

Back To It Again ... And 10 Questions (A Survey)

Well! Christmas is over (I mean, you wouldn't be able to tell that if you visited our home, our tree and decorations are still up!).

I kinda have the blues. Gone are the days of Christmas music piping through our home, starting the morning with the advent calendar, Christmas sips and treats, and holiday get-togethers.

What's keeping me excited is the promise of the new year, an upcoming birthday (the big 3-5), and a new blog name!

I've mentioned it a few times here ... I've blogged under the same name for over six years and am just ready for a slight change. Nothing crazy, just something a little more updated. So, after the new year, expect that small tweak!

Along those lines, would you mind taking a little survey for me? I am just curious about who my readers are and what you'd like to see out of my blog.

Thanks, friends!

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