weight Gain: Just hopped on the scale, 112. I was around 105ish before pregnancy but lost some weight in those first few weeks. Doc's happy with weight gain and I'm eating like a college boy in the first week of freshman year.

Maternity Clothes: So very necessary. I gave away or sold much of mine :) Thankfully I held on to my Liz Lange (from Target) maternity leggings, because honestly I planned to keep wearing them even with a 1.5 year old. They are the best. Still have some long-sleeved maternity dresses and tops, so I will be breaking out that ruched-side goodness as the belly continues to grow! I'm feeling pretty MEH about my true "maternity clothes" ... they all are just so blah but I'm also not feeling up to spending lots on a true maternity wardrobe. So I'll be focusing on sprucing up staples (long-sleeved and sleeveless neutral tees) with cute cardigans, scarves and statement earrings/necklaces.

Nursery: Baby boy will be in Charlotte's current room. It has a smaller closet and is smaller overall. The girls will be sleeping in the same room! When we moved Camille to a big girl twin bed, we kept her old crib in the room. So Charlotte will eventually move there, and Char's coral-pink walls will be getting a little overhaul!

Movement: Happy birthday to me on 1/1 ... I first felt him kick on that day.

Symptoms: Big belly. Back pain! Not seeing a chiropractor again (yet) this time around, just due to time restrictions, and it's pricey too. Starving during the day, not really digging the idea of a full dinner though most nights. I still eat, obvi, but couldn't care less.

Sleep: Sleeping well but waking up really early most mornings.

Cravings: Spicy! I've definitely had more of an affinity for meals with a kick -- pepperoni pizza with jalapenos, spicy chips, buffalo wings with blue cheese.

What I Miss: This might make me sound like a lush and I'm not sorry about it. But I guess I miss just being able to catch a little weekend buzz with my hubby, you know, sit up in the playroom with a bottle of wine between us and go for that second or third glass and just get silly. Or go out to dinner with girlfriends and get a delicious spicy cocktail. OH and I also want one of those big sushi boats with totally raw sushi on it. Last thing -- I've got an icky cough now and would love to really medicate that beast.

Best Moment This Week: The best moment every week is when my girls come up to my stomach unprompted and pull up my shirt and talk to their brother. I also was given a TON of clothes and baby items on Monday, two huge boxes full -- thank you to my girlfriend Ellen for passing down the cutest boy items to us! Holding up those teeny outfits got me SO excited!

18 week scan

Looking Forward To: Coming up with a name! We have a few we like but really haven't gotten serious enough yet to just settle on a name. I'm not feeling rushed about it, I sort of enjoy the naming process. :)


What's Up Wednesday!

Hey there friends!

It's been a quick week already, and I have a few minutes this morning so wanted to pop in and say hello. I've been missing my check-ins here, but I'm also battling a yucky cough and just trying to achieve that day-to-day balance!

Image result for wednesday quotes

We are all doing well. Charlotte started preschool on Monday (we just did an hour and a half to ease her in). One day a week now, two days a week starting in February. We figured since walking solo has still been a slow process, being in a room with her peers -- all of which are slightly older than her, and walking -- would be a great and positive influence on her. We are also still working with a physical therapist weekly and she's also enjoying the weekly My Gym classes I've enrolled her in.

Camille is doing awesome and is so sweet. We've just been seeing her bond with her sister and bond with us in a way that warms our heart. She has really taken a lot of initiative recently with some "big girl tasks" that we have given her. For example, when she wakes up in the morning she changes out of her pull-up into underpants and pulls her bathroom stool over to her dresser to reach up and turn off her sound machine. Only then does she call for us! Those two small tasks really have given her a sense of pride each morning and she's feeling so accomplished.

I'm getting my teeth cleaned this morning and may even try to squeeze in a solo Target run afterwards IF there's time. My favorite maternity leggings are from there (two years ago though) and I couldn't find them online -- probably just user error. However, I'm all ears if anyone else has any recommendations!

