

For The Baby Book

I have real, tangible, legit old-school baby books for each girl. Nothing fancy, just like the fifteen dollar ones you can get on Amazon. 

I have written down important stats in each girl's book (Charlotte's is admittedly more sparse) and truly do hope they enjoy looking through them one day, just as much as I enjoy looking through mine that my mom kept for me -- and later passed down to me. 

The books (and really, the box they came in) have also become a holding place for various papers and birthday cards and doctor office printouts and photos. I don't save every single birthday card or piece of artwork, but birthday cards that make the cut are the ones with sweet writing inside and artwork is usually just anything that involves a handprint ... since I know I will forget how tiny they really once were.

Camille made a doodle the other day that I am SO proud of, her first real face! Charlotte got ahold of it and scribbled on it which maddened Camille so much that she threw it across the room like a frisbee on fire. 

Oh well. I still think it's absolutely amazing and it's totally going in the baby book. 


  1. I'm using a baby book from Amazon as well... the one by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Which do you use?

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  2. "Like a frisbee on fire" haha! It's adorable, for the book for sure!

  3. What a sweet memory! I love how you documented it all. ☺️

  4. The part of Camille throwing it across the room like a frisbee on fire had me cracking up!!! She did such a good job and I definitely love the old school baby books!


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