

Our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was so awesome. More than anything, the break was much needed! 

The morning started off with the baby witnessing her first Turkey Trot. It passes through our neighborhood, so I bundled up Camille and we watched the 5k and 8k runners pass by. I helped her wave and clap for the participants and she was just so cute, taking it all in. We saw people dressed as turkeys, people dressed as pilgrims, people with giant turkey hats on. People-watching at its finest.

My father's side of the family was getting together in Charlotte at my aunt and uncle's house. Gotta love an easy and quick trip when you have a wee one. The guys spent the morning golfing and then joined us at the house later for a true feast. 

I make the cranberry sauce every year, so that was my contribution. We had roasted AND deep-fried turkey, mashed and sweet potatoes, green beans, a corn dish, rolls and biscuits, stuffing, oyster stuffing, pecan and pumpkin pie, oh gosh -- I'm full just thinking about it. 

Friday morning, Ian took us out to breakfast at Little Spoon and then we packed up and hit the road for my family's lakehouse.

A cute moment was watching Camille take a bath in the same sink that my sister Laura bathed in as a baby. When my parents built the lakehouse, they had the sink from our family home put in the kitchen. 

Sidenote, who needs toys when you have a mayonnaise lid?

It was great having the family members there to love on the babe, reading to her...

... and dancing for her. :) You should have heard those belly laughs!

Yesterday, after arriving back in Charlotte, we spent a little bit of time getting the Christmas decorations down from the attic and starting the decorating. 

We had big plans to decorate the tree last night after the baby went to sleep, but then we decided to call it an early night instead. I think I was out at 8:45, no lie. Just exhausted!

So maybe tonight we'll make a little hot chocolate and get those ornaments unpacked. I'm already looking forward it it.


  1. Looks like you guys had a fabulous weekend! And were able to fit in so much family time - love! Sweet Camille looks like she sure enjoyed her first Thanksgiving:) You guys definitely deserved an early night last night after all that you fit in!

  2. I love the picture of your daughter playing with the mayonnaise lid. I'm always amazed by all of the "toys" that babies can find around the house. My daughter's current favorite is the baby wipe package.

  3. Looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving! I can't get over how big Camille is getting!

  4. Aww how sweet - Camille's first thanksgiving!! Sounds like a great weekend! Our tree is up also but, no decorations yet! Maybe/hopefully tonight!!

  5. She is so precious! I love the photo of the two of you and your gorgeous tree!

  6. Such a fantastic pic of you and Millie in front of the Christmas tree!! So glad you had a great weekend.

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday! Henry also plays with the most bizarre things... The other day, he thought the plastic wrap off a box of dog treats was the MOST fun thing ever! Silly babies. Get to decorating that tree, I want to see pics!

  8. Fried turkey?!?! What, what! Yes, why thank you, I'd love some leftovers! lol. My husband and I got the tree decorated last night! Best feeling ever! And really neat about your daughter bathing in the same sink as your sis. So precious!

  9. yummm so much food! sounds like an amazing thanksgiving! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. She is so precious! Great photos.


  11. Yay for starting off the season of holiday firsts!! So cute!!!

  12. What an awesome weekend! C is such a gorgeous babe! xo

  13. That sounds like us- we got our tree on SATURDAY and still haven't decorated it! hah! We did lights right away because a tree without lights just looks sad but I can't find the time/energy to break out ornaments and hooks yet!

  14. Look at those cute and chubby baby girl legs wrapped in leopard! What a sweet.

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