Also digging my fave online consignment spot ThredUp for some great snags this time around. If you haven't checked them out yet, here's a referral link!

I mean ... how cute?!

Alright, signing off for now, chat later!


Five On Friday, Heyyyy Y'all!

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join along!

Remember, all you have to do is post about five things on your mind, add our logo (found at the bottom of this post), and join the party using the linky tools below. Easy, and a great way to find new blogs and be found. :)

Snooooooow all over Charlotte, you guys! Real, sleddable snow.

Day 1 my girls were totally unsure of it, and my double-black-diamond loving hubby was like WUT. We needs to get these girls acclimated to some SNOW.

But by day 2 they were having a lot more fun, Camille at least, and Char (who is still not walking solo yet) was happiest standing in place near mama or sitting in my lap watching the big kids sled down the hill.

A girlfriend of mine (heyyyy Addie!) recommended this heating massage pillow the other day and I've got it en route to our house. Her husband bought it for her and she said it's the kind of thing she'd never buy herself but is SO happy she owns.

Sold. The one below is black but the one linked above -- that comes in slate gray, brown, champagne and pink with a softer cover -- is same-day shipping to Charlotte which is pretty awesome. So that's the one I just bought five minutes ago -- in champagne, naturally.

(I get yucky back pain with pregnancies, especially these last two, so hopefully this will be a huge help.)

Random $3.99 Homegoods find! I found these watermelon-flavored water "juice boxes" at the ol' HG the other day and we decided to bring them home. The girls didn't slurp them down as fast as they'll take down the Mott's low sugar apple juice boxes, but I'm hoping they will develop a taste for them. I think especially on a warmer day at the park with a picnic lunch, it'll hit the spot. 

I finally purchased a cute new iPhone case! I kept looking around for an inexpensive one at Marshalls and Homegoods and finally decided to get the one I just ... wanted. Last Friday night at Nordstrom I pulled the trigger and bought this gorgeous tortoise case, spending more than I would have liked, but I just love the classic tortoiseshell look. #worthit #noregrets

Main Image - Sonix Tortoise iPhone 6/6s/7/8 & 6/6s/7/8 Plus Case

This weekend's operation: CLOSET ORGANIZATION. 

Months back I shot a series of embarrassing Instastories showing the true state of my walk-in-closet. I think closets are like purses; the bigger they are, the more glamorous they seem, but the more STUFF you end up STUFFING in them. 

Well, I cleaned up my closet, and it's back to disaster zone status, holding avalanching piles of folded clean clothes and jewelry from high school and old magazines. Unless someone advises me otherwise, I'm ordering THIS pack of 12 clear boxes to put shoes I rarely wear in so they can come off of my floor and go up on a shelf. I mean, my wedding high heels are seriously laying on my floor as we speak -- no bueno. Seriously, if you have a better shoe storage solution, let me know fast before I order these!


recent shopping favorites:

That's it for today! Hope you have a lovely weekend -- thanks for linking up with us below!


Cinco Preguntitas. Five Questions.

This morning I answered five questions in a Facebook team page I'm part of for LipSense, and as I was typing out these answers, I thought, "heyyyy ... how fun to share this on the blog!"

So, hopefully you agree. :)
Will you share your responses in the comments section?! I'd love to hear a little about you!


1. Where do you live?
Charlotte, NC -- originally from Columbia, SC

2. If married, how long and where did you + your spouse meet?
Married 7 years this May, together 10 years. We met at a bar ... it was a set-up by friends (that I wasn't aware of)

3. If you have kids, how many and how old?
Our daughters Camille (3.5) and Charlotte (1.5) and baby boy due in June!

4. Favorite trip you've ever taken?
In 2013 -- pre-kids -- we took two weeks and went to Paris, Switzerland and Italy. Amazing. Paris was my favorite. I'm also a huuuuuuge fan of Mexico!

