

Camille's Fall Fashion

Remember when we '80s babies were growing up, and the coolest concept in the world was a SHOPPING SPREE?

I remember talking to girls in elementary or middle school and being like "So what did you get for your birthday?" and they would say, "Ohhh, my grandma took me on a shopping spree" and I was jealousssss like crazy. Just thinking about a crimped-hair girl popping into every single store in the fluorescent-lit mall with shopping bags all up and down her arms. 

Well, I went on a bit of a shopping spree for Camille the other day while she was at preschool and I picked up the CUTEST things! Everything is from Kid to Kid and I paid between $1-5 for most every single item. Consignment shopping is my favorite!

So, I know you're dying to see this fall fashion. Here we go!

First things first, girlfriend got a chambray shirt. AND Under Armour yoga pants. AND the cutest little tulle skirt (it was a dollar and I figure it will be adorable over leggings). 

We are big big big into the twirly skirt phase, so when I saw this little ivory holiday dress with the quilted top (I just can't) and tulle twirly skirt (she just can't), I knew she would go BA-NANAS. And the lavender dress on the right with the castle and unicorns playing in snow was a dollar. I think it's cute, but good thing I didn't overpay ... I don't think she'll wear it because the skirt doesn't have spin. 

But is that laughing pose a style blogger pose, or what. I think I had to make a toot sound to get that. 

Cinderella shirt because she is all-princess-all-the-time. 
Skinny jeans. Necessary.
This little royal blue swing top with pockets is an Old Navy score -- we have it in a smaller size in a yellow color and she wore it a lot last year. 

I cuffed the skinny jeans and topped it with this black and white tunic dress from Carters. 

And that little navy shirt and pleated-side kilt! The tartan is almost an exact match for Ian's family tartan! He loves that I found this for her!

Lastly, this adorable aqua corduroy skirt with dogs on it is probably too snug, but it was like $2.50 so I will just keep it for Charlotte. 

And this little matching outfit with cats on it, matching leggings and that sassy coral bow at the neckline! Adorbs!

So, FALL COLLEZIONE 2017 a la Camille. She is my #stylegoals 


  1. Kill me right now!!!! What a cutie pie!! And I love all of your finds - especially that blue skirt! Too darn adorable

  2. This is just about the cutest blog post I have ever seen. Can Camille just have her own fashion blog already?! Haha

  3. She is so dang cute and has such a fun little personality!

  4. Wow! You have an amazing consignment shop!!! These outfits are adorable!!

  5. Um, her little poses are slaying me! Camille needs a fashion blog STAT.

  6. OMG she is adorable! Love that precious plaid skirt and you're right: that laughing pose is total fashion blogger photo pose and Camille nailed it! :)

  7. Love it! And I love the fashion show! Consignment shopping is so much fun. :-D

  8. This is exactly how I consignment shop for the kids, especially Lawter- picking up the fun, unique pieces. Loving that tutu! Great finds!

  9. I love her sassiness (sassyness?), and the fact that her knees and shins are all banged up from just playing and being a child. Hope she never loses the spirit she has!

  10. OMG, I love this so so much!!! Camille, you're my new favorite fashion blogger!!! :) Ella's going to be so jeally of all your new outfits...especially those last two!!!

  11. Yes! Kid to Kid is my jam! I love seeing your "scores" and Camille is totally rocking her new clothes. Lottie loves to do fashion shows with her new clothes too.

  12. SO cute and so many great deals! Score!

  13. Oh my gosh, adorable! I really like all of these outfits. So fashionable. :)

  14. SO cute. My gal is the same age. Do you have to fight tooth and nail with her to get her clothes on? Grace will ONLY wear twirly skirts so she has an all out meltdown if I try to put pants on her, and don't even mention a jacket / sweater!


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