

Thoughts On Tuesday

Thoughts on Tuesday, here we go!

February Goals: I mentioned my February wellness goals in this post. I set two health-related goals to ensure that I was challenging myself but not setting myself up for failure.

Well, I didn't do so great at my 10,000 steps at least twice a week goal.

Week one, bam. Hit it on 2/6 and 2/8 (I used Monday-Sunday as my week so that's why 2/8 was included in week one).

And the other weeks of the month, I didn't hit 10,000 twice in a week. In fact, I didn't hit 10,000 at all after 2/8. It was freezing in February and we decided to cancel our gym membership, so I just couldn't get outdoors like I planned to. Lessons learned? Get in more movement around the house, look into workout DVDs or YouTube channels, and consider walking around the mall in cold temps.

My second goal was to start each day with hot lemon water. I did this nearly every single day. Success! I certainly felt healthier when I did this, but I don't know if I saw any dramatic changes that I could attribute directly to the lemon water. However, I do believe it was healthy so I will likely continue this habit.

The Ja-Vie Cheetah Flat Giveaway: Congratulations to the winner of the drawing, Emily R.! Emily, I will email you so I can get these shipped to your door. I had the BEST time reading through every entrant's happy moments -- baby news, good health updates, job/interview successes, snow day fun, good family moments. All in all, I had 58 emails between Friday and Monday of positive things happening in peoples' lives. Tell me that wouldn't make you a happy person, reading all of that positivity.

Emily, I hope you love your flats ... I know I certainly live in mine! They are perfect to throw on with skinny jeans for a girls night or with yoga pants for errands.

Leopard Is a Neutral

Here are some of my favorite prints, all available on Amazon.

Camel Leopard (here)

Navy and Khaki (here, presently on sale)

Gold Cap / Chocolate (here)

Parrot Green Cap / Hibiscus (here)

Green Camouflage (here)

So thank you again for all of your positive, cheery, and uplifting emails. I learned from that little exercise how the smallest personal email can have the biggest, most positive impact. So I am vowing from now on to take the time and make the effort to reach out to friends on a more personal basis. Not just by double-tapping on their Instagram photo or liking their Facebook post, either.

I'm making that my March wellness goal ... and I'm sticking to it.



  1. I love this idea! It's amazing how little contact we have with some of the people we love the most. Great idea and I might try to do the same!

  2. It's been so hard for me to fit my 10,000 step goal too! Making it happen in March!! We should be fitbit friends! Still loving those Leopard flats- might have to give in and purchase :)

  3. i love that mark twain quote- so much! are you all still doing the fitbit challenge group? if so, would love to join. :)

  4. Love this idea! A little personal contact goes a long way! I know I always feels so much better after receiving a kind e-mail, comment, or text. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  5. i love your goal of reaching out to friends more often! my friends from chicago and i write each other an email once a week to make sure we know what's going on in each others lives... i'd like to start facetiming with them too! xo jillian

  6. Cancelled gym membership = I have ideas for you! Check out the Ab Randomizer and Workout Randomizer apps by my boarding school GF Trish Blackwell. They will kick your butt! Also, look into TRX Force app is solid but requires in-app purchase(s). Lastly, Core Fusion by Exhale Spa DVDs are my life! I adore them. Every single one has kicked my ass in the best way when I've had a snow day.

  7. It's always worth it to reach out to the ones we love!:) Even better than email? Snail mail! I love buying pretty cards and randomly sending them to sweet friends. It's so nice to open the mailbox and see something other than a bill or junk mail in there!:)

  8. I just recently got a pedometer and have only hit 10,000 or over maybe 3 times. It can be hard to get into a routine. You should check out Pinterest for workouts, they have a ton! Hot lemon water sounds like a good idea, I think I'll give it a try! :)

  9. love that last quote. it's so true!

  10. Such a great personal development goal. I always think of goals as outward "accomplishment" goals over self improvement/friendship goals.

  11. Good luck in March! Hopefully the weather will turn a little warmer and you can get outside more. I love you two quotes about leopard being neutral but more importantly about cheering someone else up! Words are such powerful things!! Have a great night!

  12. I've recently started 21 day fix and now 21 day fix extreme!! Love them!

  13. The weather will be warming up!! Yay! You'll be able to get those steps in! What a cool thing to get so many happy emails!

  14. I really enjoyed Turbo Fire from Beach Body ( similar to turbo kick at the Y) . I lost ten pounds -- from home, and just all around felt stronger and my clothes fit better.

  15. I love my fitbit flex! We should be friends! I would love to get on any challenges you all do!

  16. I was so excited the first day I hit 10,000 steps! But it is harder than it initially seemed to hit that goal. Can't wait for the warmer weather to give me some motivation to get outside.

  17. I would love to be friends on the Fitbit app! I am obsessed with it, I check it every day!

  18. I am so right there with you on steps for February. This weather has just been so cold and gross and I have had no interest in getting my butt outside for walks. I usually try to hit the gym at least one evening during the week after M goes to bed and I'll walk on the treadmill and watch TV, but I even ditched that this past month because of the cold! I had no interest in putting on my tennis shoes at 8pm when it was 20 degrees out! Let's do some challenges this month and make it happen!!

  19. I never realized how hard it was going to be to meet my Fitbit goal! I agree, I need to find more to do while we are stuck indoors with this cold weather!


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