

Spill About Your L-O-V-E: Fried Green Pickles

Megan from Fried Green Pickles is our guest poster today, and she's a beaming newlywed!  I just know that one day this Charleston belle and I are going to be able to meet for a glass of wine ... or sweet tea!

{1} Describe your dating life prior to finding your husband.  
Well, I definitely kissed my fair share of frogs before I met my prince.  I was always attracted to the "bad boys" and would always be surprised when it didn't work out. I finally gave the "good guy" a shot, and lookie there!, it worked! :)

{2} Describe your husband in one word. How would he describe you in one word? 
Hard-working. I think (and hope) he would describe me as caring.

{3} You had a really silly fight. Embarrassing silly. What was it about? 
Most of our fights are about silly things. We've probably only had a handful of "fights" since we've been together. More disagreements and bickering than fights. But I'd have to say our last silly fight was about how to fold his t-shirts. He's very particular about them.... 

{4} In three sentences (and only three!), describe where you both hope to be in 5 years. 
We hope to be raising a little one (with maybe a second on the way?). Settled into a new house - we plan on moving before we have kids. And just loving every minute of our lives with our families and friends!

{5} Tell us something about your husband we wouldn't know from reading your blog. 
Ooh, good question! One thing that you probably don't know about him is that he is very close to his mom and grandmother. He talks to his mom on the phone every other day, if not every day. He talks to his grandma atleast once a week, and goes out to lunch with her and his mom about every other week. It is seriously the sweetest thing seeing him interact with his 92 year old "Rara." He can be in the worst mood, but when Rara calls, it goes out the window and he is all smiles talking to her.

{6} What's one thing you never thought you'd do in front of your husband, but you did? 
The Carlton Dance. For years I would only do it in front of my immediate family. Not even friends can see this dance! Then finally one day, I decided to show Cameron my skills. And now, whenever I want to make him laugh, I break out this gem. 


  1. She is so cute! Heading over to check out her blog now!


  2. This is so cute! Love the Carlton dance...that takes some serious moves!

  3. Thanks for inviting me to join in on the fun, April! Hope you're having a blast!

  4. Too cute! That's so sweet about your hubby being so close to his Mom and Rara! Wishing y'all a lifetime of happiness! Keep up that Carlton dance and you should be good to go;)

  5. Megan is the best! Lover her! I def want to see the Carlton dance in person!

  6. We totally need a vlog of the Carlton dance!

  7. oooh, I have never read her blog- just added it!


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