Bam. Thirty-nine weeks.
Um, how did that happen?!
Remember when I used to do those fun weekly posts when pregnant with Camille? With the "fancy camera" photos Ian would take of me before work, always in jewelry and rarely in yoga pants. Well, haha, things certainly change, and I'm lucky now to snap a quick mirror photo at the doctor's office before Camille finds someone else's Cheerio on the ground and decides to eat it.
At my appointment yesterday, all was looking and measuring great. Baby's head is still down (jazz hands) and I had made just a smidge of progress, so that's promising -- but no guarantee of a delivery date soon! I have rotated around to all of the midwives in the practice and feel really, really good about using them for this labor and delivery. (More on that decision here)
So here are some fast stats:
Size of Baby: A small pumpkin (WOW.)
Gender: We don't know! Crazy excited to find out, though. I've had boy feelings (as I did with Camille) but the similar pregnancy makes me think maybe it's a girl. I can say in complete honesty that I will be happy with a son or daughter. A son would be a totally new experience for our little family, and I love our boy name, but another daughter would certainly be amazing and I'd love to break out Camille's old clothes and use all of them again!
Weight Gain: Not entirely sure, but I think I'm up about 22/23 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Every day ... and starting to love my maternity jeans less. They are a pain to put on, and the panel doesn't cover my whole tummy any longer. Favorites are still my Target leggings (which will probably be part of my coming-home outfit) and my Old Navy maternity yoga pants, which I'm wearing in the photo above.
Movement: Oh yeah. This baby loves running his/her arm or leg across the front of my belly and also giving me some head-butts that really zing. Hiccups happen from time to time but not nearly as much as they did with Camille!
Symptoms: Large stomach. Braxton Hicks contractions. Lower right back pain, occasionally.
Sleep: Sleeping okay but not great ... still using my Snoogle pregnancy pillow nightly, but the issue is that I normally wake around 3am to use the restroom and then have a hard time falling back asleep. Not taking any sort of sleep aids just in case I were to go into labor in the middle of the night.
Cravings: Not much, I mean I love sweets and crave sweet tea, but the gestational diabetes diagnosis has (somewhat) kept that intake in check.
What I Miss: I do really miss breakfast cereal and instant oatmeal! I have some outfits that I'm looking forward to wearing this spring when my belly is less jiggly. And I miss good sleep, although I know it may be a good six or twelve months before I get that again. Or longer. :)
Best Moment This Week: A positive 39 week appointment! Baby's heartbeat was in 130s/140s this week. Last week it was much higher!
Looking Forward To: BIRTH. If I can just send this wish out there to the universe, I would love love love to go into labor naturally at home this time. With Camille I was induced at 41 weeks and 2 days, and that wasn't the easiest process. I'm curious what it would feel like to maybe go into labor naturally or even have my water break at home. But good gracious, please don't let it happen at THE WALMART (you have to say that with a really country accent).