

Week 28 Pregnancy Journal

How Far Along? 28 weeks

Size of Baby: A Chinese cabbage (14.8 inches). Baby weighs 2.25 lbs now!

Gender: Our sweet, sweet girl.

Weight Gain: A gain of one pound this week from last week. Now up a total of 12 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight -- but since I lost a few pounds in the first trimester, up 15 pounds total from my lowest pregnancy weight.

Maternity Clothes: Loving them, although I'm still wearing some non-maternity pieces as well. This week's Banana Republic sweater is a new purchase, I simply could not resist the gold glitter elbow patches!

Nursery: So happy to report that things are coming along nicely! A paint color for the walls has been chosen after reviewing three samples that we painted on the walls Friday and Saturday. A crib has been ordered (but we have a plan B that may be becoming a plan A as of this weekend). A rug has been selected. Fabrics are almost chosen and ready for piecing together. And her closet has been given an extreme makeover!

Next on the nursery wishlist: get the carpets professionally cleaned, paint the walls, put together the changing table. We have a tall dresser so decided to go with a changing table for the time being. Seeing everything come together has been so fun!

Movement: All the time, especially after sweets. She is one active babe!

Symptoms: A few nights this past week, I've woken up around 4:30 or 5:30 wide awake and feeling well-rested. Typically I'll just grab the phone and look at it under the covers ... thank goodness for Bloglovin', Etsy, and Pinterest apps. Also -- Baby Girl has found her favorite resting spot ever, which is in a place that makes mama have to flee to the restroom quite frequently. Sometimes she sucker-punches me directly in the bladder. Want to even try to imagine what a crazy sensation that is?!

Oh, also: painful right arm. I got my DTAP vaccine at my last doc's visit on Friday and, to this day, my right arm still aches. Good gracious, that thing hurt.

Sleep: Besides the early wakeups, still sleeping well. I was able to ask my doctor last week about the fact that I'm still finding myself sleeping on my back each night. He said no worries -- that at some point it could get too uncomfortable to do so, but for now I was okay. He also said that if I had just a slight tilt to laying on my back (which I do, thanks to my Snoogle pillow wedged under me), then it is okay.

Cravings: WELL. I was so sad on Friday to find out that I did not pass my initial glucose test. This is a baseline screening test (finger-prick) that can be an indicator of gestational diabetes. Not going to lie, tears were shed. I was distraught thinking that Baby Girl may not be safe or that it was due to something I did (aka - peanut butter cup intake). After a lot of research, and lots of great feedback on Instagram from others who did not pass the first test but passed the repeat with flying colors), I'm feeling a bit better about the whole deal, but I will feel even better when the repeat test is done this Friday. Wish me luck to pass this test! With all of that said, I still crave sweets but I've been monitoring my intake now much more stringently.

What I Miss: Peanut butter cups.

Best Moment This Week: A girl at the grocery store told me that she hoped that she looked just like me when she was pregnant. I wanted to crawl over the conveyor belt and bear-hug her. 

Looking Forward To: Painting baby's nursery -- within the next few days, we hope!


  1. You do look radiant & are a beautiful mama-to-be!!!!!! LOVE, love that sweater! :)

  2. Well you definitely do pregnancy well--you look so pretty! No wonder the girl at the grocery store said that :)

  3. I'm loving that paint color you chose! I can't wait to see the whole nursery come together...Pink & green is going to look great!


  4. You look beautiful! And do not stress about the test- my doc says she thinks they should stop the 1 hour test since so many people have to come back for 3 hour, the

  5. Eat lots of protien and drink only water the morning of your test. You will be FINE! You're thin, healthy and you eat great. NO WORRIES! You are beautiful and the sweater/color is amazing!

  6. You look amazing! I am so excited about your nursery progress. The pink paint is perfect! Hurry up and send me some closet pics!!! I am dying to see Hector's work!

    And I am confident you will pass that test this Friday with flying colors! Don't worry, mama! xo

  7. Love that sweater and your hair is looking great!

  8. You look so pretty - pregnancy agrees with you! Good luck on the glucose test, I've had several girlfriends fail the finger test and pass the three hour test. Sending good vibes your way!

  9. The nursery decor looks beautiful! So excited to see it all come together! Will be thinking + praying for you on Friday at your test. Happy thoughts :) Xx.