5. Favorite meal?
Gimme all the Southern. Fried chicken, really cheesy mac & cheese, green beans, and lemon meringue pie for dessert. And banana pudding too. Sweet tea. Gah, I'm pregnant.

Your turn!


Weekend FUN (And Where's The Carolina Snow?!)

Hello from UN-snowy Charlotte, NC! We are "supposed" to get snow today; about that we will see. My refrigerator looks like a college kid's (lots of cheese, some lemonade, yogurt tubes and beer -- O'Douls Amber for moi, if you must know). I'm planning on taking the girls to the grocery store this morning to load up on the essentials -- tomato soup and bread for our grilled cheese sammies.

This weekend was GOOD but it was also TIRING. I was a single mama for the long weekend! Props to all of you who parent solo (or have a traveling spouse).

Ian went on a work trip to Colorado and skiied his heart out! It was awesome for him.

Friday night I had a babysitter and was able to attend the Emily Ley book signing! I had her two books Grace Not Perfection and A Simplified Life signed by her and we chatted for a few minutes. What a sweet person she is! I can't imagine doing the city-to-city book signing she scheduled; rockstar status. I know it's got to be exhausting but she had a permanent smile and lots of energy.

top: Lilly Pulitzer // cardi: BCBG (super old) // jeans: Old Navy // Booties: Target

I did have a little bit of time to kill before the signing so I walked around the mall for a bit and looked at some tops to transition me into spring. The junior's department at Nordstrom is no hidden secret but it's definitely my favorite way to shop for Nordstrom quality and Nordstrom customer service, but lower prices.

Double Peplum Ruffle Tee
(wearing a medium to be long enough for belly)

So hubby's sending me photos like this:

And I'm responding with pictures like this one (cleaning up from lunch). I'm sure he was jealous. 

But we girls had a really good time. We let go of the mess...

... and we had FUN!

We spent a good amount of time at home for ease, but also had some outings and the girls enjoyed a proper Waffle House breakfast. 

I secretly love weekends like this; my husband (who works SO hard for our family) got some great time to do something he really loves, and I was able to hunker down with the girls and have a very sweet low-key weekend.

But man, I am definitely scheduling a looooooooooong manicure and Marshalls shopping trip for myself THIS weekend ;) And he knows I've deserved it!

* affiliate links used. thanks for your support, y'all!


Five On Friday! Earrings, Girls Night, Lunchboxes

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join along!

Remember, all you have to do is post about five things on your mind, add our logo (found at the bottom of this post), and join the party using the linky tools below. Easy, and a great way to find new blogs and be found. :)

I posted on Instagram about these amaaaazing earrings that I bought and am just loving! Our family friend Misty has teamed up with a girlfriend to create lovely jewelry with a true MISSION behind it -- the abolishment of human trafficking. One third of all proceeds go to this mission.

The earrings are made with gold-filled hooks and the leather is such high quality. Best of all, they are completely lightweight -- you will forget you're even wearing them.

You can find them on Instagram and make purchases directly off of their Insta page which is so very easy. Cheers to ladies who are doing it RIGHT.

Tenfold Collective: HERE

Gals, I found the neatest coffee foam topping yesterday at Homegoods for less than $5. It's sugar free and calorie free and it was a total impulse purchase! They had French Vanilla and Salted Caramel and I went with the latter.

This foam topping is LEGIT. You just add a few pumps to the top of your coffee and it's just like you've got a S'bux latte right in your own kitchen! Ian even tried it this morning and was amazed at this fun little product. I highly recommend hunting one down at your Homegoods or similar store! 

Tonight I'm going to the Emily Ley book signing at Swoozies! I'm so excited to have a great girly night. I think she does a great job at rounding up some of the keystones of organization that we already know -- and just seem to (inconveniently) forget. Reading her advice sometimes, I'm thinking -- that's obviously a great point, and why am I not practicing it already?

Search #SIMPLICITYCHALLENGE2018 on Instagram to see what I'm talking about!

