

It's Okay To Be (Fall) Basic

Ahh, FALL.

The first day of this glorious season was yesterday, and I welcomed it with open arms and a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Did I mention I sipped it wearing my white shorts and gold boat shoes? Whaaat .... it was hot here! No blanket scarves 'round these parts just yet!

I think when it comes to this autumnal bliss, you either fall in one of two camps:
1) You really don't give a hoot, I mean it's just a season, or

And if you are in that latter camp, I'm here to tell you that it's okay. It's okay to be Fall Basic.

basic / bā-sik (urban dictionary): 
an adjective used to describe any person, place, activity 
involving obscenely obvious behavior, dress, action.

Here's why I don't have an issue with being Fall Basic: it's cheesy, it's fun, it shows enthusiasm for what is a really beautiful time of year. So, go forth, pick your basket of apples, munch your cider donuts, button up that plaid lumberjack shirt, wear leggings to work, singlehandedly keep Starbucks in business, have your pumpkin patch photoshoot, and monogram your pumpkins (carving is so '90s). 

I dig it. 

fall favorites

And dress the part.
I sure as heck am going to.
I do have a few wishlist items this season. Here goes:

Soft Camel Sweater: A cashmere sweater is a bit of a splurge, but they can last a long time with good care. And the luxurious feel is worth owning one or two, in my opinion! Loving this camel version, and I love the navy and heather charcoal colors it comes in, too.

Dark Flare Jeans: I used to have the most amazing pair of AG flares. Tight across the bum, fitted in the thighs, and then the perfect (not-too-crazy) flare. I rocked them as a senior in college and felt so good walking to class with my pointy-toed heels. I wore them so much that they developed a hole that grew and grew until they were bordering on offensive, and now they still exist -- but as cut-offs. I am definitely willing to embrace this trend again. The flares in the photo above are the exact wash I'd want.

Worn Gold Studs: I am loving this worn gold finish ... less flashy than shiny summer earrings, more muted. Available here, and $20 -- would also be a great gift to pick up for the upcoming holiday season for a mom, sister, or girlfriend.

Cozy Plaid Scarf: Comfy cozy, yes please. I'm not a fan of all plaids (some color combos just don't do it for me), but I love this pattern. Available with free shipping here.

And if you're looking for more of an oversized blanket scarf, I also found some really pretty ones for more than half the cost of the above scarf on Amazon here, but looks like they take a little longer to arrive ... may be worth checking out, though! The "brown red" is my favorite color combination there.
Spring Fever Plaid Checked Tartan Scarf Wrap Shawl Spring Fever
Tortoise Sunglasses: In a crazy moment this year, I sold my C. Wonder tortoise sunglasses (boo). I miss them. I like chunkier sunglasses for fall, and these bad boys are only $12. With a 16-month old who loves removing my sunglasses all day every day, that price point is perfect for me.

Essie Polishes + Gel Setter: Okay, full review coming soon, but let's say that I'm a fan of Gel Setter. This gel-like topcoat gets an A+ rating from me so far (on Amazon here) and I love these two muted polish colors: Au Natural (on left, here) and Sand Tropez (on right, here). I think Au Natural would be so pretty on toes too, and I'd gladly give up my fuschia and bright red for this tone.

Tell me ... are you Fall Basic?
What's on your Fall Basic Bucket List?
You know you have one.

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  1. love this post! Right there with you on loving the return of the flare jean and I just tried Essie's gel top coat a couple of weeks ago...I am hooked! It works well with other polish brands too but of course the Essie colors are hard to beat. Happy Fall!

  2. I love it all too! Sometimes basic is just too fun to pass up :)

  3. YANKEE CANDLE. None of this fancy Voluspa nonsense. Gimme hashtag basic suburban mall scents. I picked up 'Kitchen Spice' and 'Autumn Wreath' and I'm loving life.

    I also have potted mums on my porch and a fall wreath on it's way. I'm going apple picking & pumpkin patch-ing (verb? sure) on Sunday!

  4. lol yes and yes! bring on everything fall :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. I am proudly basic! Bring on the pumpkins, PSL's, tall boots, blanket scarves, cool weather, chili, etc, etc, etc.

  6. I'm with you!! I love celebrating the change in seasons- espectially FALL Y'ALL! :)

  7. Own that pumpkin spice latte. You crack me up. :)

  8. I love that you are wearing white jeans and boat shoes, unlike other bloggers out there. If it's 80 degrees, there is no need to be wearing boots, scarves and ponchos!

  9. I am totally guilty of turning into white girl pumpkin everything once fall rolls around. Now only if NC would hop on board so I can wear jeans, scarfs, and boots without sweating, HA! Have a great week love!

  10. Yes to ALL the basicness!! I just need the weather over here to recognize summer is over. We are hopefully going to have a really wet winter (I say hopefully because we are in a really bad drought!) so I need to embrace everything fall before I turn into a hermit! I tried on a really cute pair of flare jeans at the Gap the other day and I am kind of bumming I didn't purchase them!

  11. If I wasn't diabetic I would so be all about the PSL right now! (Ooh, and salted caramel mochas!) It's too hot but I've been wearing booties and a felt hat a lot lately (and just sweating to death). Lighting my pumpkin candles and collecting decor by the week. My bucket list involves going to the zoo, making apple & sweet potato pies, playing cornhole outside, lots of walks, lots of orange scarf wearing, watching SEC football, and cooking with spices!

  12. fall clothes are the best clothes. And I want all of the blanket scarves!!!

  13. This post is so great! I'm definitely Fall Basic - and proud!

  14. I definitely fall into the second camp. I love all of your picks. I can't wait until this fall weather is actually here!

  15. I have that blanket scarf and I wear the mess out of it!!! love it so much! I just that second put that Essie gel setter top coat on for the first time as I type with 1 finger haha, excited to see how well it works!

  16. Yes; I'm SO basic! I actually ordered that same scarf this summer and I love it!

  17. Yes!! Love everything about this post. The scarf is amazing.

  18. I love everything about this post!!! I remember the days of flares! I'm kind of glad they're back but, I feel like I'm so short & heavy bottomed these days that I would have to wear wedges or something with them & I just don't wear those types of shoes very often anymore! I'm more of a flats & riding boots kind of girl! And you are making me want to go bust out the Fall nail polish colors RIGHT NOW!!

  19. Such great fall staples! I love the blanket plaid scarf too--I picked mine up at Choies I think last year for around $20. So fun to start putting together new outfits for a new season although I am not totally ready to let go of summer.

    Annie - All Things Big and Small

  20. Oh fall, such a fun time of year. You should link this up with our Falling for Fall linkup!!!!

  21. Ha I love this! I'm right there with you...who cares if it's silly? It's fun an exciting and I LOVE me some pumpkin-flavored everything. Love that outfit inspiration board too! So cute!

  22. Girl, I am totally fall basic. And totally okay with it:) Loving your choices for this season! Get those flares, mama. I bought a pair for this year and am loving them!

  23. I love this so much. I am so extremely basic. Love love LOVE me some fall!


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