

Sparkly Green Earrings

Ian and I have made a concerted effort to go lights-out at 10pm for the past two weeks.  That was always our goal, but far too many nights were happening where I looked up from Candy Crush (ahem) to realize it was 11:15.  We were making our way back to bed later and later, and by the time we brushed teeth, chatted, and did some work (ahem) on our iPads, it was just too late to guarantee a restful sleep.

I'd had it with my yawn-filled mornings, so we vowed to start making our way back around 9:00/9:15, and now we are a few weeks in to 10pm bedtimes.  What a difference it makes when the alarm goes off in the morning!  To feel actually rested ... ahhh, I missed that feeling.  Many times I'll actually wake up before my alarm goes off, which is how I know I'm getting enough rest.

Sparkly Green Earrings

Reading before bed is so relaxing to me, and I am always looking for new books to capture my interest.  Typically I don't go for chick-lit, so I brushed off this title when I first saw it.  I admit it ... I totally judged the book by the cover. 

Little did I know that it wasn't at all what I was expecting!

I received an email Monday that this book was currently on sale for umm, FREE, so I read a bit about it and realized that it was worth a shot.

It's written by Melanie Shankle, blogger behind Big Mama.  And although I'm not a mama myself, I've enjoyed her writing so much already.  She's a darn hoot.  It has been the best way for me to end my day.

I'm not sure when the price will revert to normal, but if you can catch it while it's free, may as well!  With Mothers Day approaching, it will certainly be an insightful and humorous read.

And besides ... who doesn't love sparkly green earrings?

Sparkly Green Earrings

Top Row

Bottom Row

I think the book title has inspired me to do a little ear-bauble shopping.  Uh-oh!

Have you read this book or Melanie's blog?


  1. Yep, I read her blog and I read and reviewed her book. She is pretty funny!

  2. You've got me hooked on Candy Crush, too! Going to check out that blog now.

  3. I am always looking for books to add to my list. Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. Just snagged this read for Free. Thanks!

  5. Ekkkkkk. Perfect! I've been wanting to read this! And I totally agree about making it to bed early and have a little time to unwind before going to bed. We've been staying up too late as well and it's kicking my ass. Yes, I said ass... it's Wednesday and it felt right. ;) Ha.

    Love the earrings! I'll take one of each. Now, can me, you, Christina and Natasha all relocate to the same neighborhood? Brilliant idea, right?!

  6. We're the same way about bed times at our house. I'm going to try out the 10pm bedtime and see how it goes!
    I love Melanie's book. I read it a couple of weeks ago. I think I finished it in two days...staying up WAY past my bedtime. :)

  7. Just downloaded this - can't wait to read especially since it's FREE. Thanks for the heads up!

  8. I downloaded it the other day when I saw it was free and plan on starting as soon as I am finished with Picoult's Storyteller

  9. About to download candy crush for the car ride! Sounds like I need to read that book when I start reading again:)

  10. M and I are 10ish bedtimers as well. I am not a person who plays games on my iPad but I do visit with my friends on the west coast which makes me lose track of time. I think those KJL 'emerald' earrings are so fun. The remind me of the ones Angelina Jolie wore to one of the awards shows a few years ago.


  11. My hubs and I have been having to do the same thing! And, thanks for the tip about the book! Just got it sent to my Kindle! Yay!

  12. I totally agree with the bed time. I always feel so much better when I get to bed earlier.

  13. Might have to check this out!

    Whenever Bryce is out of town I get into bed by 9:30, read a bit, and have lights out by 10 or 10:15 at the latest! I feel SO much better..I need to start getting him to sticking to my routine as well, when he's home!

    Love all those pretty earrings!

  14. no - but THANK YOU for letting me know about this - and now i want a pair of earrings!

  15. i've been looking for a new book to read!! and those earrings - amazing!! i love the last ones especially ;)


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