

Cheesy Cauliflower Bake

Cauliflower FOR THE WIN.

No, seriously. This dish is so tasty.

The experimentation started Friday night with a dish my mom found on Pinterest, twice baked cauliflower. She made it and it was quite yummy, but we both thought that with a few more tweaks it could be even more amazing. So here's what I came up with this past Sunday night.

Cheesy Cauliflower Bake
1 head of cauliflower, chopped into florets
1/2 block reduced fat cream cheese
1.5 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
Salt and pepper

Spray an 8x8 glass dish with non-stick cooking spray and preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large pot, boil cauliflower florets until they slip easily off the tines of your fork. Drain off water. Add in the cream cheese and mash together with a potato masher. Once combined well, add 3/4 cup of the shredded mozzarella cheese to the mixture and stir together. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour into glass baking dish and top with remaining 3/4 cup shredded cheese. Sprinkle paprika on top and bake until the cheese on top is golden and bubbly.

We could not get enough of this tasty, low-carb side dish.

I served it alongside a pot roast. It was a great substitution for mashed potatoes and we both went back for seconds!


  1. I love this! I make one really similar from the food network and it works perfect for us because I have a gluten allergy and my mom is diabetic so we have it all the time during the holidays and we never feel like we are missing out!

  2. Hi April! This is very similar to something I make - but I love the idea of baking it in the oven! definitely going to try this soon!

  3. Oh yum! I love tricking myself into thinking I'm eating something decadent and bad when it's not; my "bad" temptation will be fulfilled and I'll stay away from the ice cream after dinner : )

  4. That looks super yummy! I've been on a cauliflower kick lately, so I can't wait to try this!!!

  5. I have been loving this veggie lately so I will be trying this this weekend.

  6. This looks delicious! I definitely need to make it sometime soon :)

  7. I just pinned your dish! Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. this sounds awesome! my husband hates cauliflower for some reason (crazy man!) but i bet he'd like this dish :) xo jillian

  9. I love how all the formerly "yucky" vegetables are gaining new popularity...amazing what you can do with cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage besides steam/boil them! This looks amazing - saving it for sure!

  10. I am adding this to the list for dinner this week! I've been on the hunt for a good cauliflower recipe and you just delivered!

  11. YUMMO!!!! i think even i could stand to eat this with all that other goodness included.. and no, i'm not the biggest cauliflower fan... haha

  12. I love cauliflower, will have to try this one especially given that cheese is involved x

  13. WOW! This looks amazing, I need to make this.

  14. WOW, this look so amazing! I'm sure I will have this dish next week. Thanks so much for sharing your low carb dishes.

  15. Ok, seriously - this looks so delicious!!! Yummo!!

  16. This looks delicious and a lighter option for a side! Xo, Stephanie


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