

Ashley's Pink Baby Shower

I was so excited to be one of the hosts for my friend Ashley's baby shower because she (along with her husband and future daughter) is just such an important part of my life. I couldn't wait to help spoil them rotten!

The shower was held at a neighborhood clubhouse, and it was the perfect location. Here are some of the photos from the day -- a great time was had by all, and her sweet baby girl received some of the most adorable gifts. You can tell that baby girl and her parents are very loved!

I provided two of the appetizers -- sausage balls and cucumber sandwiches. They were both a hit! And don't you love the piggy platter? I got it in college from my Little Sister in ADPi ... she said that, according to her mama, "every Southern girl needed a piggy platter."


Ashley arrived to the shower and looked darling in her black dress! You will be able to see through these photos how happy of a person she is. :)

One of the other hostesses put together this adorable frame with little bubbles that everyone could sign. A cute and modern idea for a typical guestbook!

Here's the mama-to-be with the hostesses. It was so easy to work with this group ... very relaxed.

This was a gift I went in on with two other girls -- a video monitor for baby girl.

I also got her this teething necklace, which she loved! Pink is definitely Ash's color.

Instead of cards, we brought books for her daughter. I found this adorable Mother Goose rhymes book for her.

And because her mama was a soccer star in college, I decided baby girl needed to have her own set of cute active wear, too!

Hosting this shower was such a fun way to welcome her sweet daughter to the world. Only a month or so to go! 

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  1. So sweet! Love the bubbles as the guest book idea!

  2. So many cutie bellies in these pictures!!! :) Obviously I'm glad we have another ADPi legacy entering the world <>

  3. Everything was put together so beautifully!!

  4. you did a great job! i love the decor and all the foooood! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. So cute! Planning parties is so fun . . . I often wish I had unlimited funds so I could just throw parties for people all the time! :) Looks like you guys had fun!

  6. I love that flower dress you are wearing for the shower!

  7. What a beautiful shower! Loved all the little touches!

  8. How cute is that workout outfit!?? So sweet!

  9. Looks like it was a great shower! I think that shower food is the best. And I really love baby tracksuits...just too cute!

  10. And now I'm starving! I love shower food!

  11. What a lovely shower! Those teething necklaces are such a neat idea, and will definitely be my go to gift for the new mom-to-be I know!

  12. This is too adorable!! Wish I could just reach through the screen and snatch up one of those cucumber sandwiches.

  13. Such an adorable shower, and I love your piggy platter...too cute! She certainly received some wonderful gifts, and I've always loved those teething necklaces...even if I'm not a Mom. :)

  14. What a beautiful shower! You ladies did an awesome job! Ellie loves my teething necklace and I do too since she is always grabbing at my jewelry these days it nice to have something she can actually touch!!

    You can find me blogging about "Life on the Parsons Farm" :

  15. This is all so cute! I love all of the ducks!


  16. you spoiled that little girl…i can't wait to see what you spoil your gal with! i had to slam my laptop shut just before i purchased some hunters and uggs for my little girl last night. what was i thinking? it's so hard to not shop for them. guh.

  17. Very cute shower. Do you know where they got the "It's a Girl" Kisses. I'm hosting a shower in a couple of weeks and would love to use those.

  18. Thanks for sharing this post! Her shower looks like so much fun. Only recently had I ever seen those teething necklaces (I know, where have I been? Obviously not at many showers in the past few years) so I've definitely added that to the list of things I want to get my bestie who is expecting her first little girl in June.


  19. What a beautiful shower! I love the rubber duckies floating in the punch! And I love the three of you that are pregnant in the group picture! :)

  20. What a beautiful party! My daughter used to have that book and I think we read it until the binding fell apart. It was one of the first she knew the words too. So cute!

  21. Great work! That little ducky quilt is so cute!


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