

Monday This and That

December 8th ... how quickly you have arrived. The days are zipping by. My babe turns seven months old this Sunday. My own birthday is looming ahead -- three-ish weeks away. And Christmas is in two and a half weeks. Yikes!

We had a really (much-needed) low-key weekend. Friday evening we had a last-minute pediatrician appointment to get the baby checked out. It's just another pesky cold, but man those things come way too often. I hate it for her. After she went down to bed, we had a little pizza and watched American Horror Story.

Saturday I was able to scoot out of the house for a little bit and enjoy some "me time" ... my favorite local bead shop, Beads Inc., was having a little holiday shindig complete with a Social Dress Shop pop-up shop. I picked up some jewelry-making supplies and an awesome Hunter Bell top to wear for New Years Eve.

Stella Top

Sunday we attended a baptism brunch for dear friends of ours, and had the best time celebrating that sweet babe. Later in the afternoon, my sister -- in town for a wedding from New York -- stopped by with her boyfriend and his parents for a visit. Camille loved seeing her, she was all smiles.

I did a little more holiday shopping this weekend (online of course). One of my fave sale shopping sites, Zulily, had some great deals going on. I picked up these items to put under the tree for Camille:


Ian's still asking me what I want Ho-Ho to bring me. Funny how you get older, you dread putting together a list. Ummmm .... I am out of toothpaste? The sensitive kind? I would like ... a non-smudged manicure. What else? How about an extra seven days of PTO from work -- can ya make that happen?!

But fo-reals, here are some awesome finds in the $25-35 range, since yesterday's post was $25 and under. Don't forget that Bloomies and Urban Outfitters are offering free shipping now, and you just can't beat that with a stick. UO's shipping is only free thru today so someone please snag this macaron trinket box for $10 and shoot, stick it in your own stocking!


  1. Loving the NYE top you chose! If my belly weren't getting rounder by the minute, I'd be tempted to pick one up myself, lol!

    And those moccs? I die. Definitely need to pick up a similar pair for baby K - though I guess I have some time:) My OCD side is really coming out in trying to prepare for the arrival of a girl! I keep having to remind myself that I have 5 months!

  2. I just love Zulilly's baby section. I have a feeling I will be spending all my paycheck there when we have kids.

  3. aww i love the moccasins! too cute. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. Love that top. I'm a sucker for anything gold. :)

  5. Love those little moccasins! The picks for adults are just as fun. Hope Camille is feeling all better.

  6. I was thinking about getting those moccasins for my little girl. They are just too cute. I also love the top you got. That is stunning.

    I am hosting a giveaway on my blog today through Wednesday. I'm giving away a Stella & Dot clutch. If you are interested you should pop over and enter.

  7. LOVE love love that gold top! Perfect for NYE!

  8. I hear you about making a grown-up wishlist. I guess that's why I love the Amazon universal one? My family typically does that and I just add things to it throughout the year... really makes it less stressful to dole out ideas to whomever.

    ...having an Aunt who is now working at Neimans doesn't hurt either! :D


  9. I always forget our birthdays are so close to each other! Can't believe how soon it, along with Christmas will be here!

  10. I can't believe Christmas is so close! Where did the time go? I'm going to go ahead and blame Thanksgiving for being so late this year. I feel like we got no time! Moccs, gotta love them! I got some for my daughter too! Love Zullily, I try to not go there too often, else I am buying EVERYTHING!


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