  10. Love your sweater! Can't wait to see the nursery all far I'm loving the colors :)

  11. You continue to look fabulous! Love, love, LOVE that sweater. And how perfect for Valentine's week?? :)

    I slept on my back until I was in my "30s", then to the right side it was. I could never lie on my left side because the baby didn't seem to agree with that side. Funnily enough during my delivery, the nurse had me lie on the left side because "baby likes that side more". So strange!

    You sound like me when i was pregnant. I did wake up quite frequently...not so much because of restroom trips (though this did become an issue in the final weeks), but because of the raging heartburn I had, which became MISERABLE in the last handful of weeks.

    I am sending non-sugary thoughts your way for round two of the test! Haha!

    I know the nursery will look just gorgeous!


  12. What I meant to say sound like me because when I woke up, I would constantly look at my phone underneath the covers, so as to not wake the husband! Lol


  13. Your sweater is delightful. Good luck on Friday! This is going to be one FAB nursery.

  14. I love that pink and green so much! Hey, I'm going to be there next Sunday after all! :)

  15. I used a wedge to put under my back or support my belly on the side that the Snoogle didn't cover.

    I also tried on that pink sweater!! I needed a medium but all I could find was small or large! Looks so cute on you!

  16. I have that same sweater in cream with gold elbow patches and I love it! Bummer about not passing the first glucose test :( This is my fear as well because I adore sweets. Good reminder that I should probably cut down on them a little!

  17. Love that sweater! Your still looking beautiful as always! :)

  18. Pregnancy definitely agrees with you - and I love the sweater!! So cute!

  19. you look so gorgeous! love that sweater!

    and I'm jealous that your first glucose test was just a finger prick...they had to draw an entire vial for my first test and then when I failed I had to do the three hour! ughh!!

  20. I love that sweater. I just ordered a pink one from Gap (maternity) that I thought would be fun for Valentine's Day...maybe I should add some elbow patches!?

    Good luck on round 2 of the glucose test. I was so nervous on that and figured with all the curveballs thrown my way this pregnancy, I would have issues with it too, but thankfully passed. I'll be sending good thoughts that you pass this round & survive the sugary overlaod of a drink again!

  21. Pregnancy can't be filled with so many what if's but you are already such a wonderful momma! I will be praying for you this Friday and no matter what it will all work out :)

  22. WOW!! You look A-mazing!!! That sweater is adorable on you!

  23. The lady at the grocery store is right!!!

  24. I LOVE the fabrics you've selected for the nursery - so beautiful! And good luck with Friday's test!!

  25. Your pregnant glow is gorgeous! I hope you past your second test. I'm sure you will with flying colors!

  26. you look great and I can't wait to see the nursery come together and find out what you are using each of the fabrics for!!

    you can find me blogging about "Life on the Parsons Farm" :

  27. You're absolutely gorgeous and glowing. I am praying you pass your second test. And I LOVE those elbow patches!

  28. That girl at the grocery store deserves a medal! Honestly, she said exactly what I am sure you wanted to hear, esp when so many women and men say THE WRONG thing. (example: there is a woman at work who is looking fuller in bust and carrying low. but I have not heard anyone mention a pregnancy... so am I going to say a word to her or anyone else? NO way!)

    I am sure you will pass your second test, I know it made you nervous but I know you are doing all you can to make that pretty little girl be healthy.

    So happy to hear how the nursery is coming along - so fast now that decisions have been made. Happy, happy.


  29. my heavens you look beautiful friend and that sweater is GORGEOUS... i am so happy to see all these things coming together for you and i hope the 2nd test goes better OXOX

  30. You really do look fantastic and pink is totally your color!

    I'll be crossing my fingers for you on the second test. xoxo

  31. I cannot wait to see how the nursery turns out!!

  32. oooooo girl, I hope I look like you when I'm preggers too!! :)

    Prayers for your test on Friday, girlie!!! xx

  33. im in LOVE with your nursery plan! look so great momma- well wishes for your test on Friday!!!

  34. New reader from the five on Friday link up and must say... love your blog! You look beautiful and I love love love your sweater! Those gold arm patches!!! :)

  35. Love the nursery color and fabric. It seems like the perfect mix of baby and adult inspiration.

  36. Oooh...I am loving that little peek into your nursery!


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