

Tuesday Ramblings

I love blogging ramblings. A glimpse into true life. So without further rambling -- here we go.


Are you glad I didn't say "without further ado"? That phrase is overused in the blogging world.

Are you even more glad I didn't say "without further adieu"? That phrase is wrong, and also overused in the blogging world.


I got so tired of Camille's overflowing closet that I pulled everything out of it, threw it on the ground, and then hung back up only what actually fit her and was in-season. Yay for an awesome closet again!

But now I have a huge pile of clothes that I can't bear to pack away but I also am not ready to sell, give to a friend, or donate. What if we have another child at some point, and it's a girl, born in the same season?

So now her overflowing closet is a massively huge heap on the floor. I got overwhelmed so I just closed the door to her room. Like that will fix it.

Keep Calm and ... #keep_calm #organization  I know someone that would LOVE this @Nickole Walton


Where are all of the babysitters in Charlotte?!


We need a date night. Bad.


Every time Ian and I feel overwhelmed and disconnected, we say one word to each other: MEXICO.


In Mexico I will be getting a massage. My last massage was a prenatal one. It's not that I don't have time to schedule one now (Ian would gladly stay home with the baby) but it's moreso that I don't want to take the time away from her on a weekend. Plus ... still nursing and I'm sure as hell not going down to Ballantyne Resort for a few hours with a pump in hand.


That reminds me, I actually did have one massage in September for a bachelorette weekend. Oh man, take me back to that weekend! Good times. I miss my college girlfriends who I don't see or chat with enough.


We need more food in this house.
Feeding a baby who could eat mushy peaches and Ritz crackers at every meal is challenging.
Must hit grocery store soon and buy organic vegetables.

We're All in the Same Boat: Hilarious Weight-Loss Inspiration: Anyone who's ever tried to lose weight feels for you.


  1. "without further ado" - YES, far too overused.

  2. yessss- rants are my favorite kind of posts because they are REAL. and you have such good voice in your posts so regular rants are a MUST (please :) ) I am going to Mexico next month and that one beautiful word is also used very often in my household. yayayayayaya mangos ON THE BEACH. k that is all. yay MEXICO!

    Lovely Little Rants

  3. I will gladly babysit so you can have a date night :) seriously!

  4. Great post and blog! like it :)))

  5. Ha! That last picture is so true!! I am with you on packing up clothing. Since we are in a small two bedroom I only have a dresser for her since my husband needs the closet. (Because no one can he and I BOTH use the one in our bedroom) So I often am packing up her little clothing when she outgrows it. However I too cannot part with any of it. It sits in two large tubs in her room...just in case she gets a sister one day.

  6. I can't stand a disorganized closet - for anyone in my house. It drives me crazy! So, I keep a tub in the bottom of each child's closet. When they outgrow an item or it goes out of season, I immediately pop it into the tub. Then, when that tub gets full, I move it to a bigger tub in the attic labeled 0-6 months/ 6-12 months, etc. I'm not ready to part with most of our baby clothing, so this system works for me for now! I know if I made piles for the big attic tubs, they would just sit around the house and the mess would stress me out, so the smaller tubs in the closets help keep me sane for now!:)

  7. I say you sell some of her darling clothes to me!! ;)

  8. ugh my closet is a mess - its basically taken over my room. I just told my boyfriend that is my project for this coming weekend!

  9. Find a college girl at UNC Charlotte or Queens- early education or childhood development majors are always great! Then when she can't get her roommates or sorority sisters. It opens up a HUGE network of great girls to babysit.

  10. Oh, and I have put up signs at UT's education dept to fin done, or gotten sorority babysitter lists from alumnae friends.

  11. I bought those huge Tupperware containers at Target and put clothes in them when they are too small. Eventually we had to label by ages and seasons but now that we're about to have three girls it's really helpful!

  12. Oh and get in with a sorority at Queens College for sitters. That worked for us!

  13. I love this! You cracked me up in the beginning. So true!
    And imagine me - my daughter is 7. I haven't gotten rid of ANY of her clothes with the SLIGHT HOPE we may have another girl in the same season. I don't want to tell you how many plastic storage totes are in our attic. YIKES!
    YAY for Mexico in the distant future!!

  14. I kept my oldest daughters clothes in rubber maid bins w cedar chips. Next, I had a precious son and another baby girl, now 2, who wears ALL of big sisters things 6 years later;) oldest May baby, youngest July baby and it works:) I would just keep;) Mandy from Mt. Pleasant

  15. Haha!! I love this, everything about it. I too have not had a massage since my prenatal ones. That is messed up when your baby turns one in three days! And I have fed Avery cheese and crackers one too many times to admit in the past week...

  16. I loved everything about this post! I would have closed the door to the room too ;)

  17. ...and my husband wonders why there are so many diaper boxes in my closet of clothes...because i do the EXACT SAME THING! & he should be thankful because we DID have two girls! so there. :)

  18. I'm so jealous you live near The Ballantne Spa!! I went there when I was in Charlotte. It was by far the BEST massage and facial I have ever had. Been dreaming of going back ever since.

  19. Oh, I hear you about the baby clothes...Ella's closet is not only exploding, but she has taken over the guest room closet, too! And I have some GREAT babysitters if you ever need one! (Our nanny #1 and also 3 sisters that Anni recommended to me)

  20. Tell me where these organic vegetables turned donuts are because I want them! Love rambling posts!

  21. I love these kind of posts. I like writing in bullet point form much better than full paragraphs. I'm going for my first prenatal massage tomorrow and I'm so excited! Yay for quality time laying on my belly and some rubbing my legs. ;)


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