

Weekend Notes

My husband rarely has to travel for work, but when he does, I delight in sleeping diagonally in the bed.

(Sorry I'm not sorry.)

He headed to Minneapolis for training -- sidenote, it's really cold there -- and I took that opportunity to let Camille see for the very first time where her mama grew up. She's been to our family lakehouse a few times but has never been to my actual "home home" (and I haven't been there since I was 6 months pregnant!). So we packed up the car and headed to Columbia, SC, after I finished work Friday.

Moms.  :)

It was great being around my folks and relaxing at home. We ate well and laughed a lot. And it was nice letting them take care of me, feed me, and let me drink their wine!

The craziest thing is that the crib that Mom has for Camille is on the first floor, near their bedroom. And my bedroom is upstairs. It was an odd feeling having that distance between us, but she slept so well both nights.

Mom and I worked on a really fun sewing project at home which I can't wait to share on the blog, but it will be another two weeks or so before it's complete. 

When we got back to Charlotte yesterday, we were so excited to see Ian. We all went out to lunch at Maverick where Camille was loving Dad's "air chair" and waving to everyone. She did have a little runny nose then, but later that afternoon she developed a low fever, was pretty fussy, and just wanted to cuddle. So I cancelled some plans I had with friends and just snuggled her and monitored that fever. She's much better today.

One of the absolute highlights of the weekend was reading all of the awesome email entries I got for the Ja-Vie cheetah flat giveaway ... wow, talk about a lot of positivity! If you haven't yet sent in an entry, I'll take them through today and announce the winner tomorrow. Reading your sweet emails was an instant mood-booster. 

Also this week I'll be sharing a yummy muddled cocktail recipe and a low-carb side dish recipe that will seriously have you questioning your dislike of cauliflower. Promise.

Happy Monday, y'all!


  1. Aww I'm glad she's feeling better. Isn't going home-home the best? You feel like a kid again!

  2. So glad she is feeling better! Nothing like being pampered by mama as an adult! Love it!

  3. LOVE maverick! Glad the little one is doing better, and there is nothing better than going "home".

  4. awe that is great that you were able to take her to your home and visit with your family :) Glad she is back to feeling better too!

  5. There really is nothing like being looked after by your mum when you are a parent yourself. I love the quote it is so right. Glad Camille is feeling better today x

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! We are headed to my parents at the end of the month and I am so excited! it's always so fun to go

  7. I am so glad she's feeling better...I always love those extra cuddles, though. ;) And, I love that you took her to YOUR home! How fun! And, Daddy's air chair...haha!! Too funny!! :)

  8. Yesss I'm excited for the caulifower dish! I ate a lot of it during Whole30. Great side!

  9. oh I love stretching/sprawling out in the bed when Anthony's traveling- it feels so good! hah! Fun weekend, I usually head to my parents' when husband is gone for a few days too, letting someone else cook for you and pour you wine is the best : ) We've been eating a lot of cabbage and cauliflower lately- all roasted- YUM!

  10. When my oldest was a baby, I packed us both up and headed home whenever Hubby was traveling. Happy to hear you had a nice trip home!

  11. Sounds like a great weekend! I love spending time at my parents house. Even though I love cuddling with my hubby while we sleep, I love having a whole bed to myself and not waking up once during the night when I travel

  12. Camille is such a sweet girl! Is the mountain house closer than their main casa? Seems like I always get confused when I compare CLT to Highlands and Columbia in terms of driving distance!

  13. Camille is such a little doll baby!! Glad she's feeling better!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  14. Dying to read your cauliflower recipe! I've got a bag of the frozen stuff in the freezer that glares at me each time I open it. It's begging to be eaten!

  15. Glad Camille is feeling better today!! :)

  16. AHHHH! Wish I had known you were in the Columbia area. We live in Longcreek Plantation. Would have loved to have met you!

    I'm due with our first child - Conner - in 2 weeks. CANNOT WAIT!

    Love your blog!

  17. I love sleeping diagonally in the bed. Sometimes I just sleep completely star-fish style. Sounds like a lovely weekend- hope Camille is on the mend.

  18. I'm glad you had a good weekend and I'm glad she's feeling better!

  19. Awesome! We love visiting in your blog.

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