

Gift Exchange With The Girlfriends

Last night several of us gathered after kiddos went down to bed for some wonderful girl time, gossip, gifts, and grape juice (the fermented variety).

Oh, and sushi ... delicious, delicious sushi. 

We swapped gifts in the traditional sense ... everyone drew a number, and items could only be stolen twice. Number 1 in line got to go again at the tail end and pick any gift she wanted. Our limit was $30 which was a really good price point to get something nice!

most stolen gifts:
the CLT hat
Skinnytaste cookbook (here)
nest holiday candle (here)

For my gift contribution, I went with the Nars blush in ... well, their most popular color. This one if you're interested to see! ;)

And I wore my new emerald green crushed velvet top from Nordstrom. Seriously so festive and fun for $39! I typically wear an XS, but in this line from their juniors department, I liked the look of the small on me better. 

It was a beautiful evening with friends and now I have one last gift exchange to attend with some girlies before Christmas Day!


  1. I love a gift exchange! We do one at my in-laws every year and I'm so excited about it!

  2. THOSE GIFTS!!!! I asked Santa for the CLT hat this year. But I should have grabbed one for the gift exchange tonight -- definitely steal worthy!!!

  3. so fun! i had a gift exchange with my friends this weekend too. you got some great gifts! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

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  5. Girls' nights are always the best! :)

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