

Five On Friday

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join me, DarciChristina, and Natasha!

Remember, all you have to do is post about five things on your mind, add our logo (found at the bottom of this post), and join the party using the linky tools below. Easy, and a great way to find new blogs and be found. :)

I saw this easy outfit inspiration on Pinterest and I've been copying it like crazy recently. Easy enough for working at home, and the flats are 9-month-old-baby-friendly!


Last Friday night, at my husband's urging, I went out to celebrate my friend Meg's birthday while he stayed home with the baby (who was asleep). I had an awesome time. It's so easy to just snuggle in and not venture out solo in the cold. But I ended up catching up with all of these ladies -- former coworkers of mine at my last job -- and that was wonderful.

I must brag on these fellow Five On Friday hostesses. I have to tell you that DarciChristinaNatasha and I just have so much fun talking with each other and laughing every week. These are good, good girls. They keep me giggling!

Kindness is always Fashionable -

The tassel necklace I'm wearing above is from my talented sister's Etsy shop, and she has recently added more necklaces to her store! She has them listed at just $20 which is a steal. She is hand-making her tassels.

Pink Tassel Necklace

For the most fun part ... I ended up with an extra pair of the cheetah Ja-Vie flats that I love. They are size 8/38, and they fit my 7.5 feet perfectly. I'd love to give them to one of you who could really use them for yourself (or for a girlfriend or family member). If you would like to be entered in a little giveaway for these shoes, email me letting me know something fun or great that happened to you this week. My email address is in the sidebar of the blog. :)

If these aren't your size but you would love a pair, they are on Amazon. I'm seriously a big fan of these shoes and you can read my review of them here. I also own this color, and the next one on my wishlist is this navy polka-dot pair which happens to be on major sale and Prime eligible!

TGIF y'all, and hope you will join in on Five on Friday this week! Cheers to the weekend!


  1. Your sister's necklaces are so pretty! Especially for spring and summer. The outfit you posted is pretty much what I've lived in since fall started! lol It's cute!

  2. i love your outfit inspiration--so adorable!! YAY for mommy's night out and sweet husbands that encourage!! happy weekend!

  3. Your sister's necklaces are gorgeous! I will have to check them out!! I totally get wanting to stay out - I have to force myself to do stuff sometimes, too...Chad offers me to people (my mom, friends, etc), and my initial reaction is to say NO because I feel guilty, but it's so good to get out! Although, I am usually ready to come home and go to bed by 9 - haha!! :) Have a great weekend!!

  4. I am obsessed with that Pinterest outfit too! Too cute! Also, I found ja-vie flats through your review, ordered a pair and love love love them. They are awesome! I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I bought a pair of those flats and I love them too! Now I really want another pair! :)

  6. I love that outfit! Such an easy and relaxed look!

  7. Love those flats! Something great that happened this week is my daughter used her potty chair a little more consistently this week. This potty training is a slow road....

  8. I love that outfit! And oh my!! I need that tassle necklace.

  9. April! I have to agree with everyone else- your "go-to" outfit really is perfect! So classy and put together- but comfy too! Looks like you had such a fun evening with you friends- I am glad Ian made you go :)
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. I need to pick up a vest without a hood on it. I bought one this year with a fur trimmed hood, and while I love it, I need something simpler to wear with outfits like the one you shared. So cute! :) The perfect cute uniform for moms - that doesn't involve yoga pants, lol! Happy Friday, April!:)

  11. LOVE that outfit! And your sister's necklaces are very cute!

  12. I love finding some good outfit inspirations and actually getting to use them! Totally feel you on the snuggling vs venturing out debacle! Happy weekend!

  13. Loving that outfit inspiration!! Hooray for a girls night out! Glad you had a great time! Happy {almost} weekend!! (:

  14. I love that outfit. Such a easy go to look. Hope you have a great weekend with your family.

  15. April, I love your go-to outfit! I wear it often! You could even wear that pink Lilly vest with everything else for a "pop" of color! I love those shoes too and have been eyeing them since you first blogged about them. We also have the same shoe size! Something fun that happened this week, was my almost 9 month old (!!) sweet girl started pulling up on everything! Where does the time go!?

  16. pretty sure i need at least two of those necklaces! so cute!

  17. Those necklaces are darling! I need a few new additions - I'm gonna check them out! :)

  18. I am LOVING that first outfit! Super super cute. I'd copy it too!

  19. I love those flats and they are the perfect size. It has been a fun week with snow on the ground and watching my dog run and play in it.

  20. I am loving your sister's necklaces, they are gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Xo, Stephanie

  21. Those shoes are super cute! They look like they have really good arch support... Would you say that they do? I always struggle finding cute flats to wear because the insoles are like walking on pavement! Happy Weekend!

  22. I love that outfit and I've been loving vests this season too.

  23. Love your sister's necklaces! I'm trying to step up my WAHM wardrobe from workout clothes to actual clothes- that outfit would be a perfect place to start.


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