

Five On Friday

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join along!

Remember, all you have to do is post about five things on your mind, add our logo (found at the bottom of this post), and join the party using the linky tools below. Easy, and a great way to find new blogs and be found. :)

I had my 30-week pregnancy appointment yesterday followed by my one-week gestational diabetes follow-up. Both went great! According to the midwife, I am measuring perfectly and everything looks great. The heartbeat was in the 150s and it just sounded so, so sweet. I never get tired of hearing that sound. My blood sugar numbers have been looking really good, in fact, the nurse/CDE would actually like to see me adding some extra carbohydrates in (ohhhhkayyy!) and next week I can just email her in a photo of my fingerstick results rather than meeting with her in person.

Growing, growing, growing ... up about 16/18 pounds now!

I was so excited to read my friend Justine's post yesterday with her $3 Kate Spade stud knock-off earrings, found at Walmart! Check out her post here ... y'all know I love an awesome, inexpensive find.

Last month I saw this adorable love note holder from Pottery Barn Kids. Camille is way off from needing one, but I was so tempted (they are now marked down to $15.50 here). Personalization is $9 extra.

Valentine's Day Love Notes Chairbacker

BUT! BUT! Yesterday during a trip to Target, I saw these oversized felt envelopes and I picked a few up! I should be able to get them embroidered with names for maybe $6, and they are a dollar each (from the dollar spot at the front of the store). A total deal, and I can't wait until next year when Camille gets the whole love-notes concept a little more and I can strap this to the back of her chair by stitching on a little red ribbon. 

I posted this week about the zucchini pizza bites I made for the playoff games, then I found this recipe on Pinterest which is a little more involved but looks seriously yummy. A great option for those of you planning your Super Bowl menu!

zucchini pizza bites4 (1 of 1):


Who's getting excited for Valentines Day? We won't be doing anything wild and crazy this year, but I do really love February 14th. I have a few decorations I usually buy at a major post-holiday discount at Michaels or Hobby Lobby and I want to put some things in Camille's room. Do you have big plans for the day of love, or are you a eat-at-home sort of couple?

10 Fabulous Valentine's Day Crafts:

TGIF y'all, and hope you will join in on Five on Friday this week! Cheers to the weekend!


  1. YES to an amazing earring find - and that $1 Target session offers some major scores! Those pizza bites look delish! Glad things are going well with BR#2 :)

  2. I am wearing my Walmart earrings as we speak!! Love them! And you look stunning, as usual! So glad to hear that you get to add some more variety back into your diet!! YAY! Hope you have a wonderful day!! :)

  3. Looking absolutely adorable, mama! Glad to hear that things are going ok in the GD department. Just a few weeks to go - you got this! Always love a good $1 spot find at Target. Headed there this morning, so will be keeping an eye out for those cute felt envelopes:)

  4. aww that little felt envelope is so cute!!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. Loving those zucchini pizza bites! And you look amazing!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  6. That envelope is so cute... Go idea to tie a ribbon to it! As for Valentine's Day, we don't have any plans (to my knowledge). We usually eat at home the as the restaurants are to busy for us!

  7. Looking great mama. Those zucchini bites look so yummy and crispy.

  8. You are so right about hearing that matter how many times you go to the doctor, it just never gets old!!

  9. Your belly is adorable and those earrings are gorgeous!!

  10. gotta go find those earrings! happy friday!

  11. Well, I guess I need to head to Walmart stat! They have been on point with the jewelry lately!

  12. Woo hooo! Heading to Walmart after work!

  13. Those earrings are such a good find. Thanks for sharing!

  14. I guess I am going to Walmart this weekend! Jess at Just Jess

  15. Loved joining for the first time today!!! And Targets dollar bins have been on fleek recently, I can't even handle all the goodness!

    Erin, Attention To Darling Blog

  16. Those zucchini pizza bites look so good! Making my mouth water looking at them. Have a great weekend.

  17. I love the card holder you found from PBK and hope you continue to feel great! -Julie from Everyday Happiness Blog

  18. Yay for healthy baby and mama! I have my 27-week check up in a few days and I can't wait to hear little guy's heartbeat! Looks like I'll be hitting the store for some zucchini along the way ;) Have a great week!


  19. You look wonderful! Glad all is going well! Those felt envelopes are too cute! I picked up the tiny mailboxes from the Target dollar spot last year to do something cute for L but decided it still wasn't worth pulling out for this year so that holiday tradition is still on the back burner! hah

  20. So sad-Utah is too far from them! Maybe one day they will deliver out west!
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