Image result for emily ley

Yesterday on Instastories I talked a little bit about Camille's lunchbox. Sometimes I do an awesome job packing them and sometimes ... not. I had so many questions about the lunchbox we have -- it's Yumbox. You can find them on Amazon, and they are not the cheapest, but they are STURDY. And when you're asking a three year old to cart something around 3 times a week that may hold goopy contents (yogurt, applesauce, dipping sauces, et cetera), that's important! Plus, it's very easy for her to open and close herself.

Would you be interested in seeing more toddler lunchbox posts? Again, I'm not Pinterest mom when it comes to lunchbox packing, but I may have some ideas to pass along.

I'm so excited that some of you have taken advantage of the NEW CUSTOMER PROMO for Grove Collaborative! It ends Sunday.

Again, all you have to do is add $20 to your cart (of household and cleaning products you need anyway, like hand soap, laundry detergent, dish detergent, even baby wipes) and then you get the following for completely FREE:
  • Grove Collaborative Cleaning Concentrates (3 pack) 
  • Grove Collaborative Glass Spray Bottle 
  • Grove Collaborative Microfiber (2 pack) 
  • Grove Collaborative Cleaning Caddy
The glass spray bottle and the microfiber cloth would be my two favorites. You can see them in the photo below.

So, CLICK HERE to get started and check out my legit favorite way to stock up on delicious-smelling household cleaning products. Mobile readers can also click the photo below!


That's it for today! Hope you have a lovely weekend -- thanks for linking up with us below!


Resolution Time: On The Homefront (Cleaning VS Cleaning HELP)

I enacted part of my New Year's Resolution yesterday which was to bump up the frequency of our house cleaners. (can I get a slow clap for that one)

It may not seem like a lot, but we are doing every 3 weeks now instead of every 4 weeks. This was a goal of mine (it also means I am keeping my LipSense business hustle going, because that's how I pay for our house cleaning) and I made it a TRUE resolution for 2018.

Having a cleaning team every so often certainly doesn't mean that I am some slacker SAHM who doesn't lift a finger. Quite the contrary. I bust my buns on the daily to keep the house tidy and try to stay one step ahead of two little tornadoes who can clear a toy bin faster than you say say "HALP." But to me, a cleaning team means the following: 1) a deeeeeep cleaning of the floors. 2) a deeeeep cleaning of the bathrooms including a full shower scrub-down. 3) baseboards and tall windows and under furniture, oh my! And lots of other areas of my home that I probably don't even realize are needing help, and Lisa just does it. 

Yesterday I was chatting with Lisa about the cleaning materials of mine that she uses. She said that she prefers the more plant-based products we use because they do a superb job cutting through grime and even require a little less scrubbing on her part. Plus they aren't as harsh on her skin and nose!

You already know that Grove Collaborative is my go-to home delivery service for my cleaning products. If you, too, want to give them a shot, you picked a great time because they're running a NEW PROMO that is open through this coming Sunday.

NEW CUSTOMERS can click right here to get started. Here's what you'll receive with your first $20 order:

  • Grove Collaborative Cleaning Concentrates (3 pack) 
  • Grove Collaborative Glass Spray Bottle 
  • Grove Collaborative Microfiber (2 pack) 
  • Grove Collaborative Cleaning Caddy
The spray bottle is a MUST. I keep ours in the laundry room and it contains a mixture of water and blue Dawn. It's my (not-so) secret laundry stain remover spray! I love that it's a glass bottle. 

And EXISTING CUSTOMERS, they're showing you love, too. Click right here to get my favorite disposable sponges (the walnut scrubber sponges) dropped in your cart as a little free gift. 

This promo runs only through SUNDAY, January 14! Go ahead and check out the promo and all of the amazing product lines that Groves carries. I love this delivery service because I get the BEST products at GREAT prices, and I don't have to schlep the girls around to Target to grab huge packs of paper towels and toilet paper and detergent any more. Plus, changing or delaying your monthly order is so, so simple. 

Happy (and cleaner!) 2018!
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