

Happy Halloween!

We love Halloween.  No shocker there.  (You've seen our house)

And we still love getting dressed up!

This year I was a ballerina and Ian was Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

He nailed it, right?!

Everyone had creative costumes and we had a blast all hanging out together at our friends' house.

Did you dress up this year?  Go to any fun parties?

Also, this is your last day to give me some input on what you'd like to see me do for my 30 Before 30 ... IN 30! challenge.  Just comment on this post.  Thanks ya'll!


  1. haha! love your costumes!

    We didn't dress up this year...but it's always so much fun when we do!

  2. i wish i had gotten to do something this year for halloween. but i already have two costumes planned out for next year.

    you look so cute. and that guy pouring beer out of his fake nips? niiiiice.

  3. Your ballerina costume is ADORBS! So cute. Love that idea. Just might be saving it for another year. Enjoy your evening at your friends house tonight. I'll give out extra candy to our little ones and say its from you!!

  4. Oh my goodness!! You are such a cute ballerina! I love that Ian was Cousin Eddie. Clayton is obsessed with Christmas vacation and would have loved that! I hope y'all had lots of fun!

  5. Loving the costumes!! Brad's not big on dressing up and really..either am I. I've done it.. but it's not my thing.
    I like to look cute, so if I do dress's something pretty easy.

  6. You are darling! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!

  7. Super cute costumes! Looks like y'all had a fun time!

  8. Love your ballerina costume!! So cute :) We had so many trick-or-treaters last night (over 300!! it was insane) that I decided I HAVE to dress up to pass out candy next year! I may steal your costume idea :)


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