

Camille is ... FOUR!

I absolutely cannot believe that this girl, this girl right here, is FOUR today. Blows my mind. 

She is such a light, such a ball of energy, such a magnetic and awe-inducing little girl to me. She is captivating. 

I'll never forget the moment I told Ian that we were expecting. I drove home from work -- I'd been keeping the secret since 4am when I woke up, took a test, started shaking at the positive readout, and never went back to sleep. We had team t-shirt day at work, and I took the ECU Pirates theme (his college alma mater) and ran with it ... came home with purple and yellow balloons wrapped around a baby onesie. 

The video quality is terrible but I'm so happy that I have this moment captured. 

Camille was born at 6:43pm on May 14th (due May 5th, so fashionably late).

She was a deliciously sweet baby with big, alert eyes, a big presence, and a big voice.

Still is. Still just so engaged, so hungry for knowledge, so captivating to everyone around her.

We will be celebrating our special four-year-old today with some small family celebrations.

I can't describe how much I love my Camille Elizabeth. I hope this birthday and every other birthday are nothing but magical for her.


  1. That video is the sweetest thing. Happy Birthday, Camille!

  2. Happy birthday to your gorgeous girl!

  3. That video is AMAZING!!! Happy Birthday Camille!


  4. Goodness! Time has flown by. Happy Birthday Ms. Camille!

    She is sooo tall in that 1st snapshot.

  5. That video just gave me awesome that you captured it! Happy birthday to Camille!

  6. oh my gosh that video is priceless!! happy birthday sweet Camille!

  7. That video is priceless. Love!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  8. Happy Birthday Camille! That video made me cry, it was so sweet!!

  9. Such a sweet video! I was grinning ear to ear watching that and it's not even my announcement ha! :)

  10. I can't believe it either! Happy birthday sweet (big) C! xo


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