

Camille's Third Birthday Party

Saturday afternoon we had the best time at Camille's third birthday party! We kept it small and just invited ten little girls for a little bit of crafting and snacking, mermaid-themed. Michaels (yes, the craft store) has a great little classroom that you can rent out for $50 for two hours. This particular store has the classroom up at the front of the store so it has lots of windows, letting in a lot of natural light. My other favorite Michaels has the classroom in the rear of the store and it's a little less festive. Unless you love fluorescent lighting. 

my favorite invitation seller on Etsy!
no digital file - they come printed, and such high quality.

If you've researched childrens' birthday party rental costs, you know $50 is a deal and a half. I was shocked to hear that most are around $175-200 if you have them outside your home. And I just didn't feel like doing Camille's at home since we just did one for Charlotte here a month ago. Plus, not having to clean beforehand and afterwards? Worth it. 

The $50 does mean that you provide your own crafting materials which was so easy. I ordered lots of FUN supplies from Oriental Trading Company -- two different foam crafts for the kids to do, the mermaid paper plates, mermaid napkins, gold plastic forks, party favor boxes, hand stamps and mermaid blow-outs for the favor boxes, table decorations, oh my goodness I was a kid in a candy shop. 

The kids started off making some foam headbands that looked like fish, whales, and sharks. Too cute, and very easy. Then they went on to painting canvases. And their hands. And their neighbor's hairbows (sorry Caroline). I was reassured that the paint was washable and non-toxic. :) 

We brought the Bumbo seat for Charlotte which at first I thought was a little overkill but it was perfect. She sat there like an angel, taking it all in and eating Goldfish. My little perfect baby!

It was cute seeing the little girls do their crafts together, but my favorite thing is always to listen in on their little conversations!

I would definitely have another party here in the future. Easy to set up, virtually no cleanup for US, and cost-effective. 

Camillie girl, you are THREE! Such a precious, fun, amazing girl and we love you so much. 


  1. What a great idea for a birthday party! I had no idea Michael's hosted birthdays!

  2. What a fun and unique party! Love the mermaid theme!

  3. This is the cutest party! I love those invites - they are gorgeous!

  4. What an amazing party!! So neat Michaels will let you rent out their craft room! The girls are so adorable :)

  5. Such cute crafts, and I love that you did it at Michael's! That's such a creative idea, and so fun for the girls!

  6. The BEST party! We had a blast celebrating Camille!!!

  7. We had SO much fun celebrating Camille! NB asks where she is every day, and when I say she's at her house, she says, "No! Doin' nermaid craps at da birfday pawty!" Who am I to argue?

  8. oh what a great idea to use the craft room at michael's!! i love that!! i know your girly felt so special! happy birthday to her!!!

  9. What an awesome idea!!

    Sophie xx

  10. What a cute idea - and I love those sea headbands!!
    We had an art party recently and it was a great hit x

  11. What a sweet party! I love the mermaid/sea theme and it looks like it was a hit! Jess at Just Jess

  12. Aw this is so precious! What a cute and fun idea! Happy Birthday C!

  13. It looks like it was a fun party! I have a lot of friends that order from Oriental Trading and always have great luck with them. I'll have to remember them next time. Beautifully Candid

  14. CUTE party! she looks like she had a blast. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. Oriental Trading really is the best!! Between that and Michaels, how could you go wrong? Looks like a cute and easy party.


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