

Our Christmas Cards (Well, One Of Three Designs)

I may be strange -- but I always end up ordering a few different versions of our Christmas cards. (Are any of you similar?!)

Sending out cards this year has been, ahem, a work in progress -- meaning some have gone out, but not all. That sort of drives me nuts. The remaining ones to mail are the ones that require address updates. And spare time. Both of which I do not have.

The reason why I have a few different versions this year is as follows:
+ Shutterfly ran a deal for 10 free cards in October, so I pounced on that.
+ Then I bought a Groupon deal for 40 cards from Zazzle for $19.99.
+ Then Ian told me he wanted to send cards to his doctors so I purchased 20 more cards from Walgreens (using their 40% off deal).

Below are the cards from Walgreens which were actually way better quality than I was expecting, and you can't beat same day pick-up! They are glossy, but they are not printed on traditional photo paper, which I think makes them even nicer.

We used a photo from our photo session in Paris with Stacy Reeves. I went with a pretty classic design and photo for this card since it was heading to doctors' offices.

I have to share with you my favorite trick for addressing pretty envelopes!

I like doing calligraphy for the card addressing, but I'm fairly particular about making sure it looks fabulous. Here is where an index card and a Sharpie will be your best friend. I trace the lines on the index card (they don't have to be perfectly straight, but follow the lines as well as you can). The card is then slipped inside the envelope, and you should faintly be able to see the lines through the front of the envelope. Then, just grab your pen and start addressing, pull out the index card, and you are set! No more slanted or caddywhompus addresses.

Now, please tell me I'm not the only one with some Christmas cards remaining to be mailed?!

I'm so excited to be linking up with Faith of Walk With Me By Faith for her sixth annual Christmas Card Carousel. Visit her blog to see other fun Christmas card designs from fellow bloggers!'13.png


  1. I also purchased the zazzle deal and don't feel bad I'm still sending out cards. These look great!

  2. I also bought multiple cards! I took advantage of the Shutterfly deal, and then I also had a coupon for Tiny Prints, so then I ordered those too. After I addressed all of those cards I realized that I still needed more, so I took advantage of another Shutterfly promotion. It's a little bit more work to do it like that, but I saved some money. I love your cards! What a great picture and design.

  3. Haha, you are too cute! I think I've ordered two diff designs once. Way too much work for this girl ;) I can barely get one out. But I LOVE that card and can't believe it's from walgreens! awesome lady! you look beautiful.


  4. I have never heard of the index card trick but you better believe I'm doing that this year! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Beautiful card, hoping over from the Christmas Card Carousel. Thanks for sharing!


  6. You guys are so precious; what a romantic photo shoot to share with everyone! :) I want to see all of the designs - that's a neat idea!

  7. I really never thought of taking advantage of all the different deals throughout the season - but now I have learned the ways!! Awesome card from walgreens!

  8. That is such a good idea to order when you see a sale! I'm still waiting for mine to arrive and I paid a pretty penny for rush shipping (I'm sooo behind this year it's embarrassing!!)

  9. You cards are beautiful!! I love your calligraphy secret, so smart I may need to steal this idea. Our cards although ordered several weeks ago, were lost in the mail so they are now scheduled to arrive today so we haven't sent any out :(

  10. Ooh I'm loving the index card idea for straight lines!

  11. What a great idea for addressing cards! I have terrible handwriting so I usually find a sassy font online and type them up.

    I love the classic black & white with gold. So gorgeous. I have never heard of people using multiple vendors for cards, but it's SUCH a great idea, that who would know/care? Of course you have all the good ideas :)

  12. I like the way you think - taking advantage of such good deals. And, this card is simply stunning, as I'm sure the others are as well. Beautiful!

    Thanks for joining in the fun! I hope you have a very Merry CHRISTmas!!!

  13. Goodness gracious, I am so behind this year - not a single one has been mailed out yet. It's my goal to have them all in the mail on Saturday, but we'll see how that goes. I'm writing a personal message in all the cards this year, and it's turning into quite the time consuming task.

    Love the Christmas card for the doctors - can't wait to see the other ones (and your calligraphy!)

  14. Beautiful card and duh, why didn't I think of that for addressing cards? You so smart. :)

  15. Y'all are so beautiful :) And're not the only one with cards left to be sent out!! I will probably be still getting a few out on Dec 31!

  16. What a fabulous idea to use the card with lines!! I need to make one and just leave it in my stationary drawer to use all year long! We had to reschedule our photo session due to rain so I haven't even ordered our cards yet! The picture that you chose is stunning!

  17. I'll have to do that index card trick next year! That's genius.

  18. I usually do Minted so that my addresses come pre-printed on. However that is just a great tip in general!

  19. I should have snagged deals from various vendors, but I did end up snagging a few deals for separate orders from Tiny Prints. The last two years, I have also done 3 designs...would be way more cost effective to choose one. But next year I will use your multiple vendor tip (and the tip about the index straight writing here!).

  20. That walgreens card is surprisingly amazing!!! I would've never thought!

    Also, we ordered from Tiny Prints with one promo deal and then a separate design from Shutterfly with another deal. Gotta shop around!

  21. Great job on taking up the deals on cards! The card looks great!

  22. girl, you are not alone! i addressed our save the date christmas cards for like 5 hours last night...and i'm still not done. the struggle is real! cute design!!

  23. Oh lord -- I'm nowhere near ready to send my Christmas cards! Too much grading and end of term business to take care of first (which makes me feel very guilty every day when I open the mail at home and at work). Love yours!

  24. Adorable Christmas card!!! Hmmm..I may have to take advantage of the multiple card deal next year...I love that idea!

  25. These are so cute! And the index card? what a great idea. I can't tell you how many envelopes I have ruined by my accidental slanted writing

  26. Love this card! We have been so bad...we got free cards from Tiny Prints and have a cute picture of us in front of our house but I still didn't take the time to order them. Next year, maybe??

    That index card is genius. I can't believe I've never thought of that!

  27. Love the card and hey, you can never go wrong with multiple designs! Thanks for sharing the index card trick :-)

  28. Beautiful card! So glad I found your blog! Congratulations on your baby girl on her way! :) We are expecting a boy in May! Merry Christmas!

  29. AH! I love the trick to write straight on envelopes. I can never write in a straight line--it's a curse. But this seems to be the cure. Thanks. Love your card design.

  30. I love the idea of multiple designs! It takes me forever to decide so we just made our own this year. Brilliant!

  31. Thanks for sharing your Christmas card. Found your blog thru the card link-up.

    Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!!!

  32. I do calligraphy as well, and have always used the index card/Sharpie trick! Makes things so much easier, and has saved me on many a wedding invitation over the years!

  33. I never thought of ordering different cards. Something to think about for next year!

    And you are not alone friend...I, too, still have cards to mail!

  34. Oh my gosh...your ideas are awe-inspiring, really!! Tracing the lines on the index card?? Genius!!! And ordering various cards to take advantage of the promos?? Love it!!! And I still haven't sent out all my Christmas cards either!

  35. We get our cards at Costco so we get next day pickup! And yes, we still have most of ours to send out. That's our weekend project :)

  36. Love these! And what a great idea about with the index card! Found you thru the link-up! Merry Christmas! :o)


  37. Why have I never thought about using all these different ways to get multiple cards?!? What a great idea!

  38. I love the idea of having multiple cards! ...and I just mailed out our cards yesterday. Whoops.


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