

Weekend Notes and Mothers Day

What a weekend!

Friday night was low key. We watched Dateline and Ian cooked dinner while I tacked bathtime and bedtime for Mill-Mill. He made us chicken soft tacos and refried beans. We even bought margarita mix and tequila and then just got lazy and didn't open either (don't you worry, I did work on a bottle of delicous sauvignon blanc, my favorite).  

Saturday, our big activity of the day was going to Caroline's birthday party which had a cute Mickey Mouse theme. I made the girls matching hair accessories that morning so that they could dress the part.

Later that afternoon, I was on a hair accessories kick and I made Charlotte a bow on a headband to match Camille's hairbow. Both of these are the Lilly ribbon in the "Giddy Up" print, perfect for the Kentucky Derby that day!

My second Mothers Day was a relaxing one -- a very, very good one. When we woke up, Ian took Camille out to the kitchen, giving me some time to just relax in bed with my iPad and a snoozing newborn next to me. He later came in with some fresh-squeezed orange juice and coffee. And later, he and Camille popped back in with a sweet card. She learned the phrase "Happy Mothers Day Mama" quickly and repeated it over and over, along with "Happy Mothers Day Dada" and "Happy Mothers Day Baby Chah-yette" - haha!

We tried to beat the crowds by going out for an early breakfast and then doing lunch and dinner at home. George's opened at 9 and we were one of the first groups in the door. The brunch buffet was amazing -- the usual suspects plus some really nice additions like beignets, croque monsieurs, oysters on the half shell, and creme brulee pots. It was not inexpensive, but for a once-a-year treat, it was worth it. 

My only other wish for the day besides a meal with the family was a nice walk around the neighborhood. I recently picked up this double stroller on a local resale site, so I popped the girls in it around 4 when the weather was starting to cool off just a tad and we took a nice stroll. 

We have a busy week ahead, mainly today through Wednesday. I keep telling myself that if we can make it through Wednesday, we are golden. 

Tonight I do get a nice little break -- I am getting together with some girlfriends for dinner out. Bring on the margaritas (well, margarita) and girl talk ... 8pm can't get here soon enough! Mama's gonna break out her Spanx and red lipstick!


  1. Looks like the perfect weekend- nice and relaxing but also you got to get out for a bit! So fun you have a girls night planned for today!! Have a blast!! :)

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day. The girls are adorbs!

  3. What a fun weekend! We love George's. We go almost every time we are in town visiting my parents. Your girls are darling in the matching bows!! Have so much fun out tonight. You deserve it!

  4. Happy belated Mother's Day! Sounds like such a lovely weekend with the littles. They couldn't be any more adorable!

  5. Your girls are especially adorable in their matching outfits! I love all the bows you made. It sounds like the perfect Mother's Day and hurray for a girls' night tonight!

  6. Such a nice Mother's Day!! That brunch sounds amazing and this Mama can totally relate to the joy in breaking out spanx and red lipstick, so fun!

    Erin, Attention to Darling

  7. Aw, what a fun and relaxing Mother's Day! (And I have to admit, I totally LOL'd at the Spanx and red lipstick comment!)

  8. Sounds like a fun weekend! Hope your week is also off to a good start!

  9. You crack me up - the Spanx and lipstick comment had me giggling:) Loving that your second Mother's Day was low key and spent with the people you love most - and some good food too. I mean, that's a given:)

  10. Looks like a great Mother's Day! Love how Camille was wishing EVERYONE a happy day! Hope your night out was fun!

  11. Sonora required Father's Day to be lauded on the primary Sunday in June, since it was close to her dad's birthday. HappyFathersDayquotes Or maybe, the primary Father's Day celebration happened on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson made the third Sunday of June Father's Day.


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