

Five On Friday

Fall is here and that means one thing ... summer break is o-v-e-r and Five on Friday will be officially resuming next week! And we are so excited because we have something extra exciting up our sleeves. Stay tuned... 

For now, here are five things on my mind this gray and chilly Friday.

I have a lunch date today with two girlfriends and I am so excited about it. Working from home is great, don't get me wrong -- but I do love any reason to get out of the house around the lunch hour and SOCIALIZE. Catching up with two uplifting friends over a delicious lunch is a true treat.

surround yourself with good

After totaling up our grocery store spending for August, THEN picking up my jaw from the floor (oh my gosh ... so expensive), I have dedicated the month of September to seriously slashing our grocery spending. The two main ways I've done this is through meal planning and lower-cost shopping. I am planning a blog post about some of my favorite Aldi finds. You can also search Aldi on Pinterest for some pretty helpful blog articles like this one. Tip: don't just read the blog post; there is also a ton of great info in the comments section.

Aldi 101: What To Buy At Aldi Part 3 and I'm on my way there today!!  Do you know there is an app and website for the weekly flyers and specials?!  Good for planning.

Neighbors of us gave us a few books when Camille was born and Good Dog Carl is a definite favorite. It is about some fun adventures had between a dog and a baby. There are no words to the book so you can make up the captions to the illustrations as you go along. It would make a cute baby shower gift for a family with a pup.

This photo is a little dark but it accurately depicts the nice quiet time I had earlier this morning ... a little cereal, coffee, and blog reading before the workday got started. Camille woke up in an adorable, giggly mood and we have a relaxing weekend planned with not a lot on the books. The best kind.

Tis the season for kids' consignment sales, and I've been making the rounds. I've been to two already this month and will go to a third this weekend. At the first sale I bought a pair of really soft pima cotton pajamas for the baby (Pixie Lily for $4.50 -- a steal), and at the second one I found these two items below. This photo was taken on my iPad and the pic quality is less than stellar, but I was just snapping a quick photo to show my mom. The brown and ivory toile jumper can be layered over a short sleeved or long sleeved top, and the pink corduroy smocked number just was too cute to pass up. Both will fit Camille later this winter or early spring when it's still chilly. 

I rarely purchase new clothes anymore, consignment is the way to go. My favorite way to locate sales is by using Spring and fall are the times to find them!

TGIF, and may your weekend be an awesome one. 

See you next week for the linkup!


  1. yahh im glad youre bringing back 5 on friday! have a wonderful weekend ;) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. omg I had totally forgotten about that dog book until just now! it was one of my favorites growing up!

  3. Sounds like a great start to the weekend! We have found that meal planning (& sticking to it) is key when trying to cut down on the grocery/food bill! It takes a little dedication but, totally doable! Love that you shop the consignment sales! That is so up my alley- thanks for sharing that website! Can't wait to check it out for my little guy!!

  4. Since starting my new job, I've happily surprised myself with the HUGE amount of money I've saved (A) meal planning (B) bringing my own lunches to work. It takes a bit of planning, but that's what to do lists and highlighers are for :)

  5. Great to know about consignment shopping for the future ;) Enjoy lunch and happy weekend

  6. Quiet weekends are always the best. Enjoy the time with your family!

  7. Always love your Friday five! Thank you for writing! So happy for you for a calm, family time weekend. We're off to enjoy one picking & all :)

  8. cute finds! I love consignment too and hand me downs!
    BTW - we love Aldi!

  9. Can't wait to see what you Five on Friday gals have up your sleeves! :) Also looking forward to your Aldi post - I've never shopped there, but heard good things. Great deal on the consignment sale finds, Mama! I haven't made it to any of the sales near me this fall, and I'm so bummed about it.

  10. Thanks for the Aldi link...we have one not far from us, but we never use it. Walmart is just so close! I think I may need to check it out a bit more often!

  11. I work from home, too, and sometimes when I see someone walk by my house or when I take a break and go to the gym I'm all like TALK TO ME! An adult and not a computer, yay!! Woah, this Aldi post is going to be awesome. We have one here and I've never been!! My roommate says it's quite the experience and she needs to go w/ me the first time, haha! I'll wait until I read your post. Have a great weekend!

  12. Good Dog Carl was my favorite book as a kid! I had long forgotten about it until I ran across it at the book store just a couple years ago. I scooped it up and I'm so thankful I did, now I have a copy to share with our little we're expecting in December!

  13. Excited that you guys are back! And excited for the exciting news!
    When Camille gets older, I would definitely try I say older because I think the smallest size they have is 6-12 months (or maybe just 12 months?) so she probably wouldn't fit into it now. But basically it's a site where you can buy (and sell) gently used designer brand clothes. I've been buying tons of stuff for my son there recently (and with the credits I have some selling his old clothes to them)!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing that consignment website! I found a few upcoming sales in our area that I'm definitely going to try to get to. Baby is on the way soon and I've got a nursery to fill! Xoxo

  15. Oh the quiet time in the morning is my favorite part of the day! Yours looks so cozy. :) Happy weekend!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Tell me about it. I moved to Miami, after working from home in NYC for about 5 years. Now I live in this amazing apartment (link for the interested: and I go out with friends almost every other day. My mood and my psychological disposition have changed immensely.

  18. Happy Friday (a week late...). So happy to find your blog! Darling! Growing up we loved the Carl books at our house too, except they were referred to as Jake and Gunner (my youngest brother and my cousin's Rottweiler.) They are the best! Enjoy your weekend!


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